
Wrap up of Suspect Tan Ko

Tan Ko

Main Class: Mechanic

Sub-classes: None

Known Accounts: OberonBlue(Main), FairygodBaltoa

Age 16, a hacker who provides for himself through the dark web under the cover of a simple high school student. A simple high school kid he is not. Top of his class or he would be if he didn't get mediocre grades on purpose to not draw attention. Doesn't have many friends, the few "friends" he has all are online in Glory. He's a reluctant introvert, and being one in Glory tends to have mixed results.

He was always getting carried by whatever party he was in and a lot of people would avoid playing with him, even people lower leveled. No friends offline and somehow even fewer friends online he got desperate. While on the darkweb he found Liu's post advertising the illegal account cards and he bit. According to Liu, he was the first buyer.

Of course, now I've locked its access and I've been talking with the kid on what happens next. Now we have rights to press charges, but then that would make the public aware of our predicament, so instead, we're gonna hold it in our pocket if he gets out of hand again. All his accounts are banned and he definitely has committed cybercrimes. Ko didn't have the energy to argue back and said as much, poor kid just wanted friends after all.

Glory as social as it is, ain't no place for good-natured social butterflies. Heavenly Realm specifically.

As Chau pondered this, he looked at the time, this hunt began roughly an hour ago and one card was already claimed. 10 servers and 5 account cards to confiscate from the system.

If helping Tan Ko was possible it would have to come after, the hunt continues.

Chau opened up his chatbox and typed a message. Immediately a phone icon appeared and he answered before a second ring could get off.

"Mission Succeeded. Well done Agent 47. So we got some more info from Liu. Two of the cards were sold under the same account, I think we may have cooperating perpetrators." Guan's voice rang from the chatbox. Chau rolled his eyes and kicked his feet up on his desk.

"Hopefully that'll make finding them easier, how much did Liu sell for those cards anyway?" Chau asked.

"Uh, about 50 mill RMB, each." Guan said.

Chau almost fell out of his chair from a stupor.

How many Pro Account cards could be sold for half that much?

How were we gonna explain all that money to the cops!? The boss wanted this to be completely quiet, but I gotta a feeling that won't be possible anymore at the end.