
Part VI

Chapter 10

Exodus- are you Akira?

Akira- yes why do you ask master?

Exodus- because I wish to spar with you I want to see how far you've gotten

Akira- I've yet to train though

Exodus- I'll go easy cmon

Exodus plans on not holding back at all

Exodus- let's take this.. to the moon

Akira- to the.. moon?

Exodus- what you can't get there?

Akira starts floating

Akira- no I just didn't know you could get there as well

Exodus (he can fly as well?!!.. this isn't good for us..)- shall we?

Akira- race you there

Exodus- alright

Exodus uses his gravity abilities to fly at a super fast rate going beyond sound speed towards the moon.. Akira stands and waits until he can no longer see Exodus then he wait's some more

Exodus almost at the moon (heh that kid is much slower than we thought)

Akira (on the moon) hey.. took you long enough

Exodus (SHIT…)- oh well had to stay slow to let you catch up haha

Akira- well we can begin now

Exodus- right I know

Exodus points his hand towards the ground


A bubble surrounds Akira and Exodus in an instant

Exodus- you ready Akira?

Akira- hmm


The weight of 1 trillion tons of gravity forces down in the room Akira withstands this amount

Akira- this is all?

Exodus- "huff huff" no just wanted to go easy remember?

Akira starts to walk towards Exodus

Exodus (damn.. really 1 trillion tons?..)

Akira- anything else?


Akira continues to walk



Akira- this is disappointing.. honestly aren't you the strongest master? And this is all?

Akira flicks the air and the entire room dissolves one hundred trillion tons of force decimated in an instant. Exodus passes out from the crazy amount of power he used.

Kurai- God Damnit Exodus you couldn't do anything to faze him?

Exodus- no the boy is unstoppable we have to have him on our side Kurai why do you think he won't be on our side?

Kurai- everyone has mutually agreed if he turns we have to have a way to stop him.. ever since he destroyed the master orb-

Exodus- HE DID WHAT?!!

Kurai- keep it down… Ever since he did that there's been countless hours days and even weeks looking through spells powers and poisons there is nothing that can possibly stop him it seems and the reason we think he may not be on the "good side" is because his mental state.. we've tried talking to him and have his friend talk to him but ever since a bandit tried to kidnap him he's been.. different. It's like as soon as he realized he had the power to kill he snapped and hasn't changed we tried therapy for months and nothing seems to be working.. hopefully something works soon he's showing signs of another Thors..

Exodus- Thors?!! He does share some similarities but Thors could actually be harmed

Kurai- but he was a hero that went Rogue and showed the same signs as Akira

Exodus- could he be just as destructive? No scratch that he could likely be more destructive

Kurai- didn't Thors destroy whole city's?

Exodus- Akira has the potential to destroy the world..

Chapter VII soon ;)