
Part V

Chapter 5

Kier wakes up in the hospital room

Kier- what.. happened?..

Elegant- you fought with Akira without consulting any master

Kier- Akira?.. oh right yeah he's really strong I didn't hold back at all and he won with no difficulty

Elegant- yes.. he did win and ended up fracturing all your bones in one swift move it wasn't okay and honestly considering your speed and ability you should've one even if he had a power that gave him insane strength and durability almost no one is a match for you after you finished most of this training.. I fear we may have walked into something beyond our skill

Kier- whoah whoah calm down master I'm sure he just wanted to test his power after training them for these past few months

Elegant- that's the thing Kier he had no training these past few months

Kier- w..what?.. he beat me without training?..

Elegant- hmm just don't worry about it for now we train you much much harder got it?

Kier- got it

Down in the console room hundreds of feet below the ground

Sho- do you know why I brought you 5 down here?

Elegant- I'm guessing because Akira head master

Velm- I'm telling you he's not from here!

Kurai- ladies please don't interrupt the head master

Velm- you and Exodus are the only guys here doesn't mean you can boss is around


Sho- just listen.. Akira has abilities we can't control Kurai already tried curses to suppress him and they didn't even effect him we also tried getting blood samples from him and the needle broke

Elegant- that isn't that impressive

Sho- the needle was made out of sky slayer


Elegant- I…

Exodus- why doesn't one of us spar him to see how powerful he really is?

Sho- his durability was measured to be beyond the most powerful hero's as well as his strength and his speed may even surpass Kiers but if it doesn't we have to count on him

Elegant- damn..

sho- he took a sight test a hearing test every test under the book he has better senses than any living thing stronger faster more durable and endurance better at seeing and hearing things than anything ever recorded..

Kurai- what if he just has many powers and we're seeing something rare what if it's something that can be suppressed with a stronger spell

Sho- no it's impossible to go beyond 2 abilities and to be born with abilities as well… he's not human I agree with my sister Velm..

Kurai- he's not a demon ether I would've sensed it already so what could he possibly be?

Sho- an alien he's not from here and his mental state has been becoming more erratic if we don't help him soon we will have a treat to the world…

Exodus- I will spar with him just to see his strength and speed if I can move him with my abilities than we shall know how impenetrable he truly is

Sho- I shall allow this but only once

Chapter VI soon ;)