
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 28: A sister taken advantage of?

Jiang Xueyue inched closer, their bodies closely plastered together. Looking into his gentle whirlpool like eyes, that held insurmountable love and her reflection, her heart felt warm.

She travelled her hands ever so slowly, gliding them up from his waist to arms, arms to shoulders and finally from shoulder to neck, snuggling her tiny face in the creak of her lover's neck.


He raspily uttered, her feathery touch igniting the suppressed passion within his being. The passion he had chosen to forsake for many reason, one of them being her distant heart and other being their unspoken feelings.

Now that she proactively professed her feelings towards him,it was close to impossible for him to hold back yet he still tried. This girl was someone he cherished and loved from his whole heart, he was afraid his fiery passion might burn the thin string of feeling in between them.


The low nasally sound full of allure sounded just upon his earlobe. Her draggy tone with that hint of unprecedented softness sent a jolt straight to his heart. Mo Sicheng's breathing turned troubled while his body tightened due to the forceful restraint.

"I made your favourite blueberry muffins, come taste them. Then tell how you liked it so I can make more for you again in the future."

This was all that the poor man could make up to relieve himself of the current itching pain in his heart. He knew better to let himself loose at this moment,so all he could do but make excuses to escape.

The current pain made his yearning heart feel safe yet it was not so for his body which was yelling for him to dearly love this enticing girl then and there.

"You smell good."

As if not aware of the man's predicament,the girl rubbed her tiny nose against the latter's jaw, taking in a deep breath of his sandalwood like scent. Her heart felt bewitched while her mind turned mushy.

All she wanted to do now was to integrate this person's name deep in her heart, so that his presence remained as long as she lived.

"You like the smell of sandalwood?"

The previous eldest prince of pheonix country,who had loved one sidedly for his whole lifetime, curiously put forth his question. If he had known earlier that she liked his scent,he would have taken a bath to take off the sweet smell of cooking,so that she could smell all of his scent solely.


With the slight parting to let out an utter, the girl gingerly took Mo Sicheng's left earlobe between her red cool lips. Her pearly teeth holding onto his ear's skin with her wet and sweet tongue grazed against them ever so lightly.

This time, she could clearly feel the man close to her tremble for a brief fraction of second. Mo Sicheng, felt his mind turn blank as his breathing hitched.

"That's good . I shall wear this perfume more often then as long as you like it."

Pulling her closer by her waist, he let his other hand which was previously caressing Jiang XueYue's head wander down. His slender bamboo like fingers feathered over her hairline,then her little red ears,and continued travelling down until the graceful curve of her neck.

"Darling,you smell like home. My home."

The gentle lovers prattle led the man to halt in his acts. His body completely immobile as he gazed into her her. His vulnerable heart shook violently against his ribcage.

Stoping to see the man's silky expression, Jiang Xueyue proceeded to hold his neck and pulled him down before placing her icy loops over his warm one's.

For the instance, fireworks went off in their minds. The contrasting sensation drove them crazy,in an Abyss of poison they never knew they could get drunk in.

The comfortable joining of their thick and thin lips made them forget everything else in the world. All that remained were they themselves alone sharing a warm embrace.

Jiang Xueyue let her inexperienced tongue guide it's way all through her beloved's lips, inviting him for an intimate battle.

Mo Sicheng had just parted his lips to let the girl wander before he heard an awkward cough. A cough that claimed their lives and ceased their first romantic kiss.

Jiang Xuejing,along with his two younger brother stood their, all three of them sharing a similar grave darkened mein.

The three had rushed here to take their sister back after getting to know about her visit to the Mo Mansion. After dealing with the troublesome trio from the Zhou family, they had gone in search of their sister without caring for the untouched breakfast.

Who amongst them would have imagined that they would arrive to witness so hateful. This smelly brat from another family had not only kidnapped their girl from right under their nose but also taken advantage of her.

What sin had they committed for them to witness this today?

"How dare you!"

"Mo Sicheng!"

Jiang Xuejing and Jiang Xuesheng spat simultaneously, rushing to pounce on the heinous creature of a man in front of them. Jiang Xuewei, who was at the front and seen his little sister taking the initiative to kiss the man, silently went ahead to pull Jiang Xueyue out from the group of the trio.

His actions clear that he was about to leave with his sister without a second wasted. Though he knew, it was not like he was going to admit it.

If this brat had taken the initiative, he would have joined in to beat this bastard alongside his brother's. Now that the roles were reversed, he would let the man go and not make it hard for him.

He was after all an upright youth of his country. He played fair and partial.

"Brothers. Stop. You guys! What are you doing?"

Jiang Xueyue with her arms held in a firm grip of her second brother, could only shout in astonishment seeing her brother's launching attacks on Mo Sicheng.