
To redeem my life

DaoisthRI03z · Teen
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5 Chs


I stood up and ran outside feeling cheated. I didn't know when I got to the drive way but before I knew it, I was hit by a car....

The last thing I saw or maybe heard was Hannah crying hard, I went into coma.

"Wake up sleepy head", a very beautiful woman said to me. "Wait where am I" I said to the tall but slender woman, she had blue eyes but green hair, but she was so beautiful, more beautiful than Angelica.

I will give you back to your sister if you can complete this mission. "Wait, what mission, you didn't even tell me your name", I said running after her. Then she stopped moving and said, "sorry pardon my manners, my name is Janette Antananarivo, people call me Jane". Okay, what's my mission. It's simple and in two folds, the first is to kill Mrs Peterson.

First of all I can't kill, and second of all I can't kill. Mr and Mrs Peterson, Jane started, are the owners of Chase wears, they have two children Chase and..... "OMG, Brian", no Jane can't I kill someone else,