
To The Undying

Necromancers can only walk an unholy path! In this world, there are mages and martial artists. Scorned and feared by all, necromancers who possess contracts with the devils. Those necromancers then gain the ability to raise the dead without mana. Here comes the protagonist on a quest to collect different artifacts under the guidance of the Underworld Sovereigns. Hidden under an inexperienced and quick-to-anger cover is her true goal of finding her father. Also will be on RoyalRoad!

WeirdlyHope · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Note part (1)

The ship had landed behind a building name Daedalus' Wings. It seems the building and the flying vessel were a father-and-son pair. In the large landing plot were several other ships. Some flying ships are unpacking cargo, and others are preparing to take flight. Cali followed the latter and quickly set off. She was the first to exit when the ship's bridge had lowered. Cali had never been to this building or Dalry, so the only thing she could do was head in the direction where the employees came. Maneuvering around the tall and bulky men made Cali feel like a scurrying rat. She did not like the appearance of fleeing to an exit.

The room after the first set of doors seems to be the storage unit. It was a large room filled with crates, boxes, and barrels, each having a label and belonging to someone. You would surely get noticed if you were not a container or a part of the bustling staff. Cali had to leave before that issue arose.

The next door opened to the building's main room. One had to believe it was a place made for giants as the roof seemed miles away. Cali felt as if voices could travel for centuries before anyone could hear an echo. The glassy appearance of the floor doubled the number of people scurrying around. In short, the extravagance was overbearing. All thoughts of quickly leaving the building had almost disappeared, and when they returned, it was too late. "Pardon me." A young man had approached her, head slightly tilted. His polished posture and formal attire could not hide his blatant interest in the woman before him. The boy's face resembled Cali's after witnessing a dark elf in the desert. Holding a folded piece of paper towards Cali, he spoke once again. "Captain Arkyn had asked to have this returned to you as you had left it aboard Icarus." The young fellow stole a few more glances at the woman who looked at the paper with dread. Cali might as well find out what is happening.

The folded paper felt heavy between Cali's fingers. Warning bells went off in her head as she could feel the gaze of many pinned against her back. The woman had gained more than simply a note. Perhaps, making friends with the desert heat was the better option for Cali.

Decisive and bold handwriting had set a time and place to meet on a thin piece of paper, and below it was Arkyn's signature. The only destination that Cali knew to make it to was Capulta Caverns. Arkyn needed to redefine his definition of making it up to someone. Arriving at a location she had never heard of on time was asking for too much. Does this man always expect so much? First, the questioning and now an invitation to a place she did not know existed.

"I have no idea where this is. I'm a tourist," Cali tore the paper to pieces. The note had no use to her either way. She could not find the place and did not want to move at Arkyn's pace. If he wanted to meet, he would have to find Cali. Unfortunately, the two shared the same idea. "The fault lies on my end. I was being inconsiderate." Ark had arrived early enough to witness his note torn. Ark had a pleasant smile plastered on his face, but the situation upset him. It looked like he was chasing this woman! Although he had only stopped upon realizing that she was a treasure hunter. The irritation quickly vanished when Ark realized something. He could put this situation to good use.

New book cover! I hope the readers love it as much as I do!

Also, Thank you for reading!

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