
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Dark Matter Project

From one day to the next, everything in his life changed, but not in the way he would have preferred. The boy who wanted to live a quiet life will enter a dark and chaotic world. Welcome to Academy City.

Alexis21 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

High school (End)

Kanaru and Fukiyose arrived at the sports field where Yomikawa and the rest of the students were.

The students were lying on the floor.

They all looked very tired.

"Yomikawa-sensei, here we are." Fukiyose said.

Yomikawa turned around and saw Kanaru next to Fukiyose.

She looked at his body without any shame.

"I knew it, behind all those white clothes was an athletic body. In fact, it's the most athletic body I've ever seen in a man. Fukiyose, it seems that you also saw too much earlier." Yomikawa said in an amused tone.

Fukiyose frowned a little and she left with her classmates.

"Attention everyone!" Yomikawa exclaimed to the students.

"This guy is called Hikari Kanaru! He'll be part of this high school from now on! "

Kanaru leaned in slightly.

The video where Kanaru defeated Kakine was deleted with the influence of SCHOOL. Unlike Sakugawa Middle School, these students didn't identify him by appearance, but some students had a sense of déjávú upon hearing his name.

"Yomikawa-sensei, what level is that guy?" A male student asked. He was one of those who had that feeling of déjávú.

"I'm a level 2 esper, I can eliminate fatigue and recover minor injuries." Kanaru said without waiting for Yomikawa to reply.

Without saying more words, Kanaru approached that student and touched his shoulder.

Immediately a white aura enveloped him and his tired expression disappeared.

With that the doubts that that student and the others had with the identity of Kanaru disappeared.

They thought Kanaru was a support-type esper.

"Great, with that ability we can have a better classification." Fukiyose said in a low voice.

She was very excited.

Then, Kanaru began to 'heal' each of the students and they thanked him.

But when he came to the front of a blue haired student, Kanaru said that he had already reached the limit.

Kanaru looked very tired.

"I must admit that that ability is very useful for the competitions to come. Everyone except Hikari and Aogami keep running! " Yomikawa exclaimed.

Even though the students had recovered, most of them didn't want to run again, but they did it anyway because they knew the eccentric personality of this teacher.

Kanaru sat down next to Aogami.

"So, you replaced the Aihana Etsu of this reality, huh. Your hair has grown back even though I used one of my abilities, I can see that you know a good doctor." Kanaru said in a wry tone.

"I just took some things out of your world, you exaggerated things with that attack. And don't call me Aihana in public." Aogami said.

Kanaru didn't say anything.

"Rika-chan is spending too much time in this reality. It seems that the reality of her every day becomes more screwed up. Well, she is the only magician who can travel between realities after all." Aogami said sarcastically.

"You too should go back to your reality and stop wasting time here." Kanaru said.

Aogami frowned.

"I'm here because you murdered my counterpart in this reality, you gave me more work." He said.

Aogami lay down on the ground.

"He doesn't look like 18 years old…" Kanaru thought.

He knew that Aogami came from an alternate reality 2 years in the future.

"It looks like we'll be classmates for a long time." Kanaru said in a bitter tone.

"I don't enjoy this either, and I won't ask you the reason for studying here either. Just stay out of my business. But… don't forget to send me the monthly information, you are late." Aogami said seriously, a somewhat strange attitude in him.

They both stopped talking.

But Aogami seemed to mutter something about the breasts of the young girls who were running. He constantly repeated Fukiyose's name.


About 2 hours passed and Yomikawa called Kanaru.

"The morning training is over! Come back at 3 pm!" She exclaimed.

Most of the students winced upon hearing those words.

"The principal should have arrived by now, let's go." She told Kanaru.

He nodded.

But before, Kanaru asked permission to return to the warehouse and pick up his clothes.

She agreed.

Kanaru returned to the warehouse without delay.

He changed his clothes and left the sports clothes in a cardboard box.

'Buying a uniform will be difficult on these dates.'

Kanaru left the warehouse and he met Yomikawa.

"You seem to like the color white a lot." She said.

Kanaru just smiled.

"Okay, now let's go."

They both went to the principal's office.

Kanaru was the only one to enter the office.

Kanaru met the principal, he was a middle-aged man with a benevolent face.

His enrollment went smoothly as the principal saw his ability and esper level from on his middle school transcript.

If there had been problems Kanaru would have used his ability -Mental Out-

Kanaru left the principal's office he saw Yomikawa waiting for him.

"It's not necessary for you to come this afternoon, today you'll have to look for sports clothes from this school by yourself, I'll give you the address of a store managed by this school." Yomikawa said.

She took out a pen and a small piece of paper from her pocket.

She wrote an address on that paper and gave it to Kanaru.

"Thanks a lot." Kanaru said as he leaned in slightly.

"Don't mention it, you can also get the school uniform from that address. Well that's all new guy, see ya." She said goodbye to Kanaru.

Kanaru also left school.

"In the end… Kamijou Touma didn't come to training."

When he noticed there were no around, he disappeared in a white flash.

In the afternoon he got the uniform and sportswear at the store that Yomikawa recommended.

He also bought the winter school uniform.

Later in his bedroom, he spent his free time reading the grimoire: 'The darkness of an angel.'

At the end of the day, he had a night of love with Misaki in her room in Tokiwadai.

Help me find any spelling mistakes.

Have a nice day!

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