
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 17

After a few minutes of heating the ground, Alpha turned off the fire , then put his palms on the hot area

it was extremely painful, since that spot was red hot, alpha could only grit his teeth in pain, the heat was so irresistible, yet he bared with it

soon after, the burning sensation disappeared, he thought that the ground had cooled off, but unfortunately, it was only his hands burning to a severe degree where he couldn't feel anything anymore

thanks to his high INT Alpha realized the situation of his hands, so he immediately applied healing magic on them, then placed them back on the red spots to burn them even more

after a while, his hands lost sensation once again, so he had to reapply the healing magic

but this time, instead of just putting his hands on the floor, he took off his shoes and squatted on the red spot with his feet and hands touching the ground in a position similar to a frog

luckily, the ground had been heated up a lot, so it lasted for a decent length of time

because of that, Alpha had to keep healing his hands and feet over and over again, eventually the ground cooled off, and Alpha had to stop and reheat it

thinking to himself about how long it took him to get that one spot red hot, he tried a different approach

instead of using one flamethrower, he decided to use two at the same time, one on each hand

while doing that, he accidentally brought them too close to each other, and the result was... the two flamethrowers merging together

that scene reminded Alpha of how he created the storm bomb, he knew if he were to merge more of them, a greater skill will show up

so he left the control of the strengthened flamethrower to the left hand, and use the right hand to cast another one, after which he merged them both together

They did get stronger, but that's all, so he repeated the same process two more times, ending up with five flamethrowers merging together

after merging the fifth one , he got a new skill !

Active skill [dragon breath] : release a strong dragon breath that have enough heat to melt rocks , 100MP , DUR:10s

As soon as he read the skill description, Alpha jumped in excitement " YES!!! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!!"

Then he immediately brought his arms in front of him pointing to the ground then shouted [DRAGON BREATH]!!!!

A strong flame rushed out of his hands and covered a large portion of the floor, reaching not only the spot he was aiming at but also covering almost the majority of the room

as a result, Alpha didn't only manage to heat up that one small area, he turned the whole safe Zone into a furnace, and his legs were completely cooked by his own flames

When the dragon breath deactivated, Alpha fell back on the ground, he was screaming in pain, confused and not knowing what to do after the mistake he just made

luckily he wasn't alone, he had the mask to guide him in his times of need, "what are you doing!!? do you want to lose your legs for good!? hurry up and heal them"

Alpha was still in pain, but he managed to recover somehow, after all, he've experienced a greater torture before

he looked at his feet and casted heal, it didn't have any noticeable effects, so he kept casting it again and again to no avail

he couldn't think of any other method, the pain and fear of losing his legs clouded his judgment , he kept on casting heal after heal until he ran out of Mana

yet even that didn't stop him from acting rashly, he tried to refill his Mana pool as fast as he could, then went on casting heal over and over, then his Mana pool run out once more

and once again, he refilled it, then resumed casting heal on his legs

eventually after sometime, he stopped and realized what he was doing is futile, so he tried to come up with a different method

instead of casting heel by infusing his injuries with Mana, why don't he try to reshape his legs with it instead, maybe he will be able to recover it back to normal

he closed his eyes while still fighting through the pain, put all the Mana he had into one leg, and tried to imagine it going back to how it was

it didn't perfectly work, but it showed some effects, those little effects gave him a huge boost in confidence and The ray of Hope he needed

he cleared his mind and focused on how exactly his leg was, what was it made of , how did it function, what was it lacking

he tried to recall as many information and details as he could, then suddenly, he regained sensation all the way on his toes, his leg was restored

Alpha was overjoyed! and immediately turned to the other leg, but sadly he didn't have enough Mana for it, so he had to bear with the pain a little bit longer, at least until he can refill his Mana pool again

Once he was done, he applied the same method on the other leg, it still took a while, but eventually, both his legs were restored

And with that Alpha gained a few more skills and a title

Active skill [regenerate] : 200 MP , you can recreate any missing body part as long as the wound is still fresh

Active skill [leg boost] : 35 MP , DEX+10% , leg STR +10%

Passive skill [heat tolerance] : you can ignore heat to a certain degree, the higher the skill level the higher heat you can tolerate

Title [masochist] : he who enjoys torturing himself , HP+20% , pain resistance

Active skill [pain resistance] : MP 30 , DUR:30s , lose the ability to feel pain for a short period of time