
To The Beautiful You

In the Blue Planet, the people of The Kingdom Arizone; The Lorph, show their respect to Gyanemyade by wishing for something dear to their heart. There is a boy in his seventeens, Dylan Al'Xander, military captain who fall in love with a girl in an ordinary summer. There is a Girl Lena AyaBurg in her sweet seventeens, military captain. Who's lover is Dylan. Then there is Gibbs who is best friend of both of them. Belongs to race of Lorph. The people of Meges, for centuries hides in dark shadows living their eternal life's there. For centuries they were considered as Alien but during 5th evolution, the Kingdom of Arizone not only give them a place to live but also make them rightful citizens of Arizone. They are creature, neither living nor dead. They lives in lands given to them far away from realm of humanity in the forbidden land .... They surves as a special link Between... Life and afterlife..... For over a decade, the Kingdom of Arizone is in a war with neighbouring Empires of Aqua's... It's war with out any casualties.... During the final and last battle which decide the fate of Lorph and Meges. There happens a series of incidents which put the life of Dylan love in danger..... Ash is a captain of The Reaper unit, pilot of special equipment.... He belongs to race of Meges.... He is a good friend of Dylan and Lena...... In this world of The Blue Planet, there are not only humans; lorphs, Meges, Vampire, Warewolf, fairies, devil's and angels but also some sacred beings of light, the transparent beings.... Outside that wall that protects the humanity from high and extremely low temperature, there is a promised tree, a cherry tree... There is a memorial stone, black in colour made of some unknown earthly material... On the memorial stone under the promised Cherry tree, is a black and white picture of a girl smiling widely....... And the name written Lena AyaBurg. That one night's incident cause for ... Lena to be gone forever...... For Dylan to become cold and colder then winter...... For Gibbs to lose faith in Humanity.... For Ash to fight his Nine elders and Great Master....... Three young boys and a girl against whole wide world......... TO THE BEAUTIFUL YOU starting from this Thursday. You Author Butterflyqueen736 [Maria] My original work. All right reserved.

butterflyqueen736 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

What's hunting him

Earlier in evening Gibbs came by to check the Alex and Lili. By then they come to know that Dylan has gone out of Capaldi again. Once again their son has gone out of Capaldi without saying good bye. Gibbs do check up of them too and when he gets free he plays with Alex and Lili. After taking evening tea he left and was going back to his house instead of laboratory.

Alex and Lili fall asleep shortly after eating dinner in the arms of Laila and James.

"James.... Once again Dylan has left without saying goodbye.... Lena also didn't say goodbye to us. Every time he goes without informing.... I'm afraid that I might not be able to see him again."laila says as they close the door of kid's room. They come back in main hall of Al'Xander mansion,where one of wall is filled with pictures of Dylan and Lena. James embrace her and comfort her:

"Laila! Don't worry our son has gone to Land of Mege's, out of all lands created by God, he has gone to a land much safer, that land is safest place for him."

" James! You are absolutely right.. But what should I do?... My heart.... It keep hurting me.. I can't see Dylan like this anymore... I miss her.... Lena....old Dylan.... Her voice... Her smile.... I miss her so much.. And her Dylan. "

He look at sorry figure of his wife weeping in his arms. He no longer can comfort her. A drop of tear falls from his eye and he also cries at their loss....

At Dylan's loss...

Lena has always been a daughter to him... Lena has always been their daughter..... They loss a daughter...

But for their son....

But for Dylan.....

Lena is his beloved woman...

His girl...

His wife....

If their sorrow was this big then how much his sorrow would be.

He thoughts and his arms tighten around Laila.

"Laila.... Let's pray for Dylan... Together.... Let's pray for his safety.... For Lena..... For her happiness in afterlife.... He would not want her beloved mom and dad to be sad.... Laila she must be watching us from up above.... From heavens... We have to be strong.... Strong enough so we can share the sorrow of our son... So we can complete at least our one promise with her... "

Laila wipes away tears from her face and his too.

[ And there he says we've to be strong, when the pain.. The suffering of losing her is also hunting him..] she look at his smile...

[Such a sad gloomy smile]

Laila knows what's more hurting nad hunting him more then losing her.. It's that he regrets the day when he takes Lena to us. He is blaming himself.

" If we didn't take Lena with us that time then probably that bastard would do something something shameful and hurting."

Laila says and stand up.

There is a light knock on the door and Richard came in.

" Sir James! Old Shen wants to meet you." He waits for reply but before he could get one.

Laila clings to her husband and says

" Don't go.. I don't trust him anymore James... Last time Lena goes with him nad didn't come back...." she stops and hide her face on him.

James signels Rich that he will be there soon.

" Laila... You were under compeltion that time.. He is not the enemy. If it wasn't old Shen who stops her showing symptoms and all that stuff that her blood can do. That bastard would know her identity long before..

He explained to her but Laila wasn't listening to him, to his explanation at all.

[ Laila is now frightened of losing me.... For losing us..]

He stays there for five more minutes until she relax and fall asleep. He carry her to their room and before coming back he place a little kiss on her forehead.

Next chapter tomorrow

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