
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Dark Matter Project

From one day to the next, everything in his life changed, but not in the way he would have preferred. The boy who wanted to live a quiet life will enter a dark and chaotic world. Welcome to Academy City.

Alexis21 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

No way back

Academy City, a city with countless schools, institutions, universities or research centers. Its name comes as a ring to its finger.

It's a city that in the eyes of the rest of the world is envied for its great technological advances and its brilliant minds that reside there, but there was something else that differentiated it, very apart from the technological gap, those were called: Esper.

Yes, those humans submitted to an academic plan (Power Curriculum Program) to develop their 'special abilities', many countries can't compete in this sense and instead of raising their own espers (almost impossible thing) they send them to this city for an education plan.

Academy City has a population of 2.3 million people, 80% of which are students. Many think that all espers are considered celebrities because they can do things that can only be done in dreams, but nothing is further from reality, there is actually a clear discrimination between them.

The Esper are divided into levels from 1 to 6 (although there isn't yet a level 6)

Those of level 0 constitute 20% of the students in the city and are known for not being able to manifest any psychic ability. In the eyes of more radical espers, they are considered trash or useless and there are cases in which these same people believe those words living with that in mind throughout their lives.

Those of level 1 despite being able to manifest a skill, isn't large enough to help them excel in the program, unless they continue to improve by climbing the levels.

Those of level 2 can use their skills to aid in their daily lives and are more respected than Level 0 and Level 1 by a large margin, but are still looked down upon by higher levels.

Those of level 3 can use their abilities in battles and the greater amount of these in the various educational institutions indicates their power and influence in the city.

Level 4 students are in most cases the best the city can offer, their skills are central to the academic program and are the symbol of fear for lower level espers.

If tier 4s are symbols of fear, then tier 5s are considered symbols of terror, they can literally fight armies on their own. Although there are only 7 people at this level, they are known worldwide.

Those of level 5 are divided into 7 ranks.

Rank 1, Level 5: --- / Accelerator

Rank 2, Level 5: Kakine Teitoku / Dark Matter

Rank 3, Level 5: Misaka Mikoto / Railgun

Rank 4, Level 5: Mugino Shizuri / Meltdowner

Rank 5: Level 5: Shokuhou Misaki / Mental Out

Rank 6: Level 5: Aihana Etsu / ---

Rank 7: Level 5: Sogiita Gunha / ---


In this city there was a boy of about 14 years old observing a map of his cell phone while he was walking.

'It looks like it's here' Kanaru thought as he observed a modest 3-story building. The place was very isolated and no other person could be seen nearby.

"Eh… I want to make a 180° turn and get out of here. Yes, I'll do it." As he said those words, Kanaru changed directions, but just as he was about to leave, the automatic door of the building opened, showing 2 people wearing lab coats.

The first person was a tall man with short blond hair with a red tattoo on the left side of his face. He was showing a slightly disturbing smile, in Kanaru's opinion.

The last one had dirty blonde hair and was shorter than his apparent partner. He had fox eyes that didn't lose with his partner's disturbing smile.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Is that the guinea pig, Souji?" The largest man said.

"Buuuu. Don't say it that way Amata-senpai. He is a test subject who came here voluntarily." Souji said showing a big smile.

"Whatever. I hope your project is successful, I don't want to waste time in this old place anymore. The equipment is ready, you can use it as you please, now let me focus on my own project." Amata said.

"Mah, mah. Take easy Amata-senpai, we know that this project is actually your idea, but you changed your mind after all the subjects died. I can't believe this project was about to be canceled! If it wasn't for my recent promotion this project would have been lost." Souji said with a dissatisfied expression.

"I don't care, this project is now in your hands, it is up to you alone if it's successful or not, just make sure to send me progress reports regularly." Amata said as he left the place, on the way he patted the stunned Kanaru on the head.

"What the hell does that all mean?! Who are you ?!" Kanaru yelled pointing at Souji, his face was very unsightly.

"Stop with that poor attempt at acting scared, boy. I chose you because of your ability as esper and because of your mentality. The bastard of Amata thinks that he'll get the first level 6 esper helping a madman to murder some plastic girls, I plan to go a route that ironically he left behind to dedicate himself fully to a white-haired idiot" Souji said as he returned to the building and continued talking.

"If you cross the street, you'll die. If you want to live, use the elevator and press number 0." Souji said as the automatic door closed.

Kanaru stayed want in the pensive place.

"Everything went wrong" Kanaru sighed.