In the vibrant world of a Japanese high school on an alternate Earth, the winds of change blow through the lives of our anime-like characters. Each shift is fueled by a myriad of motives, but love for their significant others often stands at the forefront, inspiring them to strive for self-improvement, all for the sake of their beloved partners' happiness. A lonely night in crowded Tokyo! The night he first opened his eyes to the outside world was similar to this one. He was sent with a system of unknown origin tagging along with him because he was reincarnated, had memories of the previous life, and had those memories. Having nothing to lose in this world, he began to seek out those he wanted to cherish before he even realized it. The people he loved were all around him. As he sought the warmth of their being, the shadows of this world began to gather around him, and a storm began to swirl around him. He started looking for a way to survive in this world while being haunted by a demon and using the debauchery system. As he made his way through the hidden world in search of the cause of his birth in this world, a perverse tale of murder, eating, slavery, and lust began along his side. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The image do not belong to me and if the creator want me to change it, he or she can contact me in the review or comment section. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++