
Tony Stark Life Without Regrets

In a world of shifting alliances and uncertain loyalties, Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff find their lives intertwined against the backdrop of world-changing events. As they navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and unconventional connections, their relationships evolve amidst secrets and desires. Amid the turmoil of a Civil War, their pasts resurface, reshaping their lives in unexpected ways.

arnautovic · Movies
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23 Chs


In the aftermath of their transformation through the Extremis serum, Tony, Natasha, and their enhanced family had formed an unbreakable bond. Laughter, learning, and love echoed through the halls of Tony's countryside home, where each day brought a new adventure. But the tranquility was shattered when the past came knocking in the most unexpected and violent manner.

Clint Barton, known as Ronin, had transformed into a man with a shattered moral compass. Fueled by grief and darkness, he stormed into Tony's home, his eyes ablaze with rage and accusations. The children had been playing in the garden, their innocent laughter now replaced by fearful silence.

"What have you done? Where are my kids?" Clint's voice was a thunderclap, echoing through the room as he confronted Tony with barely-contained fury.

Tony's eyes narrowed, his gaze steady despite the storm that raged before him. "Clint, calm down. We need to talk."

"Calm down?" Clint's laughter was bitter, twisted. "You've kidnapped my children and played house with them, and you expect me to calm down?"

Natasha stepped forward, a protective force that stood between Clint and the children. "Clint, you don't understand the situation."

"I understand that you've taken my kids and filled their heads with your lies!" Clint's voice cracked, his grip on his bow tightening.

Tony's heart pounded, his enhanced senses picking up the dangerous undercurrents in the room. "Clint, put the bow down. You're not thinking clearly."

But Clint's rage overpowered reason. He aimed an arrow at Tony, determination in his eyes. "You took everything from me. Now it's time to take something from you."

In an instant, the room erupted into chaos. Tony's enhanced abilities allowed him to match Clint's speed and agility, their fight a symphony of metal and arrows. Natasha, her movements graceful and precise, tried to shield the children from the violence that unfolded before them.

As the confrontation escalated, Lila felt her heart pound in her chest. Her mind raced, and she knew she had to protect Tony, the man who had become the father figure she needed. Without hesitation, she stepped between Tony and Clint, the arrow slicing her cheek as she shielded him.

The room fell into stunned silence. Tony's fury blazed as he powered up his Iron Man repulsor. In an instant, the beam of energy struck Clint, rendering him unconscious.

Clint lay tied and helpless, the room tense with emotions left unspoken. Natasha's voice cut through the silence, cold and controlled. "Explain yourself, Clint."

Anger flashed in his eyes as he looked at Tony and Natasha, his voice dripping with bitterness. "You took them from me. You hid them."

Tony's jaw clenched, his voice hard and filled with the weight of a father's protectiveness. "You never even bothered to ask about your children, Clint. You left them behind without a second thought."

Clint's retort was filled with venom. "And you think you can replace me? You think you're a better father?"

Natasha's eyes flashed with anger as she stepped forward. "You almost killed Lila."

The room crackled with tension, emotions that had been festering for years finally rising to the surface. But it was the children who cut through the anger with their unfiltered honesty.

Cooper's voice trembled, his words clear and resolute. "You're not our dad. Tony is. He's been there for us, supported us. He even tries to cook, even though he's terrible at it. He's a real dad."

Nathaniel stood guard in front of Morgan, his stance protective. "I don't even remember you, but I know Tony and Natasha. They're our family."

Lila's voice was softer, her gaze fixed on Clint. "You were never there for us. You left us behind. Tony didn't."

Tears welled up in Clint's eyes as he looked at his children, realizing the chasm he had allowed to grow between them. Regret mingled with his anger, and he hung his head in shame.

Natasha's voice softened as she looked at the children. "You have a choice, but know that whatever you decide, we're here for you."

And as the children embraced each other, the bonds of their chosen family stronger than ever, Tony and Natasha knew that the scars of the past could heal, that love and acceptance had the power to bridge even the deepest divides.

The tension in the room was palpable, thick like a storm about to break. The clash of wills between Clint and Tony crackled in the air, each man driven by his own sense of righteousness and love for the children caught in the crossfire. Natasha stood between them, a pillar of strength protecting the children from the violent tempest that threatened to engulf them.

Lila's cheek stung from the shallow cut left by the arrow. She held a trembling hand to her face, her eyes never leaving Clint's furious gaze. The silence hung heavy, broken only by the soft sounds of Clint's labored breathing.

"You think you're protecting them?" Clint's voice was laced with pain and resentment. "You've kept them from me, brainwashed them."

Tony's enhanced senses picked up on the anguished desperation in Clint's words, a father's heartache simmering beneath the rage. "Clint, we've taken care of them. You were gone, fighting your battles. We didn't brainwash them. They found a family here, one that loves and supports them."

Natasha's voice was cold, a controlled force cutting through the tumultuous emotions. "They're not pawns in some twisted game. They're children who needed stability, who needed someone to care for them."

Clint's fists clenched, his eyes locked onto his children. "I never wanted to leave them. But I thought they were gone. When I found out they were alive, I searched for them."

"And yet you never bothered to reach out, to ask about them," Tony's voice was edged with frustration. "You left them behind."

Cooper's voice was a mixture of anger and sorrow, the words bursting forth. "You were gone, Dad. We needed someone. Tony was there for us."

Nathaniel's stance was unwavering, a silent shield in front of Morgan. "You don't even remember us, but you come barging in like you have a right."

Tears welled in Clint's eyes as he listened to his children's voices, their pain and confusion a mirror to his own. Regret seeped through the cracks of his anger, and he slumped against the restraints that held him captive.

Natasha's voice softened, her eyes never leaving Clint's defeated form. "They have a choice, Clint. They decide who they want to be with."

As the room fell into a heavy silence, the children huddled close to each other, their bond unbreakable. Lila's gaze was steady, her words firm yet laced with empathy. "We want to be here, with Tony and Natasha."

Cooper's voice was a resolute whisper. "You were never here. Tony's been more of a dad than you ever were."

Tears streamed down Clint's face as he looked at his children, realizing the chasm he had allowed to grow between them. His anger was no match for the honesty and bravery of the children he had left behind.

Natasha's gaze held a depth of understanding as she spoke. "You have a chance to be a part of their lives now. But you need to respect their choices."

And as the children embraced each other, a united front against the turmoil of the past, Tony and Natasha stood as a testament to the healing power of love and the resilience of chosen families. The scars of their shared history were laid bare, but in that vulnerability lay the potential for reconciliation, growth, and the chance to build bridges across the fractured remnants of a broken family.

Clint stood in the aftermath of the emotional storm, his heart heavy with the weight of his actions and his past. The children's words echoed in his mind, each one a painful reminder of the time he had lost and the choices he had made. He had fought so hard to protect them, only to realize that his absence had hurt them more deeply than he could have ever imagined.

His voice trembled as he addressed his children, his heart on his sleeve. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything, for leaving you, for not being there. I was broken, and I thought you were gone. But that's no excuse. I should have tried harder to find you, to be there for you."

The children remained silent, their eyes fixed on the ground, emotions too complex to put into words. Clint's heart ached at their quiet pain, a pain he had unknowingly inflicted upon them.

Natasha's voice was gentle, a lifeline in the midst of the storm. "Clint, you have to fix yourself before you can even think about mending your relationship with them."

Tony's gaze was steady, his voice measured. "We won't forbid you from coming back. But it's up to them. They decide if and when they're ready to see you."

Clint's heartbreak was etched on his face as he nodded, a mix of determination and regret swirling in his eyes. He left the house that had been a haven for his children, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he had a long road ahead of him to mend what he had broken.

As Clint's presence receded, a heavy silence settled over the room. The children huddled close, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions that had erupted. But it was Lila who broke the quiet, her voice timid yet resolute.

"Tony," she began, her gaze meeting his with a mix of vulnerability and hope, "can I... can I call you Dad?"

Tony's heart swelled with a mixture of surprise and joy. He had never anticipated such a request, but the depth of feeling in Lila's eyes made his chest tighten with warmth.

A soft smile graced his lips. "Of course, you can, Lila. I'd be honored."

Nathaniel, never one to be left out, looked at Tony with a small grin. "Me too."

Tony's smile grew wider as he nodded. "Absolutely, Nathaniel."

Morgan's voice was soft, her eyes shining with innocence. "Can brother Cooper call you Dad too?"

Cooper, the oldest of the children, seemed to feign ignorance, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Tony's heart swelled as he looked at the children, his chosen family, each one unique and precious in their own way. In the midst of trials and heartache, they had found each other, creating bonds that ran deeper than blood.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the room, they stood together, facing the uncertainties of the future with hearts full of hope, love, and the promise of redemption.