
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 27: Sibling's banter.

The two teenagers, both around the same age ,stood closely , exchanging whatever knowledge they had in regards of plants.

This was the scene Mo sicheng saw when he came out after two hours.

In the middle of afternoon,the sun shone at its brightest, with golden hue painting the surface of the earth warmly.A girl and a boy,the former in navy blue dress shirt paired with black pants while the latter was dressed in black babydoll white top with white short pants.The plants enthusiasts without realising the travel of time pointed at flowers and plants here and there.

Mo Sicheng smiled at the warm scene in a good mood. These two were partially similar, with their introverted and thoughtful personalities. It was good seeing them open up to others willingly.

"Are these flowers edible? Will they taste good if i eat them?"

Mo Sitian, the little glutton questioned, clearly clueless.The little girl was squatting besides the flower bed gazing at them innocently.Her second brother has just said those flowers were used to decorate cakes and beverages.

So,they should be edible, right?


Mo Siting answered nonchalantly. Bending over to dig the soil with a spade for the new flowers delivered the very morning.

"Can I eat it raw?"

Already in action,mo Sitian had bent over to pluck out a flower to taste.

"Dumb tian tian, they are to be washed before you consume them. And they are bitter if eaten alone . You sure you want to try it?"

Mo Siting, sneered at his sister's silly action. How was she so dumb when she had such excellent brothers. He had his doubts about her mental health sometimes.

Mo Siting,who had turned a little vain being in the company of his elder brother internally struggled to find the answer.

"Mo Siting!I dare you to repeat yourself!"

Being called dumb so openly,that so in front of her sister-in-law, little Sitian who was not so peaceloving ,howled at her twin brother.

Could they still be siblings after this fatal blow she has just received?

Refusing to take the humiliation, Mo Sitian jumped at her brother, bent on teaching him a lesson.

Mo Siting who knew he had strung the wrong string , quickly dodged before running away, fighting for his dear life.

Who didn't know this sister of his might not be good at anything,but had a great fighting prowess. His back was still aching from the beating he had received a week ago. There was no way he would let her catch him this time.

"If you have the guts,stop right there.You pighead!"

The girl roared , sprinting towards the offender with great speed.

"You stop right there. It was my bad, i won't tease you anymore."

The young man's voice almost came out crying as the little boy pleaded.

"Come in. It's hot out here."

A mature,deep voice sounded right next to Jiang XueYue's ears, making her tremble at the itchy sensation. The man's lowered voice sounded enticing close up, so enticing that it could claim one's lives at ease.

Jiang Xueyue turned back to face the smiling Mo Sicheng who had secretly sneaked behind her without her knowledge.

Earlier,she was so engrossed in watching the sibling banter around that she had failed to notice the man's presence inching close to hers.

"Look at you, you are all sweaty."

Mo Sicheng uttered hoarsely staring at the girls flushed and glistening little face. He produced a handkerchief from his pants pockets and gently helped clean the girls sweaty face and neck.

"When did you come?"

Jiang Xueyue,asked with a low voice. It was so low that it was barely audible. The slight tremor in the girls soft voice led Mo Sicheng's breath grow heavy.

"I came just in time to witness this beauty smile merrily."

The deliberately lowered thick voice encased Jiang Xueyue in a void she would willingly live forever in.To have your lover sing praises of you besides your ears up so close, the thought was sensual yet pure at the same time.

Remembering the smile from earlier, Mo Sicheng's dark starry eyes turned darker with a clear hint of desire.As if bewitched in a broad daylight, the man's strong arms snaked around his lover's petite waist to pull her closer.

"for you to smile so beautifully. Do you still want to return home, princess?"

Their bodies were extremely close to each other, close enough for Mo sicheng to feel the pounding heartbeat of the girl. He could feel the curves of her body heaving up and down with every troubled breathe she took.

"I..i didn't mean that.."

The usually undaunted princess weakly retorted,her obsidian black eyes avoiding his dark one's. Their close proximity was something she had never experienced before. Facing such intimacy for the very first time already made her feel apprehensive yet anticipative.

"I know and I hope that you could smile so happily more so often."

With one hand holding the girl's chin gently and the other holding her petite frame, he inched closer towards her, their heads sticking tenderly.

Gazing into his boundless twinkling eyes, Jiang Xueyue sensed what his words meant. They were much more than just a request that the lips put forth

Those eyes of his conveyed assurance, assuring her that she could trust the people around her and somewhere promises, promises to protect her, to keep her safe and.....

Promise to accompany her for as long as she lived. He would silently stand behind her to gaurd her from any harm, guide her when she struggled, support her in her dreams and hold her hand with his every being and breathe.

Jiang Xueyue inched closer...