
Chapter 19: The Doorway To Another Planet

Chapter 19: The Doorway To Another Planet

Jade woke up when she felt the breeze of the cold night’s wind. For a moment, she laid there as if her soul just returned to her body. Feeling the extreme warmth and coziness, she decided to close her eyes as it was all impossible for her to resist the soft pillows around her and the thick blanket which felt like heavenly clouds, but something urged her to open her eyes again as all of it felt like a lie. She blinked her eyes and rose up slowly. She immediately looked to the candle which had melted all its way half of its original height, giving the only light in the dark room. She laid there confused for a moment as she let everything around her sink in. She looked around and noticed that she was in a cabin… No, an old room perhaps, empty, some of like was never used in years. Even so, she felt comfortable and cozy and looked at the silky soft sheets that covered her body. Her brows crossed realizing the fabric is not old, which were opposed to her surroundings. She turned back to see the soft fluffy pillows covered in a ruffle sheet and inspected it, leading her to a conclusion that it was just bought recently.

She was just staring blankly at it as the memories kicked back causing her eyes to snap wide open.

“Where am I?” She asked herself, nervousness rising into her chest and making her breathe heavily.

“You’re still in Alvarez,” a voice from the distance announced.

Jade got startled at the sound of the voice and turned her head as she saw a shadow standing near the dimly lit entrance of the room. ‘That voice’ she thought.

“Asher is that you?” She couldn’t see clearly because of the darkness and her blurred sight which made her realize that she was not wearing her glasses.

“About time you woke up,” The silver-haired guy walked towards her, the dim light from the candle was enough to let Jade freeze as she saw his handsome face. He’s wearing a black turtleneck and distressed blue jeans that made his physique stand up in the dark room. His usual pony-tailed hair was beautifully loosen as if it were being treated well that matches perfectly with his side swept bangs to finish his looks. Asher stood there, looking down at her, his golden eyes narrowed for a moment. Jade didn’t know what to do, she was still in the bed staring up at him, only for her to imagine that Asher really reminded her of some of the models on TV. For a moment, her heart fluttered a little in her chest.

However her eyes widened as she realized something, “Wait, what are you doing here? W-What am I doing here? Are you the one who kidnapped me?” Her eyes looked through the pair of glasses the albino wore. She waited but she got no response from him. “Answer me!” She managed despite how nervous she was.

“Just what in the world is happening?” She asked almost whispering to herself without letting her gaze out to the albino.

Asher only gave her a stern look and studied her face, which made the girl feel awkward. “W-What is it?” Jade asked nervously and looked away at his gaze but to her surprise, both of them heard a growling sound which was coming from her stomach, it was so loud that she couldn’t believe that it was from her! As soon as it was over, heat rushed up to her face, in her mind she was already screaming due to the embarrassment, she was frozen like a stone and couldn’t utter a word as Asher was still gazing at her as if he heard nothing but was actually dumbfounded.

‘Don’t just stare at me like that! Say something!’ Jade screams internally. She wanted to hide under the fluffy sheets of the blanket but then she just saw the albino cracked a giggle, trying not to laugh hard.

‘IS HE LAUGHING AT ME?!’ Jade continued to scream inside of her thoughts. “Argh! This is embarrassing!” She cried and reached the nearest pillow and covered her face. She was blushing intensely and couldn’t face Asher.

“How about we go have a midnight snack then?” Jade blinked her eyes as she heard what the albino offered. She found it unbelievable and sounded almost like a joke, but giving it a thought she knew that the guy was actually generous. She remembered that day at the café when he treated them all.

She was staring blankly before she returned back to herself.

“Fix yourself. I’ll be waiting for you outside.” Asher said, gesturing his head to a paper bag which was sitting on a desk then left the room.

Jade looked at the paper bag and was left hanging before realizing her thoughts back to the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her as she pressed her face hard on the pillow and screamed in annoyance.


Jade changed her clothes to a soft pink pajamas with sleeves that billowed out hugely, it was made of cotton that slid softly against her skin, and also it has a strange pink cartoon character imprinted on it. For a moment, she thought. ‘Did he just buy this?’ But then she just closed her eyes and shook her head, ignoring the idea. She brushed her deep black hair into a ponytail and wore her glasses and sighed in relief before she reached the door, turning the doorknob counter clockwise, cracking it open and peering out to see Asher waiting, leaning back on the wall.

Asher looked at her and she was almost turned to stone again as she felt the disturbing awkwardness.

“Let’s go,” it sounded more like a command rather than an offer but then there was no time for her to feel wary of all this foreign feeling. She’s in a weird situation and she wanted to hear some information.

Of all the boys, Asher was the most distant and she barely had a conversation with him, it’s not that she didn’t like him, it’s just that it’s not the same talking to him, unlike the others. With him, she felt like she’s in a TV show with burning questions thrown at her one after another, it’s as if she was like a famous actress who needed to polish her answers first all through and through before spitting it out to the host, which happens to be the albino. Just the mere thought of replying to him was making her nervous. Not to mention, there’s also that certainty regarding his naturally programmed anti-social skills. Those ideas made her upset and more uncomfortable. However, the fact that her stomach was clenching and groaning with hunger made her reach out and follow the albino.

She was behind and following him quietly, keeping a good few feet between her and him, their footsteps touching the brown marble tiles was the only sound that echoed as Asher led her to the dining room. From behind, she couldn’t help but admire the long, snow-like hair of his. She gazed at it appreciatively before she realized the albino stopped and turned his back only for their orbs to meet.

She blushed lightly.

“Sorry,” she told him for staring. She waited for some response but the lad resumed walking, which made Jade shift her mood instantly.

‘DID HE JUST IGNORED ME?!’ She grimaced and pouted. “Seriously, what’s with him?” She muttered to herself, before following him again.

Upon looking at the surrounding, she realized they were walking in a long hallway lit by the flames from the candle chandeliers that were hanging on the walls, the white wallpaper on the walls was pretty torn and there were few scratches on it like some beast entered the place and laid its nails on it. She can also smell the dirt everywhere, it is indeed an old mansion.

Jade followed Asher down the hallway and to the right for a couple feet before he opened a pair of old wooden doors. It was eerily dark inside that made Jade frown, but her expression quickly changed upon seeing the room further. Inside was an empty dining room, there was a simple rectangular dinner table that could probably fit about a family of six. It was covered by an old but clean white table cloth, and above it were two medium size candelabras which were painted in silver, each holding six candles. For a moment, Jade was stunned in awe, it was very different from what she imagined, she thought the place could be possibly dull and lifeless but then it was unbelievably welcoming. She thought that even though the place is old and was forgotten in time, it seems that the inside was the contrary.

There is life inside the mansion.

Asher took the lead and pulled out a chair before inching his fingers, gesturing to Jade to sit. She was caught without a guard but momentarily she involuntarily pulled out a faint smile and sat on the chair.

‘Why does it feel like we’re on a date?’ She asked herself, looking down at the complicated array of kitchen utensils that were placed accordingly, forks were placed to the left of the plate and knives and spoons to her right. She then looked around the room while Asher was walking around the two old counters, approaching a refrigerator.

“Anything you want to drink?” He asked casually.

“Uhm… Water?” She suggested. Asher looked back at her and stared at her for a few seconds and went back to rummaging through the fridge.

“I refuse, have some wine.”

That made Jade a bitter smile. ‘Then what’s the point of asking me? And wait, is this how he treated visitors? Maybe! But hey! I’m not a visitor at all! I was kidnapped!’ She was screaming those words in her mind, she was really hoping that all of it was just a weird dream and not the reality but she remained silent and closed her eyes for a moment. She was trying not to let out a sigh and force herself to keep calm and composed.

She beamed a smile instantly to cover her misery as Asher reached the table with a pack of loaf bread, meat, and a mayo. He placed it all over the table and sat on a chair. There was no conversation coming out from their mouth, it was just Jade who’s quietly watching the albino work quickly, pouring out the red wine to a glass, before handing it over to her. She was reluctant to accept it at first but it was rude of her if she were going to reject his offer, especially when he is this kind.

“Why are you so stiff? Do I really make you uncomfortable?” At last the albino started to talk upon giving the glass. It made Jade stiffened a little and blushed a little on her seat and couldn’t respond for seconds.

“N-No! It’s not like that,” she was holding the glass with both of her hands. After a few seconds, she couldn’t give a proper response and was just looking down just to dodge the albino’s face. She felt her cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. “W-Well… Maybe because we're not that close to each other enough?” She swallows a lump in her throat upon saying those words.

The silver-haired male grinned for a moment. “I think that’s natural. Well at least on this planet.” He adjusted his glasses before she looked straight at the girl. “Earth is a forbidden planet that wouldn’t allow different races and species to enter it. That alone made this planet grow in peace and love without the need to undergo countless revolutions and warfare. It causes people like you to feel free and do whatever you want. Sitting here with me and having a midnight snack is one but… Does it cross your mind what would happen if your planet wasn’t forbidden?”

The uncomfortable feeling Jade had earlier rose immediately that made her body feel heavy. She couldn’t think of an answer and was reluctant to even give one, she was just there sitting nervously and staring back at the silver-haired.

“I’m pretty sure you remember all too well the day when Daniel arrived, right?” Asher asked as he poured the wine to his glass. He raised it and looked at it while it was inside his palms, the glass reflected back the dim light that was coming from the candle.

Her hands instantly crumpled the fabric of her pajamas hearing what just the albino asked. “I’m pretty much aware of it…” She managed, despite the incredible nervousness and anxiousness she felt.

“Then I will ask you a question, was Yujin able to protect you?” Asher questioned, his voice was low but it’s crazy how it was echoing inside Jade’s mind.

Jade never wanted to reminisce about that, but the question Asher asked made her remember the events of that day. Yujin was all battered and bruised by some guy whose name was Jinyoung. He couldn’t even land a punch and counterattack, it just resulted for the red-head to be beaten without giving a fight, and she remembered why, because Yujin was protecting her.

Jade bit her lower lip in bitterness as she remembered it. She was just there kneeling on the muddy grass, begging for everyone to stop. She couldn’t do a thing and that alone made her so sick of herself, she couldn’t even look Yujin at his face after that, and blamed herself for being a burden on that day.

“Yujin and the others forget who they really are. That’s what the peace of this planet had brought to them.” Asher took a sip on his wine and placed it on the table before meeting Jade’s eyes, eyeing her with seriousness. “As someone who knew them, I knew they could protect themselves easily. They could put up a fight and beat the hell out of Daniel, but it only resulted in further damage. They shouldn’t have been mortified,” he continued with a scoff. “Just the thought of them being hospitalized made me want to puke.”

“Compassion, friendship, and affection, those feelings make things inconvenient. They aren’t necessary for people like us. They’ve stayed in this world for too long, it’s unbecoming of them, to Noctis, Edward, and even Yujin. We are soldiers and we shouldn’t be here.”

She looked at Jade across the table, few of his locks fell beautifully and with his voice low, he said. “You know where I’m coming from right? It’s best that they never came to this planet at all.”

“It’s best that they shouldn’t meet all of you.”

Those words echoed all throughout Jade’s mind. She was just staring back at the albino unbelievably, and was unable to say anything but on the contrary, her heart was screaming. Yes, she was hurt by his words, she was hurt that she wanted to stand up and hear her side for a bit. Even though it's meaningless to him, to this guy, she knew in the corner of her heart that she was happy that she met the boys, especially Yujin, but she can’t deny the truth that Asher was right. They do not belong to this planet and they shouldn’t be here. Was it really better that they never met them?

She forcibly closed her eyes, in her memory was the day they were attacked.

“Are you really willing to sacrifice your life? Come with us and no one will be hurt.”

“I’m sorry Jinyoung but I’ll choose to stay here and protect her even if my life is on the line!”

As soon as she opened her eyes, she didn’t realize that she was already clenching her first. She was just looking at her own hands apologetically.

“For that reason, I need you…” Jade was surprised and looked up straight at Asher, for a moment, her thoughts got lost and was severely trying to cope up with everything the guy was saying to her.

She looked at him. “A-And what is that?” She managed.

“People on this planet always say ‘I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than to regret the things I haven’t done.’ What’s your opinion on that?” There was a big question mark in her head. ‘What is he talking about now?’ She thought, looking at him suspiciously but then she just answered the question.

“I-I’m not really sure myself, but it probably means what it says.” She answered quickly then closed her lips afterwards.

“Then, speaking theoretically… If there were a situation where maintaining the status quo would only make things worse but nobody knew what course of action would improve the conditions, what would you do?”

“W-What do you mean?” Jade’s face made into a frown as her brows furrowed.

‘There he goes again. He really loves to make people’s minds puzzled. What are we talking about now? The politics in our country? What does he care about? Not just a moment ago, he said that it’s better that we didn’t meet Yujin and the others. Just what is this all about?’

“Wouldn’t you think that change, any change at all, would be best for now? Nothing will improve regarding the way things currently are.”

“Well… I guess that’s one way to look at it.” Still confused, Jade answered but this time she does have the idea of what the albino was referring to.

“But you know, people are all conservative who can’t keep up with the change. A lack of action would only allow the situation to grow worse.” Asher played the wine glass in his hands in spiral motion while staring at it. “In that case, it should be okay for me to use my own judgment to submit changes, right? I’ve grown tired of just observing things without actually doing something and just letting it be whatever it is, that’s why…” He stopped playing the glass and put it on the table, then with a moment that felt like time had stopped, he stared quietly at Jade.

“I’ll kill you and see how Yujin will respond.”

‘Huh?!’ Jade reacted inside her mind and with just a tick of a clock, she found herself dodging a knife that was thrown at her. She felt the hair rising on the back of her neck. Her eyes widened in horror, as she saw a few strands of her hair cut off mid-air, and nervously looked back at the knife which was stuck on the wall. She turned her head back only to see Asher who was already standing, between his fingers are knives.

All of the heaviness inside her body has got intense, her chair screeches against the marble tiles as she pushes it back and stands up. “W-What are you doing?!” She asked scared but she was just ignored.

“I take that you already realized it, don’t you? You didn’t dodge that knife. I let you dodge it. The next one will be fatal.” His words made her feel a shrill horror running up through her spine. His freezing gaze made her shrink.

Asher made a step forward, slowly while Jade was taking her steps backward, she was sweating profusely while her eyes were all locked up to the albino. They were still moving slowly as if waiting for the right time until Jade felt the cold and dusty wall behind her.

‘This is bad! There’s no way for me to escape!’ She talked to herself in panic as she met the golden pair of eyes the albino has. The albino quickly threw a knife at her which made Jade scream and run, the knife hit the wall but it never ended as he threw the other knives in his hands one after another!

Jade continued to run in panic, dodging all the knives that were being thrown at her. She could really feel the killing intent from the albino, it’s like an invisible smoke that tries to suffocate her. ‘Why is he doing all of this? Was he really an enemy?’ Her thoughts screamed as she made an attempt to leap, letting herself an enough distance from the albino however, it was unfortunate for her as she was left being trapped in the corner of the room. She couldn’t move. Every muscle in her body froze, her heart was pounding as blood rushed all over her. All she could do was press herself against the wall, standing stiffly as Asher looked at her with a yearning look in his eyes like a predator cornered his prey.

“Now then…” He whispered softly as he pulled from his back a sharp knife, it looked like it’s longing to bathe itself in blood. Jade pressed herself further in desperation, wishing she could slip past through the wall and avoid the nearest death.

Everything turned into slow motion at that moment. Jade closed her eyes and prepared herself, before the remaining seconds of her life ended, she thought hopefully…

‘But I don’t want Yujin and the others to go. That is the reason why we decided to train right? To do these things! I don’t want him to go away. I couldn’t imagine living in this world without him! I refuse to accept what Asher said!’

“Now just be obedient and don’t move,” Asher said coldly as he took steps forward to Jade. She could feel her breathing becoming heavy and tears running down in her eyes as Asher prepared himself and attempted to stab her! Jade remained her eyes closed and held her breath.

‘I’m certain…’

‘I felt his mana… He’s here, I just know it!’

She screamed in all her might the name of the person she held the dearest.


Jade could only scream the red-head’s name as Asher was about to stab her, but that was as far as he got as they both heard a loud scream coming from their side! Just then, the walls of the room crumpled into pieces and there came Yujin who burst out from it!

“Jade!!!” He screamed in all his might and quickly lunged into their direction to stop Asher from his attempt to kill Jade like a perfect entrance for a hero to come! He caught Asher’s wrist and grabbed it forcibly, giving a hard shove as he took up the position between Asher and Jade. That could only make Asher gaped for a moment, eyes widened, and looked at Yujin. His usually red-orbs turned deep while glaring at the albino.

“An unarmed girl getting attacked by a man with a weapon. What’s the big idea?” Yujin announced coolly, making Asher grin wickedly.

Jade blinked, looking at Yujin in alarm, tears were falling in the corner of her eyes. “Y-You came…” She whimpered.


It’s the middle of the night. Noctis, with Yujin and the others left the dorm after the young boy with the silver-head told them Jade’s location. The wind blew colder that sent shivers down Pearl’s spine, making her look at the bright and full moon over their head. As they all headed out and walked through the snowy street of Alvarez, she leaned a little to Edward and whispered.

“Hey,” her voice leaked, making Edward give her a sidelong glance. “So… I’m just curious about what Noctis did to that kid earlier, do you have an idea?” Her eyes speak unhappy. Edward, who was walking slowly, matching the girl’s pace, looked at Noctis’ back who hadn't any clue that he was already their talking point.

His eyes narrowed at Pearl who was patiently waiting for an answer before he stopped walking.

“It’s called Dark Moment.”

Just as she heard the answer, Pearl also stopped walking and looked at the guy, eyes wide in surprise as if she dropped something from her hands. Edward continued to talk, lowering his voice.

“Dark Moment. It’s an illusionary technique, where the user puts his target under an illusion. This could only work if Noctis touches the body of his target. If he does so, he interrupts the natural flow of mana inside his target’s body, affecting his senses. That resulted in creating false images that… well.” Edward paused, quite hesitant to continue.

“That…?” Pearl followed as she looked up at his friend, asking for more. Edward looked at the ravenette in front of them before looking back at the girl.

He released a light sigh and decided to continue. “Well… The technique lets you see things that you feared the most. That explains the behavior of that kid earlier, he must have felt really traumatized.” Edward commented sympathetically. “Back in the days, Noctis used that technique to interrogate our hostages. It's quite favorable for us, since it’s not easy to gather information. You see, information are highly important to obtain, even the smallest details are-“

Edward paused after he realized that Pearl was conflicted, possibly mulling over the things about what he just announced. After all, he was spitting out things that the girls have never heard of from them. His lips formed a faint smile and gently patted the girl’s head.

Pearl never saw that coming as he looked up at Edward. His brown and soft bangs were brushing off gently by the wind, perfectly matching his handsome face while his ocean eyes were gazing back at her. He let out his usual smile.

“No need to worry. It might sound like a terrible and scary technique but Noctis only used it for his friends… Us.” He reassured her that it’s not a bad thing.

Pearl gave out a sad smile and replied, “I knew that.” Letting the brown-head know that she agreed with him.

“Hey! Are you two going to dawdly-deedly? Because we need to move fast. Who knows what is happening to Jade right now!” Yujin screamed hastily in front of them. The two looked at each other with a fun smile as they hurried over and followed the others. They could already see the park from their distance.

“Ugh! Why am I treated like this?!” The young boy complained bitterly, trying to move freely from his awkward and helpless situation. Well actually he was being tied with a rope around his neck and another one that tied his hands behind his back.

“Because it makes you unhappy, which makes me less unhappy!” Glory sneered hatefully at the kid, emphasizing every word she said. She was the one who’s holding the rope as if she’s walking a dog in the park. If she were a wild beast, she would already bare her fangs and tear apart the kid’s body. That’s just how she hates him. The kid only rolled his eyes and scrunched up his nose, muttering about short and quick-tempered girls.

“Okay it’s pretty obvious that you two need to calm down,” Janine suggested warily as she looked back at them. When she turned her head in her front, she was surprised as she bumped into something.

“Oww…” She complained, rubbing her nose, but soon her eyes got wide as she realized that there was no wall at all. She tried to touch the metal chain linked fence in front of her that surrounded the park’s perimeters and it only gave the same result, she couldn’t reach it.

“There’s something blocking our way,” she turned her head back to everyone.

They all halted at the well-known Alvarez Park, which was located in the center of the city. Noctis stepped forward as he touched the invisible space blocking their way. As soon his palms touched the space, it reacted like a rock that has been thrown into a river, it created a ripple and shifted its color into different hues, like the colors of an oxidized oil. He stared at it for a moment.

“I get it now. It’s a barrier.” He announced. Out of the corner of Pearl’s eye, she saw Noctis make a momentarily puzzled face, so she instantly raised a question as if it was necessary.

“Is it the same as what Asher used before? What do you call it? Nemosaggi?” Pearl proceeded and the ravenette nodded with a grin to the girl’s quick thinking. That made a huge relief to her, seeing the lad in an awful expression makes her feel the same emotion too.

“It is. How stupid I was for not realizing it. Of course this was the reason why we couldn’t sense Jade at all. This veil acts like a protection inside however the outside is not that strong, so it is easy to dispel-“

“Whatever! Let’s barge in and hurry. The reason that thing is here is because Jade’s inside there!” Noctis was cut off as Yujin interrupted him impatiently. Yujin turned his head and glanced at Edward. “Can you break it?”

“Dispelling this barrier is a child’s play.” Edward asserted as he raised his right hand, forming a gesture. His other hand reached the barrier and demanded.


The barrier in front of them got broken into pieces like a mirror glass in an instant, but they were even more surprised as what awaited them was an unusual mansion in the middle of the park. They were all stunned at the sight in front of them. They all stare at it. There was no mansion in the park in the first place, so seeing it standing boldly, like someone just built it over the night was beyond belief. The mansion was quiet, and they roamed until Yujin felt something, like blood suddenly rushing intensely all over his system. His eyes widened and suddenly he ran from his position.

“Hey Yuu!” Noctis tried to stop him but it was too late as the red-head was already rushing to a certain.

Yujin was running not seeing anything else, his mind was only focused on the direction in front of him. He didn’t mind the snow underneath him even though it was making it difficult to run. He was moving at full power but it still seemed too far for him, however it didn’t stop him from running.

He roared as he made a leap, he arched his arm and gathered all the mana into his fist. There were a few more steps before he reached the mansion, and just as he landed a powerful punch into the mansion’s wall, he heard Jade’s voice screaming his name!

He yelled the girl’s name and with that, he landed a powerful blow creating a loud impact breaking the wall into pieces, his face seemed to burn and dazzled by anger. His deep red orbs were fixated directly at Jade who met his, relief swept through her.


“Y-You came…” Jade breaks into tears, muttering those words to the red-head in front of him. She let loose of her breath and looked at him, he was still holding Asher’s wrist, his gaze was vicious enough to let the albino feel that if it was deadly, he was already lying on the floor.

“Are you out of your mind? Huh?!” Yujin’s face hardened. His cold baritone voice echoed throughout the empty room. In the darkness, his facial features were even more prominent, strikingly handsome, yet deadly. Jade could feel the heaviness of his words like a death warrant, she could even tell to herself that this is the first time she saw the guy outrageously mad.

“Answer me!” His jaws clenched as he let out another roar, despite the threat, Asher remained quiet and was only staring back at Yujin, uninterested displayed in his golden eyes.

While in the middle of an interrogation, Noctis and the others storm in hastily through the broken wall and are surprised at the situation.

“Asher?!” Edward asked unbelievably and hurried over to the albino, who was still being held by Yujin. Glory was astounded by the outcomes of the events as various possibilities were already running inside her mind. She gulped nervously as she thought, ‘Did he betray us?’ Her nerves were wrecking inside her as she never imagined all of it. She thought that they were all just tricked and what just the albino showed was only for them to earn their trust. Her fingertips begin to tremble with intense anger that she has never experienced before. She wanted to move and face Asher but on the contrary she just stood there, like a statue. She wanted to scream and hate him eternally, the thoughts inside her mind made her want to do something cruel, that violates the essence of being a human.

“Why won’t you answer me?!” Yujin was enduring to hit Asher, anger was burning through him but he didn't want to pull off violence, not in front of Jade who was gazing at his back with such fear, trembling on her legs while her hands were covering her mouth. Pearl and Janine immediately reached out to their friend and hugged her tight.

“Are you okay?” Janine whispered worriedly before she took a deep breath and glare at Asher.

“Maybe we should all calm down-”

“DON’T SPEW THAT BULLSHIT AT ME EDWARD! HOW WOULD I ABLE TO CALM DOWN? I SAW THIS BASTARD TRYING TO STAB JADE!” Yujin screamed intensely at Edward, gasping for air, his grip on Asher’s wrist tightened, his arms trembling in anger.

“Is that true?” Pearl asked Jade and looked at her unbelievably.

Jade nodded, “Asher’s gonna kill me,” she whispered, stricken. Glory who was standing still got triggered by the confirmation her friend stated, hate started to grow inside her as memories of the unwanted past flashed in her mind. A young girl who wasn’t able to do anything, mourning for her dead father. Her fist clenched, her tightly tied lips revealed her anger. As she was tracking all those thoughts, they were surprised as Asher, in a blink of an eye, turned into an ice statue and got broken into pieces.

Yujin, having no understanding of what was happening, couldn’t utter a word and was only looking at the cold and diamond-like shape of ice in his grasp. Soon, they all heard a sound of someone clapping from a distance and before they knew it, Asher appeared from the entrance of the dining room.

They were all astounded as their jaws dropped as they recognized Asher who stood there facing them all.

“Asher?” Edward asked surprisingly

Everyone asked cluelessly in unison, but they were even more surprised as the whole mansion began disappearing in their sight, like a mirage, slowly gaining its usual view. The marble tiles disappeared and turned into snowy ground, the wall that was broken completely vanished together with the furniture and the dining table. Jade blinked and in her surprise, in her sight was the Alvarez Park they all knew and familiar with. She shifted her head a little and looked at Asher, confused.

After a pure surprise, Yujin’s lips made a casual and rude remark and frowned. “What the hell is this?” He barked angrily.

“What do you think?” Asher calmly responded as he looked at the red-head, their eyes met. There was an intense and awkward silence spreading through the whole place. The girls were worried that if something would rise up, would they fight and kill each other? Jade prayed secretly that something like that won’t happen.

Like what old friends do, it seems both of the guys are having a conversation with their stares. Yujin averted his eyes and let out a heavy sigh, like a problematic guy before looking back at Asher.

“I see, so that’s it. Putting others in a tough situation covered by trickery and deceit. You never really changed a bit,” Jade’s brows furrowed hearing what the red-head said.

“W-What do you mean?” She asked, confused. Her hands on her chest. Yujin spared an apologetic look at her before looking back at Asher.

“This was all your doing. Right?!” Yujin exclaimed depressedly, pointing at the albino as if he’s a detective who solved a mysterious case.

“HUH?!!” Everyone reacted, they all looked perplexed.

Asher smirked, “Took you long enough to figure it out. Why so?”

“Save it,” Yujin sneered. “I already doubted it. I mean, you disappear while all of this is happening?” He scoffed. “That’s crazy! Furthermore, this sniveling little brat! His mana feels awfully similar to you. Also, I found it odd that he never gave major damages. He had many chances to finish us off, but he never did. He just taunts us, putting us through tight situations, making us fools for playing with him.” Yujin explained, his arms folded over his chest as he gazed at the kid furiously.

“Told you, Ryon. You’re overacting.” Asher simply commented.

Ryon, the boy with the white hair, blushed lightly. “M-Master, don't say things like that! It’s embarrassing.”

“But don’t get me wrong, you made Jade cry,” Yujin continued with his deep voice and pointed his finger at Asher. “Try to pull out these tricks again and I would never give a second thought about turning you into ashes.” Jade blushed a little, as she felt protected by those words. She hugged herself and looked down.

Asher grinned devilishly. “You know it’s impossible.”

“Then why…” Glory spoke for the first time after witnessing all that happened, rubbing her temples. Everyone looked at her. She was still unconvinced and shook her head. “Why are you doing all of this? Are you going to tell us that all of this is just part of your plan?!” She gazed at Asher with earthly orbs that almost burst into tears.

Asher adjusted his glasses and spoke gently. “This is still a part of training.” He answered. “Certain situations can cultivate various senses. Stamina, intellect, teamwork, the ability to cope up in an instant, and of course judgment. It even strengthens the bonds between you, but what this training mainly focuses on is, a chance for you to take a look at yourself.”

“Look at myself?” Glory echoed, following the albino’s direction with her eyes while he continued on explaining.

“I already said this before, our planet is brimming with unpleasant things that you didn’t want to experience. It’s already tainted in the blacks and whites of what you think is justifiable. With that, I want to see your capabilities if you go under those circumstances. What will you do if you’re in an unfavorable situation? For example, an ally got in trouble, someone betrayed you, and worse, what if you face a powerful opponent? You especially shouldn’t be naïve enough to think that if things get tough, things will just go in favor for you.”

Once again, after for a long time, Glory heard the harsh reality the albino was spitting. She realized that again, their life is in line and no one knows what will happen once they already landed their feet on their planet. She just helplessly loosen all the anger that pent up and sighed in defeat, once again, letting the albino beat her in a conversation.

“With this exercise, I was able to measure your resolve.” Asher glanced at Glory, Janine, and Pearl. “All of you did your best and were able to contribute in finding Jade’s location.” He praised them with a faint smile on his face.

‘But it was mainly the boys who pulled it through,’ Janine whispered to herself. Looking in a different direction with an awkward face.

“And Jade,” Asher turned his head to meet Jade, looking directly at her eyes. “You were tough.”

Jade blushed lightly in response and gave out a smile. ‘I see, that was a challenge of resolve.” She thought in the back of her mind. “Still that was too much,” She replied, uncomfortably. The feelings of a near death experience was too much for her to absorb quickly, it was scary.

“Believe me, you would’ve experienced far worse than that,” Asher responded sincerely. Jade only blinked and turned her face away from him, avoiding the honesty on his face before she nodded with a grimace.

“Okay! So everyone is just going to ignore that this kid ruined the weather?” Pearl snapped out as she pointed at Ryon.

Ryon’s lips turned down in a frown. “Okay! I’ve had enough! I’m not going to stand here, being tied up and listening to you accusing me of the things that I clearly did!” He scrunched up his nose and hid behind Asher. “I don’t deserve any of this…” He whimpered in irritation.

“You did well,” Asher commented, lowering his voice that made Ryon blushed and smiled secretly.

Asher settled back to everyone. “At this very moment. Ryon already dispelled his technique. You might not have noticed it because it’s already the middle of the night but the air is warm now.” He pointed out Edward’s coat.

“Now that you speak of it, it is warm now,” Edward took off his coat and looked up at the bright moon over his head. The darkish gray clouds were no longer there and the stars were all glistening brightly across the dim sky.

Asher approached Noctis, who was all silent upon the confrontation. “Great acting,” Asher grinned.

Noctis huffed. “This isn’t free you know.”

“HUH?!” Yujin, Pearl, and Janine all reacted and rushed toward the two.

“What do you mean?!” Yujin leaned over the ravenette. Noctis leaned backwards and pushed Yujin’s face. He pulled a distance between the red-head as he reached up to scratch the back of his head.

“Asher and I came to an agreement that if I help him, he will pay my dorm rent in exchange.” Noctis explained, quite embarrassed.

“WHAT?!” Yujin hurried over. “You agreed to him without saying a word to me?! You really are a cheap ass! At least spare me the details so we could’ve shared the money!”

“That is your concern?!” Janine exclaimed surprisingly with her emerald eyes wide.

“Oh Noctis! If you’re worried about your rent! The doors of our house are happy to welcome you!” Pearl spoke wistfully with her hands clasping at each other.

“That wouldn’t happen!” Noctis reacted.

“Well if you think about it, it was you who started the idea about this unnatural feeling,” Janine stared in wonder while looking at Noctis with her thumb under her chin.

“It was all part of the plan,” Noctis averted his eyes, still scratching the back of his head.

“Then what about putting that brat under your spell?” Yujin questioned, glancing over Ryon, arms folded over his chest.

“I might have gone overboard on that one…”

“You see! It wasn’t necessary! It wasn’t necessary!” Ryon cried, raising his voice higher and higher while looking at Asher, his hands pointing at the ravenette like some bully took advantage of him.

Before they all knew it, they were all noisy, blabbering nonsense things as if they forgot what just all happened. Edward, who’s in the middle, gazed at everyone and giggled. At the end of the day, they were just having a fun time.

“All of you, I wanted to show you something,” Asher interrupted.

“What is it now?” Yujin looked at him with an uninterested stare.

“You do remember that there is a portal existing in this park right?” Everyone was stunned at what Asher said. With all of how things happened so fast, they almost forgot that one crucial fact. Even Edward just remembered that they were talking about it weeks ago back at the café. Asher gestured to everyone to follow him and they all stopped at the humongous tree which was located at the center of the park, it was already there for a very long time.

“This tree…” Noctis mumbled to himself looking up at the gigantic tree suspiciously, making Janine look at him.

“Upon running some tests, I finally pinpointed the exact location of the portal.” Asher said straight ahead. As he touched the center of the tree. “Normally it wouldn’t appear that easily but if you transmit an amount of mana through it…” Upon doing it, a blinding light flashed from the middle of the tree that made everyone cover their eyes. Shortly after the lights went out, Noctis tried to open his eyes and was surprised as he saw a medium sized circular rift that appeared out of nowhere.

“I-Impossible!” He blurted out with his eyes wide. Something about its presence made him felt that it’s inviting him. ‘The flow of mana inside, it feels weird. It’s like they’re being tied and flowing around on themselves… It feels like I’ll get dizzy if I look at it for too long.’ He thought, displeased.

“It looked like a wormhole, but plain,” Edward commented as he looked at it further, brows furrowed. It’s motioning in a spiral, just like how a galaxy looked like, then he managed to take a glance at Asher. “Is this how Daniel was able to get to this planet?” He asked curiously.

Asher shook his head. “It has the exact feature with what we had in our kingdom, but no. Daniel was able to get in here by the use of teleportation scrolls.”

“So we will use this to go back to our planet?” Yujin asked, shifting his gaze suddenly to the albino.

“No.” Asher simply answered.

“Then what’s the point of showing this to us?” He answered back, quite irritated.

Asher sighed. “Idiot. There are certain conditions the portal should meet before it opens, even I don’t have enough information to deal with this.” He replied, then he glanced at the girls who were astonished, seeing the portal.

It might be normal for the boys to see such surreal things like the one in front of them, but it’s still not just a normal encounter for the girls. In Glory’s thought, it’s quite similar to what she saw in some sci-fi movies, never in her wildest dreams that she would see one, a real portal in that matter. She clenched her fist and looked at the albino.

“Your perseverance, and determination has pushed you all to the things you never thought you could possibly do. By that, I must proceed with our agreement.” Asher started, making the girls pay him with full attention. “Since you all passed my test, then all of you are granted to come with us back to our planet. I will be giving you two days, and you are free to do whatever you want. Think of it as your remaining hours here on Earth. After that, before our summer vacation starts, I want all of you to gather here by midnight.” His piercing golden orbs gazed directly at Glory. “If you want to save your friend, then just go forward.”

Glory was caught off guard by the last word the albino said. She looked at him curiously before he continued, “The important thing is what you feel in your heart and the will to move forward.”

“If you were able to do that, then maybe you will be able to find your friend.”

A beam of smile was painted on everyone's faces. “Hey, that’s the first time I heard something nice from you?” Yujin grinned devilishly, teasing while elbowing Asher on his side but he was just smacked down. Everyone made a giggle, except Jade who was looking at Glory worriedly.

‘After two days? But that was her father’s death anniversary.’