
To be with you, to the next

When being pushed to the limit, will one break or come out still in one piece? Does having supernatural power do good? When wielding powers that do not belong to a body that was not meant to hold it, will it shatter? Or will it create distortion to your very existence? Is the you now from the past or the future? Everyone changes with time. For their loved ones, their willingness to give up their lives. And to be with the one you love, one might go over and beyond dimension for them. Even I as the author of this fiction story wonders if there is an end.

Neol · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Wait... let me Toogle it first

On the 57th floor, it is the CEO's private floor as she mostly stays within the company to finish up her work. Liam woke up first and was alerted as it was an unfamiliar place, beside him slept Sora who was drooling on the pillow. Liam went out of the room to explore his surroundings and saw the CEO's assistant doing his work on the sofa.

The assistant noticed something moved from the CEO's bedroom and looked up. Both stared at each other until the assistant broke the silence, "Are you awake now? I will notify them that you are awake." As he prepares to leave. "Please do not touch anything and remain seated on the sofa, I will be back".

Liam saw the CEO's assistant left and decided that they were safe. He went to the CEO's table and sat on the CEOs' chair, the table was black and made of metal, the chair was kind of cute, nobody would expect the CEO to have a baby pink cutesy chair. He then saw a touchpad attached underneath the table and touch the downward arrow, the table starts to lower to his height.

Amazed at the tech just for a table, he also then realizes that the CEO is actually working hard, seeing the number of documents, notes all spread out on the huge table. 'I assumed that she was a lazy kid, I thought she was joking about being a CEO.' Liam walked back to the bedroom and saw Sora on the verge of tears. Sora saw Liam and he ran toward him and hugged him.

"Where were you? I thought I got kidnapped again. No wait, are we being kidnapped?" Sora's eyes widen as he said.

Liam was hugged tightly, "Let go of me. We are in mom's boss room". Sora got out of his shock and lets Liam go. The both of them went out and sat down on the sofa. Suddenly, the door opens, there appeared the CEO and her assistant.

"Did you guys have a nice nap?" asked the CEO as she approaches them. The two kids were silent, the CEO brought out some of their company testing products. "You guys know, everyone is working hard in my company, you guys appeared timely. I need your help to test some products, no worries it's safe for execution." After a moment of silence, Liam said "Sorry, we were scared when we woke up in an unknown place."

The young girl patted both Sora and Liam's heads and said in a comforting, exciting manner "it's ok, you and Sora can try this product. You guys are starting school, right? This is a learning tablet which will be implemented in schools so that students do not have to bring many books. I want to see if the system and design fit a young child."

"Ah! No worries, you guys will be paid or request 1 thing from me" stated the CEO. The CEO took out the testing product and placed it in front of them and walked to the opposite sofa across them. Both children said they want to request something from the CEO.

"Let's hear your requests".

"I want to make a Father's Day gift for my papa", said Sora.

Father's Day gift?? What do people give for father Day? I didn't realize it was a thing to celebrate. Don't tell me mother's Day also exists?! But then I got no one to give to. I only know Christmas, Valentine, New Year, Labor Day, what else… "Hmm… wait let me Toogle it first. Let us see… How about a letter? Or a Card or perhaps a mug? How about doing all this cause your father started working here? It's more environmentally friendly to use a mug than using disposable cups". Said the CEO after browsing the web.

"Thank you!" said Sora and started testing the product in front of him.

"What about you? Also, a Father's Day gift?" The CEO asked Liam about his request.

Liam thought it over many times but still does not know what he wants. "Can you hold on to my request, once I'm ready I will tell you about it?"

"Ok, no rush for I am capable of almost anything" stated the CEO as she smirked. Seeing the two children playing hard with the test product, The CEO went to her desk and saw that it was lowered, she looked at Liam and back to her desk and set it back to default height and lower it a bit. Just a bit, not a lot.

As many employees started to leave the company to go home, Xyleria and Ryuu went to the 57th floor to pick up the children who were playing with the CEO in the game room. The assistant opened the door for them and notified the CEO about their arrival.

"Ehhh… so fast. Kids, I guess it's time for you to go home." Said the CEO. Liam and Sora went out of the game room with the CEO and bid farewell to her.

The CEO saw them off and went to the 56th floor the official office of the CEO and the assistant's office, to finish their work. Both the CEO and assistant work through the night, picking up calls, online conferences, signing documents, reviewing reports.

The assistant alerted the boss that the injured man she had encountered while on her way to work has regained consciousness. They went to the lift lobby on their way to pay a visit to the injured man.

"That unlucky dude woke up. That was fast. He should have just remained asleep for the rest of his life. Who knew he was a complicated guy, such regret can only be solved by having fun with his problems. HAHAHAH!"

The assistant held the CEO's backpack and said "Regarding the meeting that you send Mr. Gohane to attend, they have requested a meeting with you. Mr.Gohane has sent an email to you regarding the change of CEO of Huve Corporation and its board of directors."

"Arrange the meeting to next week then. This week is going to be busy." Said the CEO as she rubs her hands together just thinking about the 2 kids coming to her empire for the week.

Father's day gift... I really had to search that up.

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