
Together,(Levi Ackerman x oc/Eren’s older sister)

moonlightbeast_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

(3rd person POV)

Emily was resting in a medic tent after fainting "corporal" a medic came out "how she doing, can I see her" Levi asked "Yes sir, she's fine, right this way" the medic led Levi in the tent. "Eren" Mikasa came over to him, "is everything ok with Emily, I saw her faint" Mikasa worryingly asked.

"She should be ok, the medic said it herself" Eren answered Mikasa sighed with relief "but before that, corporal Levi said something about Emily being pregnant"Eren said "Pregnant...I'm going to kill that man" Mikasa stomped into the tent.

"Mikasa" Emily exclaimed as she saw her come in the tent from her stop on a cot, Mikasa's eyes widened as she saw a bump on Emily's stomach that she failed to see earlier "Emily your ok" she ran to her side "I can't believe your pregnant" "yeah"

As the two talked, Levi just sat there waiting for Emily to talk to him, then Eren walked in "Emily, are you fine now" "Eren, I'm fine, but I'm shock that you don't know where babies came from" Eren blushed in embarrassment "Mikasa, you told me you were going to tell anyone" he whispered.

"Hahahahaha, your too funny kids, Eren, don't worry I'll have Levi or Erwin explain it to you" Emily patted his back "Hey, I'm not explaining shit to that brat" Levi pointed to Eren "whatever, I don't want you to explain it to me anyways" Eren crossed his arms "boys please don't fight, your basically brother-in-laws" they froze

"Eren Jeager, your arrested for of treason" an Military Police member came in and took Eren "what are you going to do to him" Mikasa yelled/asked "he's going to court"the MP took Eren, "Levi-" "got it" Levi got up and followed the MP.

(Levi's POV)

As I followed the MP to a dungeon, I noticed Erwin standing at the entrance "what are you doing here" we both asked at the same time "I'm here to interrogate Eren Jeager, what about you" He answered "I here to make sure that they do nothing bad to the brat, on behalf of Emily's orders" I truthfully said "but since your here, your my excuse to get in, let's go" I walked in the building