
To the East

I wasn’t so sure if it was my own blood stained my wedding dress. I was so sure that I bathed in crimson as I tried to catch my breath. I held my chest as I can feel the pain for the bullet thoroughly tormented my flesh. My vision was blurry as I tried to see my groom with his devilish look while pointing a gun at me. I’m sure he already fired it, as I tried to stop the blood oozing from my chest. Tears rolled down as I recalled how happy I am at his grand proposal. How he whispers the endless “I love you” to me. How his lips brushed mine as he held me in his embrace.  How sweet his smiles as it were purposely painted like the sun on clear blue skies. Hugo. I looked at him with bitterness as I tried to brush off my tears. I don’t understand why our love ends up like this.  All the love I had shattered as I looked this unfamiliar man in front of me. He walked towards me and he pointed the gun he held in his hands earlier. “My sweetest Jane.” He planted a departing kiss as I tried to talk back but my lips won’t move. My body was trembling with fear with the monster that is willing to end my life.  “I know you must be shocked at this state.” As he played few strands of my hair as I tried to reach him to retaliate but my trembling hands landed at his face, stained his handsome face with the blood from my chest. My tears won’t stop from flowing as I watch him laugh hideously; he held my hands and feels it in his face. I could still feel the warmth in his face.  “Hu..Hugo…Please help me.” Trying to survive and plead. I wonder if one touch could appease his anger and withdraw his gun from my head. “Shhhhhhh….. Don’t cry love. You won’t be alone in your afterlife. You may join your beloved parents, what do you think?” My parents, their faces flashed in my mind as they were supportive in my wedding with Hugo. They were the one who arrange this whole thing as their only cherished daughter. I trembled with wrath as I grabbed his collar with my might. This cursed creature! “What did I do to deserve this!” I shouted with all my voice that left with me. I couldn’t let him go as I gather my strength to get even for my parents. My naïve parents who blindly supported me to be with him.  He laughed evilly and I couldn’t know him. I stood in silence as I listened him laughed in my state, Hugo have you ever loved me? Thought crossed my mind. “You were too stubborn to believe that I loved you Jane. You were easily deluded that I need to get rid of you.”  So this must be the most hurting words I heard. I let him go from my grasp. I know he was waiting seconds to end my life it was that I am a bit impatient. “Indeed I am deluded Hugo. I regret falling in love with you wholeheartedly.” I pulled the trigger from the gun he pointed at me and I fell into darkness. Everything was a lie. Before I totally lose my senses, I could hear a woman calling Hugo and stood toward his side. I could still gaze at the approaching shadow and it became clearer and clearer. I clenched my face of what I saw. It was my sister, Allison and behind her were my parents. I wanted to laughed with the twist of events. Nobody know I could still heard them talking in my dying self. I could feel my mother’s hand wring my neck to sure that I will die. I could not resist.  My death was stage. My death was….

KMEnd · History
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7 Chs


I had a long dream. My body was immersed in a body of water as my weight pulled me. Every plot and twists of my life was reflected on it as I tried to stretch my hand to go to the surface.

I am sinking deeper and deeper. My death as Jane flashed before me as well as the ridicules I received. On that reflecting volume, I saw Maia's life; squander her life with affairs, vulgarity and naivety. I saw the exact tragedy we both faced. I died in the hands of my most trusted and beloved person while she died being drowned with the exact person she cherished. We died with different tragedy but I now knew what we are common for. Our foolishness in love brought havoc and ending our lives. We both fell in love with inhuman and abominable being and even wished to be loved in return.

I experienced her life in short notice as I was desperate to live and even compromise my grudge yet my short life wasn't even spared in one drop of poison. Nobody even cared if I, Jane Tria lived my life in the path of decency and righteousness nor Maia Gremoire lived her life with stubborn and arrogance which was showered with extreme luxury. I felt so loss as I tried to collect my thoughts as my body settled more and more in the bottom; I am a metal that will totally sink to the ocean floor. The extreme sadness and loneliness; desperation to live is too much for me that even my second life ends up with taste of poison.

I gave up to live. I gave up to struggle. I gave up the thought of recreating my life. I gave up to put another chapter of this tiny life ebbed away as the fire extinguished with water. I closed my eyes and accept my coming death awaited for someone like me.

Splash! This is definitely the sound of water.

I heard the sound of it incessantly while my skin felt the cold from it. I even felt the soft and gentle hands scrubbed and wipe my body; felt the smooth and velvety fabric pressed and worn on me while the bustling sound from the rowdy household is vaguely heard. I heard hurried footsteps; rough and soft thuds. Metals clack on the table. Sweet fragrant from the powder pressed on my face. I smell roses and daises. Careful brushes neatly combed my hair and some pins pressed to my hair neatly bun. A gently tap on my lips as if they are trying to paint some hues to a dead person like me. I see, I thought. At least I will be buried in a decent way. I still closed my eyes and listened to the sounds from my surroundings. At least I would hear them before darkness embraces me.

"My lady."It was a voice beside me as if it was to a living me. It might be a sweet eulogy for her mistress I assumed.

"My lady." It was accompanied with a gentle shrugged on my shoulders. She might be emotional to address and bid farewell to Maia.

"My lady! You can open your eyes now. Look yourself in the mirror." I unconsciously opened them slowly as I tried to catch the light in my eyes. It was blurred at first until it went clearer that I saw myself standing which is reflected on the mirror. I stared at myself blankly and I saw a young woman whose hair is as black as ebony, eyes that sparkled like clearest skies, rosy lips that are gentle; A sweet and untainted expression and appearance reflected before me. A young Maia Gremoire appeared before me, an age of sixteen.

I glanced at the maidservant as well as the room well lit and well-ventilated. I saw the roses and daises lovely arranged in the table. I saw an extravagant and luxury and an air of elegance flutters in the room. A swift wind kissed in my cheeks that make me smile. For an unfortunate woman whose life was in tragedy, reincarnated in extreme scandal and vulgarity; this damsel is at this age is not bad to begin with. The heaven must have heard my agony to restart my life. This is a time ending this little life which is full of hypocrisy and fallacy.

I looked at the maidservant who tends me with a blank expression that brought horror in her face. She fell on the ground while shaking as if she already will be executed.

"Punish this servant my lady for I cannot satisfy your needs." I can hear her crying yet behind those lines was literally begging. Who was it again? I couldn't recall her name but from the looks of her, she truly is loyal to her miss.

"Who are you again?" I asked flatly. This expression was well versed with the manners and conduct of previous Maia.


"Don't stutter, I will not punish you." I calmly remarked to put her at ease.

"I am Danica, miss. This lowly servant is named Danica." Still her head is on the ground.

"Let me see you Danica. Let this miss give you a gratitude for this wonderful work."

Danica looked at me blankly as if she heard them incorrectly. I can't help but smile with warmth to show her my sincerity. This previous Maia must be too ruthless to everyone as I recalled her memories written in my mind.

"Oh no Miss! This servant's work is too poor to be gratified. Let this servant give an abyssal gratitude instead of letting the Miss to serve her." She smiled with all of her heart. Those smiles makes me shed tear as I now recalled this servant; her fingers were orders to be cut one by one with Maia for remarking that the crown prince was toying with her.

I cannot let this life dwindle away with such nonsense. Let me live and correct your future, Maia. I sneakily wiped my tears and replaced it with a smile. The real battles will be commenced in the Duke's banquet.

"I believe I will be in your care, Danica."