
To the East

I wasn’t so sure if it was my own blood stained my wedding dress. I was so sure that I bathed in crimson as I tried to catch my breath. I held my chest as I can feel the pain for the bullet thoroughly tormented my flesh. My vision was blurry as I tried to see my groom with his devilish look while pointing a gun at me. I’m sure he already fired it, as I tried to stop the blood oozing from my chest. Tears rolled down as I recalled how happy I am at his grand proposal. How he whispers the endless “I love you” to me. How his lips brushed mine as he held me in his embrace.  How sweet his smiles as it were purposely painted like the sun on clear blue skies. Hugo. I looked at him with bitterness as I tried to brush off my tears. I don’t understand why our love ends up like this.  All the love I had shattered as I looked this unfamiliar man in front of me. He walked towards me and he pointed the gun he held in his hands earlier. “My sweetest Jane.” He planted a departing kiss as I tried to talk back but my lips won’t move. My body was trembling with fear with the monster that is willing to end my life.  “I know you must be shocked at this state.” As he played few strands of my hair as I tried to reach him to retaliate but my trembling hands landed at his face, stained his handsome face with the blood from my chest. My tears won’t stop from flowing as I watch him laugh hideously; he held my hands and feels it in his face. I could still feel the warmth in his face.  “Hu..Hugo…Please help me.” Trying to survive and plead. I wonder if one touch could appease his anger and withdraw his gun from my head. “Shhhhhhh….. Don’t cry love. You won’t be alone in your afterlife. You may join your beloved parents, what do you think?” My parents, their faces flashed in my mind as they were supportive in my wedding with Hugo. They were the one who arrange this whole thing as their only cherished daughter. I trembled with wrath as I grabbed his collar with my might. This cursed creature! “What did I do to deserve this!” I shouted with all my voice that left with me. I couldn’t let him go as I gather my strength to get even for my parents. My naïve parents who blindly supported me to be with him.  He laughed evilly and I couldn’t know him. I stood in silence as I listened him laughed in my state, Hugo have you ever loved me? Thought crossed my mind. “You were too stubborn to believe that I loved you Jane. You were easily deluded that I need to get rid of you.”  So this must be the most hurting words I heard. I let him go from my grasp. I know he was waiting seconds to end my life it was that I am a bit impatient. “Indeed I am deluded Hugo. I regret falling in love with you wholeheartedly.” I pulled the trigger from the gun he pointed at me and I fell into darkness. Everything was a lie. Before I totally lose my senses, I could hear a woman calling Hugo and stood toward his side. I could still gaze at the approaching shadow and it became clearer and clearer. I clenched my face of what I saw. It was my sister, Allison and behind her were my parents. I wanted to laughed with the twist of events. Nobody know I could still heard them talking in my dying self. I could feel my mother’s hand wring my neck to sure that I will die. I could not resist.  My death was stage. My death was….

KMEnd · History
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7 Chs

The Banquet

It was a banquet held in honor of Duke Czarrino. Carriages filled and emptied and all of the guests proceed to the hall. Laughter filled the atmosphere and added weight to the gaiety of the ball. It was the exact ball were all the complications severe. Beautiful misses parade with their timid pretenses as they exchanges glances to prospect gentlemen to seduce with. Noblemen discusses future alliances while noble women and ladies help themselves circulating flattery, mockery, as well as scandalous issues involving among themselves. I can't help but heave a sigh to relieve myself from tension that I will be involved later.

Most of the eyes were fixed at me as I walked in the hall. Some looked at me quizzically as soon as I enter; some with shallow praises, some with malicious smiles and some were eyes of perverseness scrutinized my whole being. I give them my controlled smiles and curtsies as I walked carefully and prepared on whom tried to interact with me. I stayed with mother, Countess Gaia as she chatted with her allies and introduced me to them. It was also my first appearance of the ball. Maia met the crown prince and foolishly confesses her love towards him. Hugo. I can still recall his cursed face while devious smiles thrown at me as mockery. This time, I won't fall short of it. I just obediently and patiently stuck myself with these maligning gossipers, displaying my calculated demeanor that surprised my benefactor.

"I believed that Maia is indeed well mannered which in contrast to rumors we heard." It was a compliment from the Baroness Liliana while looking at me and smiled. "I wonder what makes a child change overnight."

"I myself too am surprised with my daughter. She is well behaved and well-mannered today. My hard work is already paid off" it was from my mother itself uplifting her unruly daughter. It was to make me sound a reply.

"I am afraid I am still lacking and naïve mother." I answered courteously. "I remember I offend most of my age in etiquette lessons last summer that really tainted this lowly miss. I asked of forgiveness to all of the wonderful daughters I have shown my misconduct."

I better redeemed this lowly being. Maia Gremoire is known as trouble maker and spewing discord in any social gathering. She offended most of her age and no one would dare to bother an influential daughter like her. Her influence is too much that one word can twart any truth and instill falsehood. Me, as the new Maia, thinks critically of my further scandals that could hamper me in the future.

"There is always room for improvements. I believe this young miss was taught well that she able to do this. I admire the duchess to turn her into fine lady" it was Countess Erica commend with surface flattery. I assumed she wanted to me to go bald with her killing eyes beneath them sparkling.

Maia even had a fight with Countess Erica's daughter the moment she heard that Allison was day dreaming with the crown prince. This is one of the largest scandals in her youth. I really should clean this mess fast.

I know that the moment the social ball will starts, Duke Czarrino will appear as well as the crown prince. Maia was dumb that instead of accepting her fiancee's hand for a dance, she ran towards the prince and even danced with him instead. The duke was crushed with humiliations in his own banquet that lasted even a year as a laughingstock of the town. The duke even received mockery from her actions that complicates more his ties with the royal family. This time, I should make it right.

I moved towards the same spot, Maia was offered to dance with Duke Czarrino. I felt it in my footstep the weighted humiliations. I never even wondered now why the duke himself forced me on our wedding night that almost breaks me and trampled my dignity. Maia started that war, I received the punishment to the point of poison. I closed my eyes and flashed Maia's memory and scent of this ball, she was arrogantly flaunt herself in the midst of the crowd. The crown prince smiled that makes her go crazy to the extent of pushing every noble ladies who had eyed the crown prince. That same smile makes me puke. That smile trapped me in my death. I am partly responsible to watch that monster. Not in this life. Hugo.

I never moved an inch, I just stand there blankly while the crowd was cheering and congratulating the duke descended in the stairs. He was comely even with his stern expression. That same expression that defiled me on our wedding day, my hands grew cold as I recalled them, I pleaded him but he never stopped breaking me to the point of unconsciousness. He wanted an heir himself, my life was unworthy to them at all; from that murderous prince, even to that vengeful duke. I breathed hard as his steps drew nearer and nearer to me. I tried to calm myself and clasped my hands together and tried to smile at him.

One move. One bad move can promote me back to that destiny. I saw him stopped before me. We were estranged to each other. They were engaged when Maia was still ten and Czarrino was 18. It was a political marriage to maintain both households. Maia never seen him again until today's banquet for the duke himself was a general that defended the fortress of the Ulda borders where the Almavon Empire invaded. The Duke was the genius behind the stability and security of the Rudin empire that everyone pushes him to sit for the throne. I look at him in his eyes, I was certain for sure that I am staring at a formidable being that I shouldn't dare to offend. He offered his hand to me to dance.

"Will you give me this dance?" It was like a scene from the best-selling novel I wrote. It echoed in my ears and looked at the anticipating crowd and looked at him in the eyes again.

"His highness, Crown Prince Mavier Rudin has arrived." It was announced as he entered the room and all eyes were at him except me and the duke. All their admirations towards the duke earlier were robbed with that bold gate crasher. I was curious too to look at the unwelcoming guest but I was afraid, I am afraid that glance will send me back to hell.

"I wonder what will Lady Maia do now that his beloved crown prince is arrived." It was a loud murmur from the crowd that anyone could hear even me and the Duke with the awkward situation. What will Maia do? I am not even Maia to begin with. I muster my courage and take the Duke's hand that surprised him too.

"I will be honored." I stepped forward and focus my gaze towards him and smiled.