
To Be Feared...

The world has gone to hell...With the continuous rise of fear, the demons who feast upon it, continue to grow stronger. However, with the rising strength of the enhanced and demonic humans, who will come out victorious in this great holy war? With history shrouded in a great fog of mystery and darkness, who or what has lured humanity into this madness? Waking up with cold sweat every day, Jack Walker, the hero of the sacred land, hidden behind his mask of lies, fails to accomplish his one goal in his terrible life. Dying at the hands of a great fear, Jack finds himself reincarnated into the body of a 14-year-old child. Unlike his previous residence, however, Jack finds himself in a completely different land, a land of flying cars, airships, potions, divine weapons, futuristic buildings, curses, dungeons,... Follow Jack, as he finds himself entangled with the future of this world, while slowly developing his unusual and great powers as he becomes the one that has to be feared. ------------- [Author's Note] So basically, I'm a new writer so I don't have much experience in writing, and most of all I'm not exactly an English native speaker, so you might find some mistakes here and there, I will try to always double-check, however, I'm not exactly perfect... [Updates] You can expect a chapter every day, however, I can't guarantee anything as I'm currently studying Korean and going to the gym in preparation for my military service. [Warning] NO HAREM, I just don't like it. [Disclamer] I don't own the cover, if the original creator wishes for me to take it done, pls contact me.

Yupmi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

New Task

All division buildings possessed a similar structure, apart from the fourth division.

The building consisted of four levels, a large underground basement, with four floors above ground.

The first floor was, to say the least, nothing special, if one were to look at it, it would look exactly like an office space, with multiple desks filled with papers, and many of the workers would be writing and transcribing many things as the days go by.

The second and third floors were nothing special as well, they were both floors with twenty rooms in each, the second floor being used as a place for meet-ups for all unit members depending on their unit.

The third floor was given to squad leaders, it was an office space dedicated to them.

However, the fourth floor was different, the atmosphere didn't compare in the least.

Multiple guards, doing multiple checks, and annoying procedures. Jack who had gone through this way too many times, was already annoyed with the mere thought of going to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor only consisted of three rooms in total, an auditorium for information only relevant to the division and another room used for the storage of information about demons.

Keeping demons and their abilities under grasp was a necessary process, even if it meant that the public was uninformed.

Demons feed on fear and grow stronger through fear, so why should the Demon Force, inform the public of their threat and the deaths of those in the Demon Force, it made no sense.

The final room on the fourth floor was the only office with a guard roaming around, the commander's office.

Jack and Zain, who would come here pretty often for the past few years, were already pissed off at the mere fact of meeting the commander.

Entering the room, Jack couldn't help but have a dissatisfied expression. Expensive wines, booze, and furniture you would never be able to obtain in this world.

The atmosphere and design would look similar to an expensive wine cellar.

"Division two, Unit three, squad leader, Jack Walker, reporting back"

"Division two, Unit three, second in command, Zain, reporting back"

The man sitting behind a rotating chair didn't even bother looking back at them as he stared outside the window.

"Goob job, what about the demon?"

"It's currently being processed by unit nineteen, it should be delivered to the third division soon enough"

Finally turning around to look at them, the commander revealed his unsightly appearance.

Fat and ugly, were only a few of the words Jack could say to describe him, his appearance was a perfect representation of what was bad in the world. An almost bald head, with only a few black strands of hair to cover his shiny head, and greedy black eyes.

"Is that so?"


Lifting his fat arm the commander waved his hand back and forth to tell Jack and Zain to leave the room. Already familiar with the process, the two of them left without saying anything else.


On the third floor now, Jack and Zain went their separate ways, as Jack headed to his office.

Entering his old and worn-out room, Jack closed his door only to lean his back against it, the moment no one could see.


Slowly falling to the ground.

Wrapping his arms around his knees, like a child sulking trying to have a slight grasp of the feeling of comfort, trying his best to do anything to feel protected. Pushing his head against the door and lifting his head to look up as he closed his eyes, Jack let out a sigh filled with all of his emotions.

'Another eighteen young men died for f*cking nothing!'

But what angered Jack the most wasn't their deaths, it was remembering the face of his commander.

In doing so, Jack's anger just continued to rise, and with nothing to release it with, all Jack could do was pick up his old wooden table just to throw it against his door.


"That bastard!"

Breathing heavily, Jack only calmed down after realizing what he had done.

Sitting down on his chair, Jack covered his wet eyes with his hand while trying to not remember the past.

*Knock Knock

"...Who is it?"

"It's me, Sarah"

"Huh? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to discuss the issue about your new members"

"...Just come inside"

Purple hair, purple eyes, a tall body, and a mature face. Just her appearance was enough for men to fall head over heels for her. A busty chest and great assets that even the army would be jealous of. That was if it wasn't for her personality.

"This place reeks of sh*t and why is there a broken table in front of the door?"


Without bothering to say anything, and ignoring the mess on the ground the woman approached Jack's desk, throwing an unusual folder on top of it for Jack to read.

Before opening it, however, Jack already knowing what was going on decided to ask a more important question that he had in mind.

"Are they controllable?"

"Yes, you will be able to read it, in the report."

Opening the folder given to him by the strange woman Jack opened it to find something that he could only describe as disturbing.

[Demonic Humans]

[Lily Dergacia - Wolf Demon][Age - 13]

[Below average intelligence][High strength and speed][Lack of endurance and durability][Lack of common sense][Strong]

[Humanity - Weak]


[Stefen Kurzt - Ballon Demon][Age - 15]

[Average intelligence][Lack of strength and speed][Lack of endurance and durability][Weak]

[Humanity - Average]


[Anastasia Ferlawk - String Demon][Age - 17]

[Above average intelligence][Lack of streghth][Average speed][Lack of endurance and durability][Average]

[Humanity - High]


[Carl Reporba - Beard Demon][Age - 14]

[Average intelligence][Lack of strength and speed][Lack of endurance and durability][Weak]

[Humanity - Average]


'This is all f*cking worthless.'

'Ballon demon? Beard demon? When did we kill those demons?'

"Question...When in the hell, did the second division fight a Beard Demon?"

Sarah the head of research on demonic humans of the third division was confused by his question and was unsure as to what she should make of it.

"Unit one took care of it"

Jack making a face of realization just stopped his questioning.

"So the dicksuckers of our commander?"


"No wonder"

Jack read the report but apart from the personal information about the demonic humans, nothing really other than that could be found.

"Can you tell me their abilities, at least?"

"No, you will need to come to the third division headquarters to find that out, we can't leak any information apart from the general scope"

"...Sound annoying, so I'm only getting four of these little bastards?"

"Yeah, even making one took years of research, making eighteen just to fill your squad is just impossible for now."

Putting his hand on his forehead, Jack was already stressed out thinking about the future.

"Can I deny them?"

"No, you know they hate you, especially for what you did in the past"

Throwing the folder to the side, Jack leaned back on his chair and stared at Sarah straight in the face.

"So you came here and gave me nothing important today?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Jack"

"...Just leave, Sarah"

However, stopping in her tracks before leaving the room, Sarah seemed to have remembered something important.

"Actually, there is something important you need to do tomorrow morning"


"HQ is calling for you, it might be related to your new members"

"...I will send Zain to you in the morning, I will join you after I'm done dealing with those annoying bastards."

"Ok, good luck...Also, I will call someone to come a clean all of this up"

Finally left alone in his room, Jack picked up the unusual folder once again. Grabbing an empty notebook from a compartment inside his desk.

[Possible abilities of the demonic humans and ways to utilize them...]


Closing his notebook, to look at the outside, Jack couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Packing everything up into a small backpack, he made his way out of his office and entered the dark and gloomy third-floor hallway.

Other squad leaders were also around, the moment they noticed Jack walking towards them, however, they all stopped talking and made their way inside their rooms.

Jack, on the other hand, didn't mind them and just made his way out of the building, thankfully no procedures were needed to be made when leaving.

Making his way into an apartment building inside of the Core, Jack made his way through masses of soldiers all looking at him as if he was a celebrity.

Ignoring all of them, Jack made his way to his apartment on the last floor of the building.

Entering his unfurnished room, with nothing more than a single bed, a clock, and a table, Jack dropped everything on the floor to take a shower.

Normally he would have arrived at twelve but this time he had left work before nine, with him not leaving the hot shower until ten.


Murmuring to himself, Jack laid down on his bed, curling up and letting a few tears run down his face.

"Tonight it really cold, huh?"