
To kill the Gods

this is a Revenge story about a man who has lived for thousands of years after being tossed away by the God's and is waiting for his chance to get revenge. thousands of years after the gods disappeared the world continued to advance until we reached the modern world when everything changed. dungeons began to appear all over the world those who entered those dungeons gained abilities and systems. while this happened beings who hid for many years began to come out of the shadows and become stronger. A war between Humans, Immortals, and unknown beings who can create these dungeons was beginning. type of story will probably just keep changing throughout the entire time might randomly jump from action to romance to tragedy to adventure Don't expect a super kind MC, He won't protect everyone just because he can

Merlin_D_Einheart · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

chapter 3

<unknown POV>



[oh great another bag is busted]

[well as long as the director doesn't find out it was me its fine]

Its been a stress filled week for me lots of strange things seem to be happening recently and instead of send someone else to investigate they keep sending my team.

[well we are one of the best teams in the country, maybe in the entire world if we were given the shot to try]

After working out for a little longer I decided to bring my session to an end and go have a shower.

(la la la la)

[Ah I love this song]

{la la la la}

As I was singing along to my song in the shower I suddenly heard banging on the door.

"What" I yelled out in an irritated tone

"Captain sorry to disturb you but we just got a mission" said the voice from outside

"So what pass it on to someone else to deal with"

"Sorry Captain I wanted to but it is an order directly from the Director and it seems it may have something to do with our recent missions"

"(sigh) alright I'll be out in a minute, in the mean time get everyone ready"

"Yes, Captain"

I could hear the footsteps leave the gym area so I got out and dried off.

[Damn this fucking director I want to beat the shit out of him]

[well I guess I can't do that since he is my father]


Well complaining to my self I got dressed and walked to my personal room and got my hunting gear on, pulled my hair into a high ponytail, and grabbed my two daggers off the wall and placed them into the sheaths on my waist.

I walked to the operations room where my team should all be waiting. As I walk into the meeting room everyone stood up and saluted me. I returned them a light salute.

[damn these formalities they're so annoying]

I walked to the far end of the table that was there and sat down.

"Alright, Ben give us a run down"

"Yes, Captain"

It was the same voice that informed about this earlier. He is also my second-in-command or the Vice-Captain as everyone else knows him.

"At approximately 1700 today an unknown being suddenly appeared at the North gate..."

he gave a brief description of what happened according to what we were informed about. And about what are mission is.

[from his explanation they want us to go and investigate and bring the corpse back in 1 piece]

[well that's just wonderful(sarcastic tone)]

After the briefing was completed we moved out toward the North Gate. We arrived in about 10 minutes. when we got there most of the guards had died.

[Looks like only 2 are still alive]

"What the hell is that thing!?" asked one of my team members

We all saw what he was looking at and understood why he said it the way he did.

[What is that I've never seen anything like it before]

"alright get ready for battle we will use formation 1, keep your guard up at all times as we do not know what it is capable of!" I ordered them

"YES,CAPTAIN" all of them shouted in unison

As we approached we got into formation and surrounded it. We started with half our unit using long range weapons including guns and bow&arrows. With their skills from the system it did major damage and wakened it the the rest of us moved in and finished it off in close combat.

"Well done everyone, Ben I'll leave the rest to you." I stated

"Yes, Captain"

[It was strange it didn't feel like killing a monster but it didn't fell like killing a human either and the experience points it gave was enough to go up 5 levels and that was after it gets split between all of us]

I then thought about the battle and out of the corner of my eye while we were fighting I saw a young man standing by the gate. he didn't seem to be scared it was as if he was assessing something.

[Did he have something to do with this or maybe he knows something]

[seems like I'll have to find more information on him later]

"OMG it's Captain Katrina" and high pitched girl screamed

As I turned around there were a few young girls and boys standing behind me.

[oh look more fan girls and perverted boys, guess I should be nice]

I decided to put on my poster girl smile and asked them how they were and i they were ok. They were all so happy that I talked to them. I could here my team trying to hold back their laughter as they now I hate dealing with people like this. As I was acting I looked back to where that young man was standing and he was gone.

[Like I thought I'm going to have to investigate him]

[I'm also going to have to punish this so called team of mine] as I thought that I turned my head to wards them an glared daggers at them while keeping my poster girl smile.

They all immediately shut up to come and get me out of this situation as if that might save them from punishment. And with that my Long day finally came to an end. Well that was the case until I had to listen to my father nag me for an hour when he found out I broke another bag. At least my Mother showed up to protect me from the nagging of my father as he was dragged out of his office by the ear.

[ya she is the exact definition of a mother, loving and caring, but terrifying when she is angry and when she says something everyone listens even my father, well that might be do to the fact that she is one of the strongest people in the world]

"what are you still standing there for the food is going to get cold if we don't go home." my mother barked at me

so I giggled and obediently followed and now my long day is finally over.