
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasy
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27 Chs


The next day

It was eight in the morning and Lizzie was still in the bed sleeping soundly. She thought to take some rest today since she won't have classes for three days.

Alice wondered why she was still sleeping when she was running late for school. She went upstairs to Lizzie's room and moved the curtains to let the natural light fall in.

"Honey, it's already eight. Get up already unless you want to be late for school."

Rubbing her eyes to adjust to the sunlight, Lizzie spoke "Mom, we don't have classes this week anymore. Please let me sleep for some more time." and she covered her face with the blanket turning to the other side.

Alice frowned and asked "And why don't you have classes?"

"Because we have prom this Saturday. These three days are to be utilized for prom preparations."

"What? You have prom and you did not bother to tell me?"

"Come on mom, it's not like I didn't tell you about my marriage. It's just prom, okay? Now please let me sleep." Alice sighed and went away.

After an hour...

Lizzie woke up as she had enough sleep. She saw her father reading newspaper as she got down the stairs.

"Dad! When did you come?"

"Two hours ago honey." Michael replied folding the newspaper in his hands and kept it on the table.

"Why didn't you tell me when you were in my room mom?" she frowned and asked.

"It was you who asked me to let you sleep. And now you are blaming me?" Alice frowned and replied.

"But that was because I didn't know Dad was here. You should have told me about him."

"It's okay honey. We have got the whole day to spend together."

"I missed you so much Dad!" Lizzie said as she sat beside him and hugged him.

Michael chuckled and said "I missed you a lot too honey." hugging her back and kissed her forehead.

Alice smiled looking at the father-daughter duo and their affection.

"How was your trip dad?"

"It was good and productive." he smiled and said.

"Dad, let us all go out today. It's been a while since we spent some quality time." Lizzie asked like a little girl pouting her lips. She wanted to spend the day with her family as she may be busy the later days.

"Sorry honey. Your mom and I are going to uncle David's house post lunch. I am afraid we cannot go out today."

"It's okay dad." Lizzie lowered her face with uttermost disappointment.

Seeing her upset face Michael asked, "How about we play your favorite sport, Badminton?" Lizzie lifted her face with joy and happiness.

"Yes dad, sure." she said nodding her face excitedly.

Lizzie had her breakfast and the father-daughter duo went to the backyard with their rackets and birdies. Alice followed them carrying juices.

The two started to play as Lizzie served first. Alice sat on the bench near by.

As they both were playing, Alice started the conversation "Lizzie, what are your plans for your prom?"

"Oh yeah honey, you mom told me earlier. Tell us your plans. What do you want to do for your prom?" Michael added.

"Nothing much dad. No plans, just moving with the flow. You missed the cock dad. I gained a point. One-Low." Lizzie said as they continued playing.

"Uh-huh.. Who is going to be your date?" Alice asked.

Lizzie hesitated before saying "Lucas mom."

"That tall and good-looking guy?"

"Yes mom. Two-low" Lizzie stated as Michael missed the cock once more.

Michael frowned and asked "Why is it not John honey? I thought you two would be going together as you are close to each other."

Lizzie bit her lip as she didn't know how to answer it.

"Of course we are close dad. It's just that Lucas asked me to be his date before John. And he is also a good friend of mine." Lizzie said making John nod his head.

"As long as you are happy, it's fine Lizzie." Michael said.

Lizzie gave him an assuring smile and nodded her head.

"You have improved a lot in the game honey." He proudly said trying to catch up his daughter's pace.

"It is all your training dad." she smiled and said.

It's been half an hour since they started playing and decided to take a drinks' break.

Alice handed Michael juice and while handing to Lizzie she asked "Have you thought about what to wear for prom?"

"I will just choose one from my closet."

Alice shook her head in disbelief when she said "Lizzie, it is your prom which comes only once in your life. You need to enjoy it and look gorgeous. If I leave it you, you may go there in your uniform. So let me take care of your outfit."

"As you wish mom." Lizzie said after shrugging.

"Your mom is right Lizzie. Enjoy it as much as you can because Prom is one of the best days one can have." Michael stated smiling at her.

"Sure dad." she nodded her head. They both went went back to continue their play.

"Two-one dad." Lizzie said as she failed to receive and return the cock. The game continued for half an hour more and Lizzie won the match in the end.

"Ah, I guess I can't win against my daughter anymore." Michael spoke making Lizzie and Alice laugh.

The three of them headed inside and got freshened up.

After a while, the family had their lunch. As Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were getting ready to leave for Taylor mansion, Alice asked "Lizzie are you not coming with us?"

"No mom. You two carry on."

"But I thought you both were having combined studies lately."

"When did this started?" Michael asked.

"It has just been two days Michael."

"Yeah dad. For the sake of exams, I am helping him."

Michael nodded his head and said "Then come with us honey. You don't want to miss studies, do you?"

"Fine dad, let's go." Lizzie said picking up her jacket. 'I can't avoid him forever. I have to face him today or tomorrow.' she thought.

Soon the three headed to Taylor mansion.

Hello readers!

Hope you had good weekend.

Please comment your thoughts on the story. I would like to know them.

Got any ideas for prom? Comment them.

Thank you!

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