
Chapter 20: For You

Chapter 20: For You

The sun was on its peak, giving off a warm and bright light. The flowers which were placed on some pots were in a bridal flush of lively-white bloom, hummed over by groups of bees. The cicada’s song resounded all through the woods, and there was Jade who was sitting on an old plastic chair in the cafeteria. She was waiting patiently, on her table were two cans of lemonade and her lunchbox waiting to be opened.

‘Where is that idiot?’ She asked in her mind, her earthly orbs were searching throughout the area, looking over a couple of students as she released a heavy sigh. She leaned back on her seat and opened her eyes.

‘Two days passed quickly and our city, which was covered in white snow, had already turned back to normal. However, the events on that day weren't buried under the ground. People were really suspicious about what happened, well it’s only natural. Imagine snowing in the middle of summer, then with just a day it would go back to normal? Everyone will lose their mind! Anyway, until now, the issue was still on the news and it was still on fire. It made various personalities such as scientists and paranormal experts flooded in every program. It became the talk of town and even our classmates were talking about it like some kind of divine phenomena bestowed. Well, unlike for us who really knew the reason behind it, we can sit back and relax and pretend everything was only a product of our dream.’

With that in her mind, Jade sat straight on her chair and fixed her glasses. “It’s already half past twelve- kyah!”

She was surprised and unintentionally shrieked when she felt cold and freezing hands cupping her cheeks. She vigorously turned back only to see that it was Yujin.

"Please in the name of all the gods and goddesses don’t ever do that again!" She hissed that made the red-head raise his hands in defeat, holding his laugh. Jade’s brows furrowed as she curiously looked at his hands.

“Why are your hands wet? Don’t tell me you're from the toilet!”

“Hell no!” Yujin protested and sat on the other chair placed in front of Jade, and grabbed a tissue on the table, wiping his hands. “It’s all thanks to that senior professor whom I met while on my way here. He was pushing this large cooler box. It’s obvious that he couldn’t push it further so as the kind, handsome, and gentleman student of this school-” that made Jade roll her eyes. “I offered my help and pushed it all the way to the faculty room.”

“Wow, you must be so proud of yourself,” Yujin frowned at Jade's sarcasm and grabbed the lemonade on the table.

“Anyway, how long have you been waiting?” He opened the can and immediately took a drink.

“Just for a good thirty minutes,” Jade answered as she started opening her lunchbox, her expression was still annoyed and pissed.

‘Oh damn. The disdain in her glare has only intensified.’ Yujin thought in dismay while facing Jade.

“Come on, stop making that face. You seemed to be in a deep thought earlier, what were you thinking,” Yujin took the plastic fork on the table and snatched some of Jade’s lunch, picking the octopus-shaped wiener and stuffed it into his mouth. “Ohhh this tastes very good!”

What was really happening at the moment is that Yujin relies on his superior brain cells and is already working up a lot of solutions to make up for Jade, and it just so happens that complimenting her cooking was the right choice!

He grinned as he saw her being flustered. She blushed lightly and was pinching her hands secretly just to prevent herself from reacting from the red-head’s compliment. “I-It does not only taste good, I also prepared this carefully so that the perfect harmony of nutritional balance and seasonal ingredients are secured.” She was still holding herself. In fact, she prepared it with all of her heart because she knew Yujin always bought food from the cafeteria. She thought it would be nice if for some change, he could taste some home-made food…

…Just before they leave the planet.

“It’s not like it just suddenly occurred to you. It’s definitely a product based on your knowledge and experience. Yup it certainly is! You’re like the geniuses we were studying all about!” Yujin continued with the flattery as he thought it was really effective, turning off Jade’s annoyance.

He placed the drink can back on the table before his eyes narrowed for a moment. “Wait, where the hell Glory is? She was absent today.”

Jade’s expression changed the moment she heard it from his mouth. Her face fell and she looked momentarily at the direction of the window with a thought in her eyes before she returned facing the red-head.

“Don’t tell me you forgot it?” She sounded uncomfortable which made the red-head raise his brow and look at her weirdly. Jade frowned and shook her head a little.

“Today’s her father’s death anniversary.”

There was an awkward silence between the two, Yujin felt awful. ‘Damn! I’m so occupied by a lot of things lately. Why the hell did I forget it?!’ He scolded himself. “S-Sorry…” He rubbed his nape while looking away. He felt terrible about it.

Jade shook her head in response and smiled faintly at him. “There’s no need for you to apologize,” she comforted him and took a bite of her lunch, chewing it slowly inside her mouth before swallowing it.

“So it is that time of the year, huh?” Yujin commented, still looking down, tapping his fingers on the table.

“How long has it been?” Jade replied sentimentally as she combed back the memories in her mind.

“We’re classmates from the very beginning. We are not as close as what we are right now back then but it’s still clear in my mind how pitiful she was.” She started talking. Although Yujin already knew the whole story, he didn’t react. He let her continue. He deeply knew how important Glory is for Jade, and for him as a friend. He thought, reliving and going back to those painful memories are something that is hard to go back to when you’re alone.

“She didn’t come to school for a whole week. I wondered what happened so I tried to go to their place, however it is not where I saw her, instead I found her in their dojo. I saw her standing there staring at the whole place, she wouldn’t go anywhere. She would only stay there as if she was waiting for someone. When she’s tired, she’ll crouch down and then she'll stand up again. I continued to look at her from afar, days wouldn’t pass without her staying in that place. Apparently news of her father’s death spread out and that is when everything became clear to me.” Jade paused for a moment with a hurt expression on her face. She bit her lower lip and looked straight at Yujin.

“I realized she was waiting patiently at that place for her father to come back.”

Yujin would always feel the shiver whenever that part of the story came up. Imagining it left only a hanging feeling to him. How hard must it have been for her? Well, they are the same after all. In the back of his mind, he felt the same loneliness the young Glory had.

“I couldn’t bear to see her like that. How ironic because I would still watch her secretly,” Jade uttered lowly. “That’s why she was really persistent in searching for Andrew. I understand where she was coming from, it would be unbearable for her to lose another important man in her life. That’s why I also decided to undergo these changes… To train! Even though it's really hard for me… I’d still do it because I don’t want to see her like that anymore. For some reason, her pain is becoming my pain… That’s why… That’s why…”

Yujin’s ruby-red orbs glistened as he saw that Jade was trying to hold her own tears, before he decided to hold her hands. ‘I see… So this is her answer.’ He thought to himself. He felt like Jade was already reaching her limit. For the first time, his senses came back to reality. Everything that happened up until now was really too much for her. Of course, after all of that. Not to mention the pressure that there are only hours left before she makes her decision.

It would’ve been hard for her to leave this planet. This is where her family is, this is where she was born…

This is where she belongs.

Jade’s eyes widened as she was caught off guard. “It must be hard for you to take everything...” His deep voice started to talk silently. “…I’m sorry for putting you in such a tough situation, but I would like to thank you also for not giving up on us,” he said in a rare display of sincerity.

Yujin looked at her eyes and found them looking back at him. At these times, he wished he could only look at it his whole life.

Jade, who just realized what she was saying earlier, made her stiff. It sounded like she was just only being forced to do what they did the past few days. It’s as if she was only doing it for Glory’s sake. And now it seems that the red-head misunderstood her. Her heart started beating faster as her stomach churn from the nervousness that was rising from her body.

“Y-Yujin… N-No…” she was uttering words as she looked at him, shaking her head.

Yujin laughed- a fake one, he hesitantly released Jade’s hands and stood up from his seat. “How lame of me to say that! Haha! I forgot something back in the gym. I’ll go get it…”

So lame for him acting that way, but he was really feeling annoyed with himself. He started walking out of the cafeteria, looking down. He heard Jade calling him but he didn’t turn back. He just went on.

Jade returned to her seat, tears were already running down on her cheeks, thinking how big of an idiot she was. ‘What the hell I was saying?!’ She screamed inwards.

Yujin was walking in the hallway, he was pissed because of the way he acted, but that's not all. He was hurt… Sure he was goofy and the loud mouth of the group, but when it comes to things like this- facing his own feelings. He would only find himself tongue-tied. Now that the time of their return to their planet is near, he likes to tell everything what he truly feels toward Jade. He really wanted her to come with him but he just can’t be selfish, no not at this time. He shouldn’t be wanting those things. The responsibility will definitely be extremely difficult to bear, it wasn’t really worth sacrificing everything especially their life. Facing the kingdom and Daniel is an enough reason to stop. Also, this is where her life is, their world revolved differently to begin with. They were light-years away from each other. It would’ve been better if they didn’t meet.

“I mustn’t be selfish,” he muttered to himself.

‘That’s right… That would simply be too selfish.’

‘Without us in this world. She can continue to live normally without the pressure of the changes we brought. If we leave, we won’t interact anymore. I’m sure that her decision was only rational, and I must respect it. Our current life has come to an end. Better I simply considered everything up until now but a dream…’

‘But fuck that! I would only pretend that I will be fine when I leave!’ His jaws clenched in disapproval as the summer wind brushed his red hair. He was still walking, both hands in his pocket, moving like time was never relevant to him, until he heard a piercing voice screaming.


He immediately stopped and looked behind, his ruby-red orbs grew wide as he saw Jade. “W-What the?!” He blurted out.

“I SAID YUJIN IDIOT!!!” Jade repeated herself, this time walking hastily towards the red-head who was still stunned on what he just heard.

He pointed to himself, confused, “W-Who, M-Me?!” He could take people calling him an idiot but screaming it out loud with a lot of people around him is totally crossing the line! Other students were already muttering words, eyes on the two. It’s only normal after seeing a girl screaming as if she’s hurt, they start whispering words, concluding that it’s a lover’s quarrel or a confession on the other hand.

Jade stopped right in front of him and was panting hard, tears were still coming out from her eyes and it’s very obvious that she was pissed off. Eyeing Yujin with such a disturbed expression. It made the red-head really uncomfortable as he gulped.

In his thought, ‘Wait a minute! What the hell is up with this atmosphere?!’ He was screaming inwards as he just started realizing that other students' attention were all focused on them, even those inside of their classrooms were peeking on the windows just to satisfy their curiosity of what was happening.

“Oh I bet that guy did something wrong to her.”

“Wait, was he a member of the basketball team? What’s up with him and that girl?”

“I bet she’s about to confess her love! So dramatic!”

So and so forth, words were spreading out and countless stares in every direction made Yujin crazy! So crazy that he’s running out of ideas of how to handle Jade in front of him. The air in the school building is absolutely brimming with expectations of a very manly confession from him!

‘When did this become a confession?!’ He echoed in his mind, screaming insanely! But he went back to his senses when he heard a sudden utterance from Jade.

She was still standing in front of him.

“J-Jade,” he said quietly, making himself look straight at her a bit startled before he fell silent. For the first time he was the one who was feeling nervous, holding his breath at the way her eyes gazed at his face.

“You really are an idiot aren’t you?” Jade started as she walked closely. He had no idea what she was talking about but he couldn’t fight the feeling rising in his chest.

“I’m not done talking earlier and yet you were already concluding things!” Yujin’s eyes widened, caught off guard. She just still looked at him helplessly, until she made a desperate move.

Time has slowed down as Jade pushed herself towards the red-head and buried her face in Yujin’s wide chest, her hands shaking. She is still completely aware of what she was doing, but she just couldn’t help it, maybe she was really the idiot one but she just doesn't care anymore. Her cheeks were burning and was hesitant to say the words she wanted to say, but she gathered all the remaining confidence and whispered…

“I will follow you wherever you are…”


Sugar rush shot through Yujin as those words passed through his ears, he knew that he was blushing as he felt the hotness that was coming along with those words. Sweat was dripping from his forehead. The other students were really driving up trying to figure out what Jade said, they wanted to confirm whatever words escaped from her mouth.

It was all he wanted to hear. It is enough for him. Those were the magic words that would make him fight over the upcoming battles.

He has regained himself.

‘I really am an idiot, don’t I?’ He thought. ‘She embarrassed herself even though it left a bad taste in her mouth just to make things clear for me.’

‘Maybe I can be selfish. Just this once.’

Yujin secretly chuckled, he carefully touched Jade’s arms and made her look up at him. “Does that mean you don’t want me to be far away from you?” His deep voice asked. His face was pretty damn serious and his red eyes glistened, as well as Jade’s. She was astounded and couldn’t find the words because his face was really close to her. She ended up nodding shyly, looking down on the ground.

Yujin held her tightly and leaned further in her face, whispering…

“Then it seems that the time has come for me to act like a man.”

On the same day of that summer, Janine decided to visit the school library to return some books she borrowed. Both of her hands were carrying these medium-sized brown, thick, old books, seemingly that it was published so many years ago. She entered the library and greeted the school librarian who’s in his mid-thirties, wearing a sleek-white polo with his ID hanging around his neck. Janine left out a gentle smile at him and walked towards the bookshelves where the books were originally placed.

“I will return you now,” said Janine, looking dearly on the literature that she was holding, while humming a song, but she stopped to her surprise when she saw someone. At the far end of the library was this tall and handsome young man that made her think how dreamlike it is to see him standing in front of the bookshelf. Like a fictional character that got out from a book. She snapped back to her senses and chuckled at her own imagination.

She continued to walk and approached him. “Searching for some reality escapism?”

Edward quickly smiled as soon he saw Janine, “Not really, just having a fancy time here,” he calmly stated, closing and returning the book he was reading back to the shelf.

“There is a musty smell peculiar to old books. The room is always dimly lit because the curtains are kept closed to prevent the sunlight from damaging the books.” He added as he ran his fingers through the fine covers of the books. Janine couldn’t agree more and nodded before she shifted her head to locate the exact spot where she would return the books inside her hands.

“Her Majesty?” Edward spoke suddenly. “You are really fond of reading that kind of book huh?” Janine was caught off guard hearing the title of the book she was holding. She stood straight to face Edward. Unlike her, Edward was more into reading local history and folklore, which came to her mind. ‘Maybe because he wants to study more about the history of our planet?’ Janine realized.

“W-Well, you knew it already.” She responded shyly. Yes, she is so in love with that story. It was the concept of a princess saving her prince charming, which really brought her to read the book. Unlike other tales, it is the prince who is always saving his princess but it's too far different from this one. The bravery on how the princess faced all the trials in her life that eventually led her to saving the love of her life really impressed Janine. She is fearless and she will give everything she had until the last drop of her blood. It’s a dream for Janine to be that kind of woman.

“W-Wait have you read this already?” She questioned him and the lad responded with a smile.

“Ordinary humans are afraid of retaliation and cleanup after violence. They should also try to avoid being charged with assault,” Janine’s emerald eyes widened along with her mouth gaped open, hearing one of the famous lines in the book escaping from Edward’s lips. She clearly remembers what part of the novel it was. It was when the protagonist of the story, the princess, was on the verge of war with their archenemy.

“How unfair!” Janine blurted out but then she quickly covered her mouth as she realized that they were in the library. Edward was holding his laugh, glancing at the other end of the library, checking if the librarian heard them. Luckily, it seems they weren’t heard. It was only for a few moments before Edward calmed down from bursting out and returned to his pose.

“Seriously, you didn’t even recommend it to me,” Janine returned. “You don’t know how much I love reading this book. It’s a treasure!” Janine spoke up, lowering her voice this time. Edward just gave him a shrug and it made her pout as she finally returned the book to the shelf.

“Then I keep watching how I suffer and writhe. Like a king, without moving one eyebrow, no matter how much you plead or beg for life.” Edward quotes the book.

“Okay so did you memorize every single line of the book?” Janine looked at him directly at his aquamarine orbs, only for her to see that there was more into it beneath the lines from the book. She saw something flicker in his eyes, but it was all impossible to tell.

“Is there a problem?” She asked, frowning.

“Julius was the prince in the story. He played the role of a person whose life was constantly being dictated by their monarch. When Julius said those words in the novel, did you feel the same way as his sufferings?” Edward asked, his voice became deep and husky, referring to the book, and Janine couldn’t give the right words to say, she was hesitant at first upon Edward bringing it up. She looked in a different direction before meeting his eyes again.

“I found that part lonely and memorable,” she managed. “Julius was deprived of his happiness being the king of the monarch. At a very young age, he wasn’t able to do things children at his age would normally do. His world revolved in a different axis-!”

Janine halted as she realized what she was saying. She intensely looked at Edward who was frowning and was staring back at her. “Edward… You’re talking about yourself aren’t you?” There is sadness in her tone as she was trying to empathize with him.

“There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them, is there? And it’s so hard to keep from loving things, isn’t it?” Edward shifted his head and tried to look away from Janine. Even so, he smiled apologetically. “We may have similarities when you look at it that way. Trying to escape from our harsh world, that is.”

Janine remained quiet. Her heart sank. Remembering the reality was unbearable for everyone, even to the both of them, but it will never change the fact that hours from now she will make a decision that will completely change her life.

“But you know what?” Janine muttered suddenly, which made Edward look down at her.

“We have our own different story,” she said with a gentle smile that made Edward moved. “Our story is surely different from that book. We never know what will happen in the future, or what your cursed planet may bring to us, but for me, what matters is… I’m with you.”

Edward paused for a moment, and he was enchanted by Janine saying those words, but it was all what he wanted to hear.

“I…” He responded slowly, sounded unsure before he fixed his necktie and swallowed a lump in his throat. His aquamarine orbs were beautiful to stare at along with his handsome face. He nibbled his lower lip before he said;

“I know what it’s like to leave everything that became a part of your life, the people who hate you, and also those who love you. And the last thing you will do is to regret.”

Edward inhaled as he held Janine’s hands. “I will not sugar coat it, we may never come back alive or return to this planet with a complete body, but you have my word-”

“I will protect you.”

Janine blushed intensely and tears were about to exit her eyes. At that moment, everything was too heavy for her as it reminded her that after this, it’s do or die. But having that fear to be shared by someone eases it. She looked again at Edward directly and shook her head.

“You know that is not how I work things out,” she started as she pressed her palms into his huge hands.

“We will protect each other, okay? I will trust you with all of my life, and so will you, promise me.”

Edward tightened his grip in her hands and looked back at her.

“I promise you.”


“Now then, that’s about it for the reminders. All right, students! Don’t die until the next semester! Class dismissed!” Said Mrs. Avrilla, the homeroom adviser of the class. For Pearl, it just sounded differently, as if it is some kind of an elegy for her. Normally she would be thinking now of things like fireworks, scary outings, and even a trip to a villa, but it’s not going to happen. All of her other classmates prepared themselves, buzzing around, while others stood up and talked about what to do on their summer vacation.

‘Don’t die until the next semester, huh?’ The thought whispered in her mind as she shifted her head on the classroom window and stared up at the clear strip of sky beneath the clouds. The wind fell as she closed her eyes and thought of the beautiful summer, the last perhaps.

Everything feels different around her, she can feel the warmth of mana that was brought by everyone. She didn’t actually understand the sensation it brings except for the fact that it only causes her extreme uneasiness. Maybe she was just bothered by the fact that a curtain will open anew for tomorrow.

‘We’re changing towards the unknown,’ she thought. She opened her eyes and looked at her own palms, ‘Strange how nothing feels out of place.’ She shrugged at the idea as her lips turned down and released a deep sigh.

“Man, that’s a bit too strong for a girl’s breath.”

“SHUT UP YUJIN!” Pearl’s mood instantly changed, and glare at the red-head who came in front of her seat, Jade was behind him.

“Are you okay? You seemed kind of off today,” asked Jade as she brought up a step forward to Pearl.

Pearl immediately shook her head in response. “I’m fine, no need to worry!” She raised her thumbs up and beam up her usual wide smile, but then it changed into a frown when she was reminded of someone.

“Have you two seen Noctis? He’s not in the class since the third period. I wonder if something happened,” she asked carefully as she peered in the ravenette’s vacant seat.

“Thinking of Noctis again? If you keep doing that you might actually inherit his grumpiness!” Yujin started the teasing which made Pearl pout and rolled her eyes at him.

“I’d rather inherit his grumpiness than your idiocy! And I’m in no mood to play along with your banters,” Pearl announced seriously as she tucked in her caramel-colored hair in the back of her earlobe.

Apparently, the red-head seemed to agree as he stopped and cast a strange look at the two before he crossed his arms over his shoulders, averting his eyes. Surely there is no time for them to relax.

“It’s best if we start to prepare,” he said suddenly, which made the two noticed the seriousness of his tone and look at each other before they nod and agree with him. There were a lot of uncertainties in Pearl’s heart but she needs to get rid of them. Those were the last things that will keep her chained from moving forward.

“I’m all ready,” Pearl stood up from her seat with one of her fists all clenched. Yujin and Jade looked at her. She looked back at them with a solid resolve in her earthly orbs.

“We’re going to bring Andrew back,” she announced sternly, which made the two nodded at her.

“Then that settles it!” Yujin beamed before he scratched the back of his head and took his phone out from his pocket, and shoved it in front of the two girls’ faces. “Asher just texted me that we should be at the central park before midnight or else he will leave without us.”

Knowing that it was from Asher, they should already know that the silver-head hates the latecomers but Pearl and Jade rather find the text message a bit off because of the cute chocolate parfait sticker that was used after the message.

‘Did he intentionally use it? That guy is really unpredictable in so many ways,’ Pearl thought weirdly but eventually erased it inside her mind as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“If Asher said so, then what are we doing here? I’ll better go home now and prepare! We don’t want to be yelled at by him again!” She quickly picked up her bag and put it on her shoulders before she stared at the warm and crimson sky with a faint smile.

It is the same bizarre sky that Noctis was staring at in his lonesome. He is currently at the rooftop of the school, his favorite and personal space. While the dusk lasts, it causes his shadows to grow longer. It might be the last time for the ravenette to witness the common yet beautiful radiance of the Earth’s sun.

‘I can’t grasp the actual feeling that we’re finally going back to the planet we once left behind, or even the fact that I was totally beaten up by Daniel and left for dead… Or even the fact that Pearl and the others are now aware of our true identity.’

It was Noctis’ thoughts, it sounded full of remorse as it flew up in the sky as he stared at it aimlessly. Memories of the unwanted past started to flash in his mind.

‘You’ve grown weak, Noctis.’

‘You’ve grown weaker and it’s pitiful.’

Daniel’s voice echoed in his mind.

Noctis clicked his tongue in frustration and was pressing the hard rod of metal of the fence, making it bend a little, as he remembered the events of that day. There’s no way he would forget it. His reunion with Daniel is one that he never anticipated. Meeting him again is a punch on his face as he tries to remove all of the things that were linked to his past. Just like how it plans to rise from the dead and try to pull him along with it.

‘I think, once it’s all over it just comes back in flashes. Even though it’s not anything that he did, instead it’s the words he said… and the feeling that came along with it.’ Noctis’ lips formed into a frown, the words Daniel said to him is a product of his weakness, a weakness that failed to protect the people who needed him.

It was his fault, and that caused to wreck everything he holds the dearest.

He looked at the view beneath him with a scowl on his face. Seeing the students walking off from the school to go home already.

‘The Daniel I met that day is not the one that I know. There’s no light in his eyes.’ Noctis said in his deep thought, staring off into the landscape beneath him; overthinking of possible ways to face their upcoming endeavors until he saw some familiar faces.

It is his friends, the usual habit of Yujin teasing Pearl while Jade was trying to stop the two drove him away from his thoughts. From the way he sees it, it’s always the nonsensical things that Yujin will tease, but knowing Pearl, she would easily be annoyed by it.

A grin formed on the ravenette’s face, seeing Pearl losing her wits to the red-head. At the moment, she was actually pinching Yujin’s ear that made him release a deep chuckle. Jade tried to stop the two but Edward tapped her back, advising her that it was unnecessary, and so did Janine who was giggling at the sight of the two.

The scene beneath him gave him a feeling of bliss.

There was something like a fleeting warmth that rose in the ravenette’s chest. He didn’t want those smiles and laughter to disappear or to be destroyed.

He gave a small nod and looked at his fist as he clenched it firmly and directed it to the retreating sun.

“I will beat the hell out of Daniel just to bring him back to his senses… For the sake of those smiles.”


The sun was weak at that time, but the long summer day is not yet over. The wind was calm, and the grass was just smoldering beneath it. The natural music that was coming off from the cicadas made Glory feel nostalgic whenever they visited her father’s grave. It’s as if the cicadas were the guardians who're always there, welcoming them.

Her father is resting on a small hill that became a cemetery. It's a little bit difficult for people to walk on it because of its steepness but thanks to the modernization, roads were made by the government, allowing small vehicles like taxicabs to enter.

Carrying a basket that now is empty, and with a white straw hat above her head, Glory checked out her mother who was at that time, offering a prayer to their late father.

Her mother is still radiating with brilliance in her forties, wearing a casual floral dress. Glory couldn’t help but to admire her so she decided to come near, clearing her throat;

“If you keep yourself having that sullen look, that would make dad sad on the other side too you know?” Stated Glory, and gave out a warm smile. Her mother was quite surprised that made her stiff for a moment, but then she replied to her daughter with a smile as well.

“Glory… You’re right. I should stop frowning, otherwise your father would scold me.” Gloria touched the gravestone with his husband’s name on it gently, it’s the same caress when her husband was laying his head on her lap. “Where’s Georgia?” She asked, looking around.

Glory pointed to the east. “She’s on a phone call with her boyfriend, you know I can’t endure hearing those two.”

Glory’s mother chuckled and glanced at her with a faint smile. “I might have said this a thousand times but you really inherited that phrase from your father. Back in the days he really hated it when his pals would bring their girlfriends and have their affection displayed in front of him. He would always say, “Ugh I can’t endure hearing you all!” Her mother imitated his late husband and laughed.

“I always thought he held no interest in those things, but guess what? We ended up being together… Your father was like magic, and he is just the man that I loved.” She looked at his husband’s grave while saying those words with a thoughtful smile.

“But enough about me. I wasn’t able to have a good opportunity to tell you this but aren’t you bothered by something these days?” Gloria stood up, turning her gaze toward her daughter who immediately turned her face down.

When asked, Glory was silent and her face turned into the familiar serious look, “Huh? There’s n-nothing… Really.” She answered hesitantly.

“Do you really think that I won’t notice? There’s no point of hiding it. I am your mother.” Gloria said with a convincing tone, she walked toward her daughter and said-

“It’s okay if you won’t tell me what it is, but I just want you to know that I’ve been in your position too. We… both lose your father. It’s unbearable to lose a person that meant so much to you. Honestly, I felt that there is a void in my heart that bears nothing but emptiness. It's hard to yearn for a lost love but it’s not going to end there. Life goes on, and other people eventually will fill that void, the emptiness bit by bit. We may lose your father, but we still have each other.”

Glory was surprised, actually those words were like time bombs that would made her heart burst into tears. Hearing it from her own mother, the person who's been shouldering a lot on her back, the one who stood firm when she was needed, and the person who was there in her darkest times. It’s that weird sensation she feels whenever she talks about those things with her mother, but it is the sensation that she’d like to last.

“I may not be the first but I’ve never regretted trying. Even if it doesn't turn out well, there are things you will discover just by doing your best. Once you make up your mind about something, just go forward and do it… In exchange… I’ll be just waiting here.”

“Mom…” Glory was trying to control her tears from flowing. Her mother knew what was bothering her. It’s those words that make her want to go back to the feeling that she was only and still a human. She’s vulnerable, but it’s her mother that gives the strength she needs.

“You will be going off tonight for a summer trip to your friend’s family resort right?” Glory was caught off guard with the question. She actually made up a story of visiting Janine’s villa on a remote island for their summer vacation. Although it sounded so absurd, her mother was convinced. After all, Janine’s family was quite wealthy.

‘Surely they have enough money to buy a deserted island and build a villa there right? Right?’ She scratched her nape with an awkward smile and answered, “Yes.”

“Then shake off your depression, you’re way too young to be burdened by something cool like sadness,” Glory’s eyes widened as her mother walked past her. “I’ll be looking for Georgia now.”

And with that, Glory was left alone, the warm summer afternoon blew in and her soft-honey colored hair was dancing with it as she gave out a whisper, “Mom, thank you.”

She shifted her head and walked towards her father’s grave, kneeling. “It’s been a while, Dad… Have you been well? The three of us are all doing great. There’s no need to worry. Did you hear what mom just said? It must be the same words that made you fall in love with her,” she uttered slowly with a faint smile on her face.

“Dad… Please give me strength. Just this once, I wanted to save the person who lifted me from my own anxieties.” She touched her chest and closed her eyes, as the sun had finally sunken on the vast and empty sky.


Other people might say their day ends at ten in the evening and sleep just for the new day to rise and repeat the whole process of living, but it’s not the same case to some people, and it’s obviously a no for Glory.

There’s only an hour left before the agreed time to be in the central park of the city, and she’s walking alone with a knapsack on her back. She’s wearing a plain white shirt paired with distressed jeans. The sounds of her sneakers were thumping on the floor indicating that she was pacing. She’s following the longest yet safest road. It’s better to be safe, especially on the darkest streets of the city. A vehicle passed her and there followed a cold breeze of the night, making her rub her arms and continue on walking. Her eyes caught a dark narrow street which made her remember that day.

It reminds her of the place where she met Andrew.

‘Just promise me you won't repeat going to places such as this alone, okay?’

‘I don’t have any idea what that guy wants, but trust me. I will protect you.’

‘If that’s what bothers you, then why don’t you join our club?’

A series of flashbacks of Andrew came across her mind as she was walking quietly, every part of those memories is very important to her. There’s not a day she’d stop thinking of him. The day of their first meeting, the way he smiles at her, and the way he brightens her spirit in her shortcomings.

‘So many things have happened,’ Glory thought while making a mental note.

‘That was a pretty good performance for winging it.’

Glory strongly believes that after this, her life will be no more of a normal human life. She might be put in various danger and even meet her own death, but it’s the strong desire of her to save Andrew that pushes her to her own limit. She promised she will return with everyone.

‘That’s why, I won’t let it go and pretend like all of this never happened,’ she thought firmly as she clenched her fist along with her earthly orbs reflecting a solid resolution.


“Hey,” It was Yujin’s voice asking with his brows raised in curiosity. “So are you telling me that the loud and annoying brat we faced the other day is this t-thing?” He was referring to a small-round white colored owl. He was holding on its wings, making the poor creature who was actually Ryon turn upside down.

“He, himself, told him anyway. So it must be the truth, though it’s really a surprise to take such a form.” Edward commented with his index finger under his chin looking thoroughly at Ryon.

“How rude of you to consider me a thing! Ha! And I’m not annoying! The closest word to describe me is being almighty! That’s right! Call me Master Ryon or else! W-Wait!!! AHHHHHHH!” Ryon started screaming as Yujin swirled him quickly in circles like a stuffed animal toy.

“Ha! This is just fine! I can take my revenge on you now!” He continued with an evil smirk on his face as he swirled the poor guy until it spaces out and loses his conscience.

Noctis sighed seeing the two. ‘Looks like we have another loud mouth.’ He thought as he ran his fingers through his raven-dark hair. He was laying back on a tree as he looked around. Deep in his thoughts is the unwavering curiosity about the portal that was hidden in this area, his obsidian orbs darkened at that thought. He looked back to everyone who was actually in the park already.

“J-Janine… What are you going to do with that?” Jade asked weirdly as she scanned the big and heavy luggage that Janine brought with her. Janine smiled casually and brought the luggage in front of her and started sorting things out.

“What do you mean? Of course we should be prepared especially at times like this. Leaving your warmest bed and heading to the great unknown without planning things could only lead us to situations we may not like at all,” Janine started explaining while showing off random stuff in her luggage.

“I-I see…” It was the only words that came out of Jade’s mouth as she stared at an insect repellant.

On the other side is Pearl who is currently doing her usual face touch, applying a light-pink lipstick on her lips as she gazes at herself in the mirror. She winked at herself in confidence and kissed her own reflection.

“Hey, do mirrors work in outer space?” She suddenly asked as she fixed her hair with a hairclip. Everyone who heard her dumb question started to looked at her weirdly and didn’t even take the gut to answer her.

“What? You will never know what rules of science apply out there?! Right?” She rolled her eyes and focused back on fixing her hair.

Asher on the other hand was busy on his own thing, he was sitting on a bench holding and fixing a scroll. It might look like a normal roll of paper on its first look, however it’s not the case. It actually encapsulates a huge amount of mana inside it that makes the holder overwhelmed with the strange sensation. He fixed his glasses and adjusted the circular button on its top and then it started to glow. He smirked at the sight of it and stood up as he saw the only person they were all waiting for.

Glory set her foot on the central park of the city and her heart lightened a little seeing the faces that she wanted to see. ‘Looks like everyone came prepared,’ she thought.

"Glory!" Jade welcomed her with a smile of relief.

“You’re all here,” Glory whispered to Jade as she hugged her tightly.

“Now that we’re all here, may I request everyone to gather around?” Asher’s serious and deep voice is enough to make everyone follow his command. Glory was released from Jade’s arm and looked toward the silver-head. The relief that she felt earlier easily disappeared in the night air as she was pulled back to reason why all of them are in the park.

“I’m going to explain everything only once, so be attentive,” Asher started while Ryon flew on his shoulders. He raised the magic scroll in his hands and showed it to everyone.

“So that’s the trick huh?” Noctis reacted immediately. Even Yujin and Edward seemed displeased at the sight of the thing that Asher was holding.

“Don’t give me that look.” Asher scoffed. “We are already considered traitors of our own kingdom so why hesitate?” It made the other guys quiet because he got the point anyway.

“So what about that thing?” Glory managed.

“This is a teleportation scroll.” Asher started. “It is labeled as highly illegal on our planet and whoever got caught using it will be given an instant death. No trials and no court.” He explained briefly.

“This is the item that I used to follow you three on this planet,” He shifted his gaze to Noctis and the others. “I managed to steal it on an underground black market,” he stated confidently, which made everyone drop their jaw.

“You stole it?!” Glory asked in a shocked disbelief.

“Is there something wrong? This is really expensive, you know. Only people in the monarchy can acquire this stuff. Even the respected and highly treated nobility couldn’t get their hands on this. The easiest way to obtain it is to steal it.” Asher answered back.

“So even the Great Asher will resort to stealing too huh?” Yujin uttered lowly.

“You can actually drop the Great,” Jade commented instantly and looked weirdly at the albino.

“Anyway. Let me go back to how this thing works,” Asher fixed his glasses and pointed out the second button located on the top of it. “This button is the command key, if you press it, you will be automatically teleported to the designated place it was assigned to.”

“So, where is that designated place?” Edward asked, gesturing his hand.

“Obviously. I’ve set it on the kingdom.” Everyone gulped when they heard Asher’s response.

“Of course, I pinpointed out the safest location in the kingdom so we won’t be in danger.” He added that made the others sighed in relief. “We only have four scrolls on hand, and since we are eight, I have a proposal of using the scroll by pair. This should be done by a single boy and a girl.”

“Ohh I like that idea,” Pearl whispered to herself.

“Wait! Slow it down.” Glory raised her hand and moved forward to Asher. “Why is it necessary for a boy and a girl to come in by pair?”

Asher released a sigh and looked at Glory. “It is highly recommended that at least one member of the pair knows how to operate this stuff immediately, and since all of us four has the knowledge to use this, that explains the rest.”

Glory stood in front of Asher quietly and realized he had the point.

“So let me ask you one last time,” Asher looked at everyone with an icy stare. “Are you all still willing to come with us? Although your reason is to save your friend, that didn’t erase the fact that you will carry the sins that we made-”

“The answer is right here.” Glory cut off Asher with a dedicated look in her earthly orbs. “That is why all of us are here right?” She looked back at the other girls and they all made an understanding just by the looks in their eyes.

Asher was quite stunned with Glory’s response but it changed quickly into a secret smirk. Noctis, Yujin and Edward grin with the sheer confidence coming out from Glory as well.

“Well then, before I allow us to commence, everyone should take this,” Glory was about to say something but she nearly choked when Asher threw a red pill inside her mouth. It took her a moment before she could speak, glaring intensely at the silver-head.

“What the hell is that?!” She asked annoyingly with her brows raised. Asher only laughed at her and gave the other girls the same red pill.

Edward took a step forward and called Janine and Glory.

“Before we go, there is something that I wanted to give to the both of you.” He stated that made the two curious. He let out an item which was covered in thick and old garments. He uncovered it and carefully revealed what was beneath it. The two girls were surprised to see it.

It’s a bow and a sword.

The bow was beautifully crafted, giving off a radiance of diamond blue dust. It’s as if it was crafted directly from the wings of an ancient bird and made into a weapon while the sword has a sharp silver thin blade, it shouldn’t be taken lightly as an attack that comes from it could be lethal.

“This is a gift from me,” Edward explained with a hint of a smile.

“This is amazing, I’ve never seen a bow like this beautiful!” Janine couldn’t hide her appreciation for the weapon as she held it with utmost care like carrying a baby. Glory was all in no words to express the majestic details of the weapons. She was surprised when she held the sword, it’s not heavy and it perfectly fits in her palms. She turned her gaze back at Edward with a smile.

“When did you?”

“It’s a secret.” Edward winked. “Use it to protect the people you wanted to save.” Those words left a deep impression on the girls’ hearts and they just both gave Edward a tight hug.

Meanwhile, Noctis already received one of the teleportation scrolls.

‘This is it.’ He thought seriously and then he noticed Pearl who was staring at the scroll as well. She was a bit surprised when their eyes met and couldn’t utter a word to respond.

Noctis seemed to notice Pearl was nervous, so he took the initiative and offered his hand to Pearl. “Would you mind coming with me and be my pair?” He asked with a faint smile.

Pearl suddenly became stiff and she blushed with just what the ravenette said. She put her hands together and thought, ‘Oh my… I can’t… He’s so hot. It’s ridiculous!’

Glory seemed obvious that Noctis would be paired with Pearl, Edward with Janine, and Jade with…

“Wait!” She suddenly screamed and held Jade’s hands. Jade was caught off guard and looked at Glory weirdly.

“Is there a problem?” She asked.

“Please pair with me!” Glory begged as if her life’s in danger. “I will do anything just not to be with those freaking four eyes!”

“You heard what Asher said, right? We can’t be together,” Jade protested as she started to pull her hands. “Besides, Asher is nice.”

“No please! I don’t really like him! If you really consider him nice, then can I just be paired with Yujin?”

“Wha- No!” Jade immediately answered. “Don’t make it such a big deal,” Jade was trying to pull off her hands against Glory’s grip and that is when Glory realized what Jade was thinking.

“You just wanted to be with Yujin huh,” she pouted, which made Jade a bit stiff. She finally pulled off her hands and made an awkward smile.

“What are you saying? It’s not true. There’s no way I would enjoy being inside Yujin’s arms! No way! Hmm yes. That’s really impossible.”

“You’re very convincing Jade,” Glory rolled her eyes and released a depressed sigh. “Oh yee-hoo as if it’s my dream to be paired with that freak.”

Yujin called Jade and that was the signal for Jade to leave her. Unfortunately for Glory, she came to Asher like a retreating soldier with rocks on her shoulder.

“Done with your drama?” Asher said nonchalantly. It made Glory raise her Asher tolerance level and pretended that she didn’t hear what the silver-head said.

“It’s not a drama. It’s an instinct to keep myself away from a walking red flag, and what’s with the eavesdropping? Got your male ego hurt because a girl doesn’t want to be with you?” Glory crossed her arms.

Asher shrugged and didn’t make a face reaction and was still focused on operating the scroll. “My ego, hurt? There’s no chance, you’re not even a girl,” He intentionally stressed out the word girl that made Glory even more annoyed.

Ryon, who was sitting on Asher’s back, was trying to hold himself from laughing, and that is when Glory actually noticed him. “What is that thing and how dare you laugh at me!” She pointed out Ryon who felt jolts of pain when he was referred again as a thing.

“Don’t call me a thing! I have a name and that’s Ryon!” Glory was trying to process the scenarios and that’s when the bell rang inside her head.

“What?! What happened to you? I thought you were a kid!”

“This is my alternate form. As much as I don’t like it, I need to stick with it so I can restore my mana.” Ryon explained himself.

‘Sheesh,’ Glory thought. ‘Not only am I stuck with this freak but also with his annoying assistant, just great! Being paired up with the uncomfortable combo! What’s worse after this?’

“Hey, stop acting like a child and hug me.” Asher seriously demanded.

Glory was taken aback by the silver-head’s words and she just caught her own breath. “Excuse me?”

“I said, hug me.” Asher repeated himself and pressed the button of the teleportation scroll and put it on the ground.

“Looks like she’s threatened with your words master,” Ryon mumbled to Asher’s ears which made Glory flustered.

“I’m not threatened! And wait!-”

Glory wasn’t able to finish herself because Asher already pulled her towards him, covering her inside his arms. She was shut off and stayed inside the silver-head, feeling his body. She then just realized how freakishly tall he is. She’s like only reaching below Asher’s chest.

Noctis and the other pairs started to operate the scroll as well and then a green magic circle with ancient words and symbols appeared beneath every pair. There is an enormous amount of mana that was being released and Glory was being overwhelmed by it. Her hair started to dance in the air as she started to feel like something was absorbing her, making her feel this weird sensation like her body is going to be torn apart.

“Hug me tightly okay?!” Asher screamed as he felt the same pressure that was coming from the magic circle. “Or else you wanted your body parts to get scattered around the space!”

She didn’t need to hear it from Asher because she was already hugging him tight, she just closed her eyes. As for Ryon, he flew in Asher’s pocket and stayed there.

The Alvarez Park was covered in a blinding light, the strong pressure continued without a single moment turning everything into a vast white, then suddenly, with the blink of an eye; everything turned back to normal as if nothing happened. That summer night continued to cross over time because the people who were there just a moment ago disappeared without a trace.