
Tokyo Debauchery: Forbidden Nights

In the vibrant world of a Japanese high school on an alternate Earth, the winds of change blow through the lives of our anime-like characters. Each shift is fueled by a myriad of motives, but love for their significant others often stands at the forefront, inspiring them to strive for self-improvement, all for the sake of their beloved partners' happiness. A lonely night in crowded Tokyo! The night he first opened his eyes to the outside world was similar to this one. He was sent with a system of unknown origin tagging along with him because he was reincarnated, had memories of the previous life, and had those memories. Having nothing to lose in this world, he began to seek out those he wanted to cherish before he even realized it. The people he loved were all around him. As he sought the warmth of their being, the shadows of this world began to gather around him, and a storm began to swirl around him. He started looking for a way to survive in this world while being haunted by a demon and using the debauchery system. As he made his way through the hidden world in search of the cause of his birth in this world, a perverse tale of murder, eating, slavery, and lust began along his side. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The image do not belong to me and if the creator want me to change it, he or she can contact me in the review or comment section. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Montenlord · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Alien Kind.

[Host! A similar presence to that of parkway area has been detected!]

Kazuma was startled when a familiar sound suddenly echoed in his head. His entire demeanor then abruptly changed as he quickly looked around to determine whether the sound was similar to one from that incident or was of a similar nature.

For some reason, Kazuma felt that the guys in front of him were not as strong to begin with as compared to the ones he had encountered, even though he still remembered that day clearly and was aware of how dangerous these things could be.

He was able to maintain a constant state of alertness and keep an eye on them at all times, but Kazuma noticed that Hana occasionally displayed signs of extreme fear as well.

Although she made a concerted effort to conceal her fear, he was not entirely sure what she might be afraid of. However, for those with experience killing someone, this kind of act was easy to spot.

As a result, he began to suspect that this could mark a turning point in their relationship. He also wanted to see how strong those things were because, in his previous dream, he had killed much more formidable foes.

'Hana Kimura, are you a special person who can sense them or do you have some sort of ability to see through their human visage?'

With those ideas running through his mind, Kazuma understood that although those things did not attempt to harm Hana during the day, two of them were undoubtedly occasionally keeping an eye on her.

However, two of them had also gone missing for a period of time in the past, so Kazuma was unsure if there were any additional creatures out there.

"Guys, we are done; let's pack up."

As he had been keeping a close eye on Hana, Kazuma had returned to the agency.

As she was getting ready to leave, he walked over to the female manager and asked for a leave of absence. She agreed, saying that it would be beneficial if he could speak with Hana.

She inquired as to whether she could rely on him for Hana's case because she was concerned about the girl's behavior and was particularly aware of it.

"Yes! I will..." Kazuma nodded with a firm tone. At that, Ayumi smiled and gave him the earning of the day, which was topped up by Aoki, who was absent today due to something and asked to take it as a thank you from his side.

Ayumi Fujimoto, on the other hand, thought that Kazuma was beginning to watch out for girls himself, not just as part of his job but also as a friend, which could be advantageous for their team.

Aoki will be given a new assignment at a certain time of the year, and the other girls were concerned about how they would replace him for the girls team.

They were hoping that the other girls will also understand Kazuma and that they will soon become a closer team.

Hana Kimura!

She was initially a typical teen until something drastically altered her life.

After that, she was discovered and began a career as an idol. She soon realized that the world she had been trying to escape was getting closer to her, which led to her developing a fear of men.

It was not until today that she felt them getting closer to her for the first time. She even received a sneer from them, which suggested that they were aware of her as well.

When she realized that she was here with her team and that she could not just drag them into this mess because of her, she decided to keep it low.

As she walked out of the agency with darkness surrounding her life, her fear began to eat away at her interior.

Until a warm pat on her shoulder shook her core as she turned to look at the boy, who appeared to be smiling at her and spoke to her.

"Don't worry! There is nothing to fear."

When Kazuma finally caught up to her, they were moving through the abandoned playground's shadows, which had been closed due to construction, and Kazuma knew the shy girl was trying to seduce the two people following her in order to protect those close to her.

"I must say, Hana-chan is really brave, but at a time like this, I hope you will tell me for sure, alright! After all, we are friends, right?"

Hana remained silent because she thought this was the first time someone had said something similar, but when two of them walked in front of them with twisted smiles, she wanted to tell him to run.

"Boy! That was really cool of you to stay knowing that we are here."

One of them had the sharpest sense and was able to tell that Kazuma was looking out for them all of this time when they were working, but never did he know that he was also the guardian of that girl that they were about to target.

"What are you guys talking about? My friend and I are just passing by, so would you leave the area so that we can have a sweet time alone?"

Hana blushed as she looked at Kazuma with surprise in her eyes, as if he actually knew what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into.

She also felt a little anxious once more after hearing Kazuma speak in such a manner. Even the other two were taken aback, wondering if the boy was truly unaware of that fact or what.

However, now that he was inside, they decided to clean him up as well because Kazuma's trim build gave them the impression that he would be incredibly nourishing.

"Boy, you should curse that girl for getting you inside all this, but don't blame us, given it is the only thing we can do to keep you two silent."

The one with good perception was the first to start dashing toward them when Hana felt something holding her waist and pushing her back, and a shadow appeared in front of her.

As he moved the girl behind him and took a side step to completely avoid the punch, Kazuma's senses and alertness were at their peak. He then grabbed his arm. Pushing them firmly, he grabbed hold of his head hair, turned them in the opposite direction, and quickly killed it while sporting a small smile.

"Is that all you both have gotten?"

Kazuma felt a sense of calm come over him as he realized that the things before him were only slightly more powerful than humans and nothing more, as they shared the same weaknesses as humans but had harder skin to withstand attacks from guns and other small things like knives.

'Geh!' "An human assassin, I guess, but what the hell are you doing here if you are so strong?" The other appeared unaffected by the passing of his partner and regarded Kazuma with suspicion.

"What? I am a part-time worker, you see." Hana blushed as she looked at Kazuma with only a dim glimmer of hope in her clouded eyes as he responded while stepping back and holding her hand with a gentle smile on his face.

"Whatever, tell that girl to keep her comments about us to a minimum because we are still trying to integrate into human society and do not intend to hurt anyone else in the process."

The other party spoke as his human skin began torn apart and an alien species that looked like a tall human appeared in front of Kazuma.

"Alien-species..." Kazuma asked, at which point the other one nodded and told Kazuma how he wanted to show his sincerity by showing Kazuma his real self.

"Don't attack us or harm others; then I have nothing to say about your living style." Kazuma muttered, knowing that he could only get him a little breathing room because he did not want the other party's entire species to start fighting with him.

"Sure! I am an omnivore here, so I don't really hunt humans; unlike some of their kind, they will tend to attack, so ask the girl to avoid them at all costs. After all, to them, she is a rare delicacy to have at all costs."

When Hana, who was hiding behind Kazuma, turned to see him picking up the other man and disappearing, Kazuma heaved a heavy sigh because he was not sure if he could have both saved Hana and killed the other due to the other man's strength.