
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8: Awakening

Toneri's milky white eyes fluttered open, his tenseigan deactivated he adjusting to the sterile light of the room around him. He sat up, his body aching from the ordeal he had endured but rapidly healing and his chakra reserves seems to be half way recovered. This place was unlike anything he had ever seen—clean, metallic, and filled with advanced technology.

'Where am i,' Toneri thought as he looked around the room. Rising to his feet, he moved towards a large glass panel that revealed a stunning view of the Earth below. His eyes widened in confusion as he stared at the blue planet. "Earth?" he muttered, his voice barely audible. How had he made it back here?

Stepping back from the window, he looked around the room once more. The advanced technology and the unfamiliar environment only deepened his confusion. Determined to understand his situation, he activated his Byakugan, his vision expanding to sense everything around him. He could detect multiple life signatures throughout the structure—some human, others with unique energies he had never encountered before.

As his senses sharpened, he felt multiple life signatures around him, each distinct and powerful. Concentrating, he tried to understand what surrounded him. One signature felt human but had a touch of raiton nature, another was purely human, and another had an energy signature much like a storm but felt bound or restrained. One signature radiated an intense heat, like staring into a sun. The last presence was completely inhuman, eerily familiar from his previous encounters with a similar entity that had intruded upon his mind.

He also sensed a presence that seemed boundless and green, carrying a unique, almost otherworldly energy signature.While he was deep in thought, he sensed the purely human signature moving closer.

Just before the door opened, Toneri deactivated his Byakugan and, with a subtle hand sign, cast a small genjutsu over his eyes. Anyone looking at him would see only normal cerulean blue eyes, hiding the true nature of his powerful dojutsu.

Moments later, the door to the med bay slid open, revealing a tall figure clad in dark armor. The man's scowl was evident beneath his cowl, his eyes sharp and calculating.

"You are finally awake," the man said, his voice deep and commanding. Without waiting for a response, he touched a communicator on his wrist. "This is Batman. Our patient is awake. Everyone, report to the med bay."

Toneri watched Batman's precise movements, his mind racing to understand the situation. This place, the advanced technology, and the people—none of it matched his expectations.

"Where am I?" Toneri asked, his voice steady despite his confusion.

"You're in the Justice League Watchtower," Batman replied curtly. "You crashed into Earth and were brought here for medical attention."

Earth? This did not feel like the Earth he knew. "Justice League?" he echoed, trying to comprehend the unfamiliar term.

Before Batman could respond, the med bay doors opened again, and the room began to fill with the life signatures Toneri had sensed earlier. Each figure confirmed his previous assessment:

A man with lightning-like energy coursing through him—The Flash.

A woman with an aura of a storm—Wonder Woman.

A figure radiating immense heat and light, like a living sun—Superman.

An inhuman presence that felt both familiar and unsettling—Martian Manhunter.

And a figure glowing with an emerald light, carrying an aura of boundless energy—Green Lantern.

Each hero regarded Toneri with a mix of curiosity and caution, clearly ready for any potential threat he might pose.

"Who are you?" Superman asked, his tone authoritative yet not unkind.

Toneri took a moment before answering, assessing his situation. "My name is Toneri Otsutsuki. I am from a different dimension I think... I was attacked while training by another Otsutsuki named Ryushiki. The battle led to my appearance in this world."

The heroes exchanged glances, clearly intrigued but wary.

"You're safe here," Wonder Woman said, her voice soothing yet firm. "But we need to understand who you are and how you came to be here."

Toneri nodded, offering minimal details to avoid overwhelming them with his story. "The battle with Ryushiki was fierce. It tore a rift in space, pulling me from my world and depositing me here."

Batman, his eyes narrowing, stepped closer. "You're not telling us everything. How do we know we can trust you?"

Before Toneri could respond, his eyes locked onto Martian Manhunter, standing stoically among the heroes. "You tried to intrude on my mind," Toneri said coldly. "I let you go without shattering your mind. There won't be a next time."

Martian Manhunter's expression softened. "I apologize for intruding on your mind. It was not my intention to cause you distress."

Toneri looked at him impassively, giving a slight nod. Martian Manhunter, reflecting on their earlier encounter, thought about the weight and intensity he had felt from Toneri's presence. During their brief mental clash, Toneri's eyes had shone with an ethereal light, a flower-like pattern twisting like snakes within them. The sheer power and ancient wisdom contained within those eyes had been overwhelming, and the force with which Toneri had pushed him out had been unlike anything he had encountered before.

For a moment, Martian Manhunter's mind replayed the sensation of being repelled. It was as if an ancient, almost divine force had met his intrusion with an unyielding force.

Now, looking at Toneri's seemingly ordinary cerulean blue eyes, Martian Manhunter couldn't help but feel a sense of caution mixed with curiosity. There was more to Toneri than met the eye, and understanding this enigmatic figure would be crucial.

Shaking off the thoughts, Martian Manhunter stepped back, respecting the silence between them. He couldn't help but think about the gravity of the situation and the enigma that was Toneri Otsutsuki.

The tension in the room was palpable. Before it could escalate further, Superman stepped forward, his presence commanding and reassuring. "It's rude of us to press you for more information right now," he said, his voice calm and apologetic. "You've been through a lot. We should give you time to recover."

Toneri nodded slightly, appreciating Superman's intervention. "Thank you," he said. "I need to regain my strength and learn about this place."

Green Lantern, with his characteristic straightforwardness, spoke up. "We'll help you as much as we can. But understand, we need to protect our world too."

Toneri acknowledged Green Lantern's words with a nod. "I understand. I have no intention of causing harm."

In a dimly lit conference room within the Watchtower, Batman convened a meeting with the core members of the Justice League. The atmosphere was tense, the recent arrival of Toneri Otsutsuki weighing heavily on their minds.

"We need to talk about Toneri," Batman began, his voice steady but firm. "I don't trust him. He's hiding things. His story is incomplete, and we need to consider the potential threat he poses."

Green Lantern leaned forward, his expression serious. "I don't want to sound paranoid, but what kind of battle could cause a rift in space and bring him here? Even with my ring, I couldn't get a proper reading on him."

The Flash, usually the optimist, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's pretty suspicious. We've dealt with powerful beings before, but this feels different."

Superman, ever the voice of reason, interjected. "We should give him the benefit of the doubt. He might have lost his home and been thrown into a world he doesn't understand. We've all been in unfamiliar territory at some point."

Wonder Woman spoke up, her tone supportive. "Superman is right. We should approach this with compassion. If we were in his position, we'd want someone to help us, not treat us like a threat from the start."

Martian Manhunter nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in Superman and Wonder Woman's words. Even Green Lantern, despite his earlier skepticism, seemed to reconsider.

Batman scowled, not entirely convinced but willing to compromise. "Fine. We'll give him a chance. But he stays on the Watchtower for observation until we deem him not a threat."

After Batman reluctantly agreed that Toneri should be kept on the Watchtower for further observation, he swiftly moved the meeting onto other League business. The Justice League members settled into their seats, prepared to discuss the new developments.

"Now, let's address the ongoing issues," Batman began, his voice all business. "First, we've had reports of increased activity from ice-based villains. Captain Cold, Killer Frost, Icicle Junior, and others have been seen collaborating. This alliance poses a significant threat."

The Flash spoke up, a frown creasing his face. "I've been tracking Captain Cold's movements, but it's tough to pin him down. They're coordinating their attacks too well."

Wonder Woman added, "Killer Frost's recent appearance in Metropolis was unexpected. It seems they're not just sticking to their usual territories."

Batman nodded, taking in the information. "We need to prioritize breaking up this alliance. Their combined power is too dangerous."

Green Lantern leaned back in his chair. "I'll help as much as I can, but I need to leave Earth for a while on Lantern business. There are issues in Sector 2814 that require my attention."

Batman acknowledged this with a curt nod. "Understood. Just keep us updated."

Turning to another issue, Batman continued, "We also need to discuss the upcoming meeting of our sidekicks. The meeting is set for July 5th, 2010. This will be an important step for them, so we need to make sure everything is in place."

Superman nodded. "I'll be there to support them. They need to know we're behind them."

Wonder Woman agreed. "It's a good opportunity for them to learn and grow. We need to give them the guidance they need."

Martian Manhunter also expressed hus support, recognizing the importance of mentoring the younger heroes.

Green Lantern stood up, preparing to leave. "I'll inform Aquaman and Green Arrow about the meeting and the current issues. They need to be in the loop."

With that, Green Lantern exited the room, leaving the remaining members to finalize their plans.

As the meeting concluded, the scene shifted to Toneri standing by a large window in the med bay, looking down at Earth. His milky white eyes, though deactivated from their Tenseigan form back to the Byakugan, were concealed under a subtle genjutsu. Anyone observing him would see only serene, cerulean eyes.

Toneri's thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion. This world was strange, its inhabitants powerful and vigilant. Yet, he knew he had to gain their trust if he ever hoped to return home and finish what he had started.

As he stared out at the blue planet below, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. This world, though different, held a beauty of its own. Perhaps, in time, he could find a place here, if only temporarily. But first, he had to prove himself, to show that he was not the enemy they feared.

Staring out at the blue planet, he thought to himself, "I'll wait until my chakra is fully restored before I try to open a portal back to the Elemental Nations."

In the distance, the Earth shone with a soft, inviting light, a beacon of hope amidst his turmoil. With a deep breath, Toneri resolved to earn the trust of these heroes, to navigate this unfamiliar world, and to find a way back to his own.

The weight of his situation pressed down on him.Yet, he knew he had to gain their trust and bide his time until he was ready to return home.

His thoughts briefly drifted back to the battle with Ryushiki, the intensity of their clash, and the desperate moments that had led to his arrival here.

As Toneri stood lost in his thoughts, the door to the med bay opened once more. He turned slightly, expecting another of the League's heroes. Instead, it was Batman, his expression as stern as ever.

"Enjoying the view?" Batman asked, his tone neutral.

"It's... different," Toneri replied carefully, his eyes still fixed on the Earth below.

Batman stepped closer, studying him intently. "We've decided to give you a chance. But you'll stay here on the Watchtower for observation until we're sure you're not a threat."

Toneri nodded, understanding the precaution. "I appreciate your trust, limited though it may be."

With a curt nod, Batman turned and left the room, leaving Toneri alone once more with his thoughts and the view of the Earth below. He took a deep breath, focusing on the task ahead. He needed to regain his strength, earn the trust of these heroes, and find a way back to his world.