
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 26: Yue'er's new hobby.

"Oh, so that's the case."

The oblivious girl hummed, moved by her mother's thoughtfulness. The woman could have easily ordered one of the cooks to cook for her,yet she went out of her way to especially learn it. Just to prepare breakfast for her daughter.

"Aunt Mo, please don't trouble yourself. I can have whatever the kitchen has left. I'm not a picky eater anyways."

Jiang Xueyue humbly declined. Though she would love to have some warm fragrant dumplings right now, she still wanted to eat the one's cooked by her mother.

"Mother, don't worry, I'll see to eat that sister in law's fed full."

Soft and sweet , that's how the teenage girl's voice sounded. Jiang Xueyue along with Madam Mo and Mo Sicheng shifted their eyes to look at the new comer.

There they were, Mo Sitian And Mo Siting walking towards them. While the girl was skipping over in excitement the latter was still calm with steady and unhurried steps.

"Sister in law!"

The younger duo greeted with bright smiles on their faces.

"They woke up early today when they heard you were coming over."

Mo Sicheng,their eldest brother did not hesitate for a second to reveal the duo.

When he had called home earlier, His mother was waking Mo Sitian up. He had clearly heard their mother coming how the younger two would not budge no matter what. However, when in a passing moment she had said that Jiang Xueyue was coming over, the young annoying girl had sat awake like she was never asleep .


Both twins gave a short laugh ,in order to cover their embarassment. While the little girl scratched her head being exposed the little mister tuned to glare his big Brother.

How could this man betray them like this infront of sister in law. He swore to go snitch on this man to his grandmother later in the evening.

"I can't wake up early in the morning too."

Jiang Xueyue chortled, easing the youngsters ashamed expressions.

"Let's go have breakfast together. Mom has made Soup dumplings today."

The girl exclaimed in excitement. Their mom made the world's best soup dumplings. Unfortunately she didn't like to cook. Thus they only had her hand cooked meal once in a year on New year's Eve.

What waste of talent.

"Hehe. I craved dumplings toi after sharing recipes with your mother." Madam Mo, who had intended to practice her skills to cook for her future daughter in law, faked a smile being stared by the girl's dark eyes.

Jiang Xueyue nodded seemingly have guessed the whole situation.

I'll just have both i guess. Jiang Xueyue internally made excuses for her gluttony.

A group of five people, consisting of an elder and four youngsters. Jiang Xueyue who had accidentally revealed her foodie image continuously praised her aunt's culinary skills.

"How do you like here, Yue'er?"

Madam Mo flattered by all the praise became kinder and also chattier. She , as if have found an old friend,talked about how greatly appreciated her cooking skills were among the family.After having finally reminded by Mo Sitian, the lady stopped to let others continue the talk.

"It's actually quite beautiful here. The immaculate decor of the interior feels warm yet posh. I especially like the flower bed outside. The colour combination and the varying species are top notch."

Showing her interest in gardening, Jiang Xueyue shared her observations and appreciation with the others. Her eyes glinted with light signifying her interest.

"It's good that you like it here. And the gardening, Siting has been into botany since a young age. He is the one who generally supervises the gardening methods and mainly handles it himself. The flower bed was planted by him too."

Madam Mo, shared about the facts. The mother's pride in her son brimming with live as she talked.

"It's not much. I read about those methods in some books. "

Modesty is the virtue and here the modest Mo Siting calmly started despite in the face of praise.Cool and tranquil,the teenage boy appeared to be, yet his flushed ears gave away his embarassment.

"Planting this much number of species not only requires a through knowledge but also great effort. It's admiring of you to have managed it so well. "

The meal which would have normally end in an hour , today was extended to two hours. The teenagers of opposite sexes shared their ideas and learning as they ate . Dining table felt more like a school table at that moment.

As if the profound talk was not enough, the youngsters excused themselves to go gardening early in the afternoon. While Jiang XueYue, an gardening enthusiastic praised some parts of Mo Sitings technique, she also pointed out some of the few incorrect ways here and there.

"The ghost orchid there, while it's an great skill to have kept it separately in the glass house to preserve the right temperature and humidity. You must keep in mind that the absence of leaves make them unable to go through the process of photosynthesis. The ghost orchid do not prepare their own food and need to be linked to another plant to absorb sufficient energy."

Jiang Xueyue, having spent most of her leisure time cultivating plants, noticed the problem. Making a point kindly and gently, corrected the other person.

"Oh, here i was wondering why the plant was wilting all this while. So that's the thing. Thank you,i shall keep a note on that. "

Mo Siting grateful uttered, his pheonix eyes similar to that of his big Brother's , yet a lot softer on the edges , shone with the reflection of early sunshine.

"It's alright. Hey, how about you teach about the Jade vine there. I still can't cultivate it after several tries. I have failed quite a few times now that a dare not to try anymore."

The keen child eager to learn put forward her request. To which the latter gladly agreed on. The two decided to learn from each other and agreed to meet again soon.