
To kill the Gods

this is a Revenge story about a man who has lived for thousands of years after being tossed away by the God's and is waiting for his chance to get revenge. thousands of years after the gods disappeared the world continued to advance until we reached the modern world when everything changed. dungeons began to appear all over the world those who entered those dungeons gained abilities and systems. while this happened beings who hid for many years began to come out of the shadows and become stronger. A war between Humans, Immortals, and unknown beings who can create these dungeons was beginning. type of story will probably just keep changing throughout the entire time might randomly jump from action to romance to tragedy to adventure Don't expect a super kind MC, He won't protect everyone just because he can

Merlin_D_Einheart · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

chapter 4

<Shay POV>

It is the morning after the incident and I have gotten up and started my usual daily routine. Get up at 5am and start my morning work out and end it with a 10 kilometer run.

[Maybe I should start running further I haven't even broke a sweat in years]

After my workout I have a shower and eat breakfast after I finish everything I would normally go out of the city to wander around until 5 in the afternoon and hunt 1 or 2 goblins.

[Looks like I won't be going out today]

[They have completely blocked off all the gates to prevent anyone from leaving]

[Well it makes sense considering what happened yesterday]

[Good thing I have a lot of things to do today]

As I looked at the at all the gates through my God's Eye{It is a skill to see from a birds eye view} and contemplated on my itinerary of sorts in my head I decided to leave my apartment while I was closing my door I ran into my Neighbor leaving at the same time.

[Well I know she won't respond anyway but I guess I should be Neighborly]

So I raised my hand and waved

"Hello, Good Morning" I greeted her

[Why is she just staring at me, it's getting creepy]

She stared at me for almost a minute until she finally said it, the very first thing she said to me ever since I moved in.

"hi" she finally says

I felt my jaw drop.

["hi" she said hi what the hell is going on, is the world ending or maybe she's dying and decided to make an attempt at being nice]

As I contemplated this I finally noticed that she left, I looked over the railing to see if she was still there, but she was no where to be seen.

[meh, oh well, lets just head to the World Hunter Association]

As I walked over to the World Hunter Association or WHA [seriously did no one look at the abbreviation before naming it, really WHA it's the sound a crying baby makes] I took my usual route I would walk, it goes through a market I knew almost everyone there as it's where I normally go shopping.

"morning Shay, can I offer you a fresh slab of Minitour meat"

"no thanks, maybe on my way back later" I responded in a polite tone

If you could already guess most people in this market are Hunter's who get most of their ingredients themselves. Some of them are a little different than hunter's they are similar to me but not quite the same.

"Goooood Morning Shay, You still haven't aged a day"

They are what you would call Immortals. They aren't immortals as in they can't die. They are only immortal in the fact that they can't die of natural causes such as old age.

"I could say the same about you to Will"

He is one of the good ones, but that can be explained at a later date.

Most of the immortals I meet tend to think I'm like them that I gained my powers and immortality after the God's disappeared but I'm a little different I was created by the God's directly, then thrown away like a useless dog, damn those motherf.....

[Alright brain calm down or we are going to have a miserable day]

Most of the Immortals used to call themselves The Children Of The God's, but after some of them acting like assholes the humans got fed up and started killing all the immortals off, it wasn't hard to differentiate immortals from humans in the past since only immortals had powers but you can also find a special mark somewhere on their body it didn't look like a tattoo so it was easily recognizable even if they were all different.

After some time passed and many immortals died the remaining went into hiding growing families from behind the scenes or just blending into society. After a few hundred years God's and immortals became nothing more than stories and after a couple thousand years you could only find them in mythology or certain religions.

While I thought about this I realized I had already made it to the Crying baby, I mean World Hunter association.

"good morning, how can I help you today" the receptionist asks in his scripted voice

"I'm just here to sell this" I place the goblin core on the exchange section

And a look of distain crossed the man's face but he kept on doing his job.

[Well at least he is better than the last one]

As I was thinking that a low voice came from be hind me.

"what's this pathetic little Shay here to just sell his measly little goblin core"

I could hear the receptionist and a few others snickering. I decided to ignore it like I always do since they aren't worth my time.

[although I'm ignoring them for some reason I feel irritated today]

I decided to quickly grab my money and leave, but before I could reach the door 2 men blocked me from leaving.

"what is are little Shay Shay going to leave so soon" one of the guys blocking the door said

[ya I'm really starting to get irritated for some reason]

"Move" I said

But they didn't move

"oh look are little baby Shay might finally be growing some balls"


people started laughing all around

I turned around I saw a large man who looks like he's on steroids.

"Get them out of my way" I ordered while lowering my voice a bit

[Seriously I'm getting really fucking angry right now]

It must have caught him off guard but it was only for a moment then he walked up to me and said

"Or what are you going to hurt us"

"What if I do" I said in a irritated tone

He then grabbed my hair and proceeded to say "I'd like to see you try"

It was then I closed my eye in anger and I felt something snap inside me and I grabbed his wrist that was on my head and gripped it ever so slightly that his bones in his wrist shattered into nothing.

When I opened my eyes I was looking down with disgust at a grown man on the floor crying and shouting