
To redeem my life

DaoisthRI03z · Teen
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5 Chs


Belle walked in looking as gorgeous as ever, she was really an epitome of beauty, attending her sister's wedding was an opportunity for her to meet her crush, so she had taken her time to look perfect, and it was not in vain. Belle and Brian were really a perfect match, as they looked cute together. Fortunately her sister Hannah invited everyone in Belle's class to the wedding, but Brian was giving a special invitation. Hannah had called Belle to help her get some drinks, when she got to where the drink was being made, she met Brian standing and staring at her, before she could speak Brian swept her into his hands and he was about to kiss her when she was greeted by a bowl of water.

I finally woke up feeling like I should I've kept on dreaming. "Hey sleepy, don't you know that there's so much to do, you're are meant to be in school now", Hannah said with a tone of harshness in her voice. But Hannah it's just six am. I got up feeling irritated and went to the bathroom, since my mom and dad left, I've been Hannah's responsibility. My parents were very rich and wealthy, before they left, they gave Hannah one of the companies as she had already graduated. I got to school very early again, all thanks to Hannah, any time I got to school early I was always bored, so I decided to think about my dream.