
To The Undying

Necromancers can only walk an unholy path! In this world, there are mages and martial artists. Scorned and feared by all, necromancers who possess contracts with the devils. Those necromancers then gain the ability to raise the dead without mana. Here comes the protagonist on a quest to collect different artifacts under the guidance of the Underworld Sovereigns. Hidden under an inexperienced and quick-to-anger cover is her true goal of finding her father. Also will be on RoyalRoad!

WeirdlyHope · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Dunes part (2)

The very thought was like a needle pricking her chest. 'No friends,' the sentence repeated in her mind. Still, the only people who called her first name were those trying to kill her. "Then, Cali, can I ask why you are heading to Dalry?" Arkyn's eyes sparkled with what could be called blatant curiosity. It was not, but unsuspecting, Cali found it cute. "I'm looking for treasure," A half-truth. Cali gave Arkyn a big toothy grin and basked in the man's chuckle. "Hopefully, not mine. I'd put up quite the fight."

"You're too young to have anything interesting."

Treasure truly begins to gain value with age. Today's vase and that of 400 years ago do not compete. Arkyn squinted his eyes and smiled, "Why Dalry? We aren't exactly known for anything but wine and women." Perhaps Arkyn has only experienced those two. "When I get there, it will be known for its wine."

"Banter aside, Dalry has what I am seeking. Would you believe me if I said I was following a rumour?" What rumour could a foreigner have to tell a native? Arkyn's gaze turned wary. He initially approached Cali after hearing his crew whisper about the beautiful rescue. What kind of captain would he be if he did not investigate? If the warm reception continued to his sleeping quarters, that also be considered 'investigation'. However, hearing Cali's plans in Dalry, the type of hospitality he planned on displaying paused.

Arkyn disliked treasure hunters. The treasure those hunters seek is usually in someone's grave. Now what? Some rumour he had never heard about coming from a self-proclaimed treasure hunter? Perhaps he should have left this one in the dunes. Arkyn quickly put away the thought of ignoring the stranded woman. It is better to get as much information as possible from this woman. However, it would not be simple if she had not even given her full name. "This is the first I've heard of a rumoured treasure in Dalry."

"Someone I know," That Cali used to know, but they are dead now. "Spoke of the item I need being in Capulta caverns." A gust of wind tossed her hair around. Arkyn lifted a finger and pulled a strand behind Cali's ear. The woman followed his movement with discerning eyes. Arkyn's actions were too intimate, checking something. "You are going alone? Without any mana?" He asked. Arkyn had met few with so little mana. Regardless of her company leaving, it was hard to believe she was travelling through the desert with no way to defend herself. Arkyn once again felt cautious.

"Does the captain usually worry this much for a stranger?" Arkyn was six feet deep into something that did not concern him. Cali had already given enough to hold the conversation. "Are we not friends, Cali? Call me Ark." Yes, he considered her a friend. The kind he'd pay keen interest to from now on. Treasure hunters have proven themselves to be immoral without fail. Arkyn could not allow this hunter to continue what the others started. Dalry cannot get shaken again.

"Please do forgive me for coming off as intrusive. Perhaps I can make it up to you later? Unfortunately, I must depart as the ship is preparing to land." With an apologetic smile, Arkyn left Cali to her own devices. Make it up later? If he plans on approaching her after the ship lands, he better be quick. Cali did not plan on staying here longer than necessary.

The image of Dalry before Cali reminded her of the aim in mind. She had no time to play around with ship captains. Arkyn had no intention of playing with her either. For him, it was time to put all eyes on Cali.

Often used for cargo and multiple passenger travel, flying ships are the largest form of travel. These ships frequently pick up stranded tourists for a hefty sum.

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