
Together,(Levi Ackerman x oc/Eren’s older sister)

moonlightbeast_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

(3 years later) {3rd person's POV}

"Soon we'll be scouts, fighting and killing titans to protect humanity"Eren declared, it was currently the day after their graduation and the cadets were setting up cannons on the wall.

"This time no one will-" before Eren could finish the colossal Titan appeared and made a hole in the trost district, Eren turned around to attack it but it disappeared "shit" soon Titan came into the trost eating the humans near the entrance

{Emily's POV}

"The Trost district has been breached" a messenger scout can running in your office "get the horses ready from my team" I told her and she left " shit" Emily ran out of her office and to the mess hall "Jax, Axel, Lucy, Ava, let's go" I called them, they got up and ran to me "what's wrong, captain" Lucy asked worriedly "the trost district has been breached" the nodded meaning they understood the situation.

We rode our horses down to trost, to a huge group of people fighting to get in wall rose, "Lucy, Ava, help with the evacuation, Jax Axel with me" "yes, ma'am" then we splits our ways. Me and the boys used our gear to get over the walls "Axel and Jax your job is to protect humanity, nows the time to prove yourselfs" I reminded them "we won't let you down" they said before leaving to kill titans

"EREN" I heard a voice I flew over and saw Armin holding Eren's arm "Armin, don't cry" I walked to him and comforted him "Emily, I'm sorry I couldn't protect Eren" he sobbed "it's not your fault, now come on let's go regroup with the other cadets"

When we landed with the other cadets every one gave in a shocked stare " everyone here, as you see your friends are getting killed, right now all you need to do is kill titans or be come their meals, got it" I explained to them "yes" the flew off.

(3rd person's POV)

"What the" Jax stopped to look at the sound of the rawr "what is that" Axel asked Jax "I didn't know, but I think we should run it's headed our way" the boys panicked and flew away

Emily was looking around when she heard a rawr " I thought I was the only....holly shit, that Eren" Emily jumped off the building and landed on Eren's shoulder while he was running "Eren Jeager/Yeager, kill all those titans not humans" she shouted in his ear and her noises in response,

'Good, he can understand me' she thought then to looked a head 'it's too late for me to transform, and my titan might creat to much damage' she sighed "your on your known kid" she jumper off and killed the incoming Titan "help" Emily frozed,

(⚠️spoiler warning ⚠️)

Two, no three of the cadets were taking off the ODM gear/3DM gear of one kid while a Titan was coming to them "hurry, Annie" the blond male said " I am" the girl named Annie was panicking while taking off Marco's gear

'Why.....why is life like this....why must be kill others' Emily stood there crying at the scene, then a Titan came and ate Marco.

(End of Spoiler)

Emily backed away and flew off and saw Jax and Axel perfectly killing Titans "I taught them well" she sighed happily. She stared at her hand, aching to slice it to join the battle but she couldn't "why is today so stressfull" Emily said she landed on a roof next to Rico.

"You should stress yourself" she said giving you a pay on the shoulder "I'm going to be ok" she smiled at her (Emily and Rico have been friends since their cadet years) "you better or I'm going to get lectured by that husband of yours" Rico patted Emily's back "if you need to rest go to the east wall, there's less Titans there" Rico left

(Time skip)

"Listen up, Cadet Eren Jeager, along with Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlelt. You three have committed an act of high treason" Kitts Weormen yelled at the three kids "any movement you make will be shone of suspension and will be met with a cannon fire"

(Sorry another time skip because There's too many words to write)

"Emily you little shit" Levi came walking over to her, commander Pixs had just finished giving his speech about Eren being able to save humanity with his titan power, "Levi, honey what are you doing here" Emily asked scratching the back of her head, "your pregnant ass, left the fucking headquarters when I told you too stay" he yelled at her

"Sorry, honey"she opened her arms for a hug only to get flick on the forehead "dumbo" he hugged her "your pregnant" Eren came running over "well yeah, and long story short, Levi here is my husband" Emily explained "you got married to shortie here " Eren pointed to Levi

" tch, your not so great and might either, you brat" Levi crossed his arms, Eren glared at Levi and Levi glared back "just get along please" Emily tried to stop them before they broke out in a fight "Emily you should Had asked for my permission to marry him" Eren pouted "why, I'm older than you"

"Because I'm the man of the family" he flex his muscles "not even" Emily playfully punched his shoulder "anyway we have to talk tomorrow nows not the time" Emily said "why not now" "because nows not the time" Emily feels a kick in her stomach "shit" she holds her stomach

"Oi, what's wrong" Levi asks her "my stomach" she fell but Levi caught her "brat, follow me" he motions Eren to follow him. The both of them walk to a Medic and waited for her. "So how did you meet my sister" Eren asked trying to start conversation "about 8 years ago why" "just trying to start a conversation"