
Titans War

Sushant_Anchan · Action
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3 Chs

Chapter 2– Legends

At Lion's gate – Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

( CST)

A 25 year man and 23 year women coming towards the gate

Jawan – where are you moving ?

Man – Sir , I need to talk to high officals regarding the events which has taken place

Other Jawan – what do you know ?

Man – Quiet a thing that can be helpful for us

Jawan – Come after wards higer officals are busy

Man – sir, please try to understand

Other jawan – no we can't

Women – sir that monster is going to come again thats for sure .

Both the Jawans stunned after hearing this

In headquarters the phone rings .

Commander – ( after reciving )

Commander Sadashiv Sharma

Jawan – Subedar Ganga Singh here

Commander – go ahead Subedar

Jawan – Sir, two youth arrived saying they have queit some information regarding monsters and they are going to come back

Commander – let them enter our premise

Jawan – Sir

Both of them enering the premise and Commander too coming out of his office

And both of them standing outside

Commander – hello their

Myself Commander Sadashiv Sharma

And you both

Boy – my name is Jayant Satya

And she is my companion Misti Shankar

Commander –Glad

Come in towards my office

Commander –So tell me why he will be coming back

Jayant – Sir this monster has a huge appitite

He will be here so that he can feed thise monsters .

Commander – monsters ,what do you mean ?

Jayant – the lizard monster which you saw had came out during the defence and terrorist firing and it was brought by terrorist

But these terrorist had trillions of such thing which I am sure they are use them as sleeper cells .

Commander – how is it possible ?

We are survelling them

Jayant – these activities don't take place here they have organization which is international but is alos illegal

Names " Stroke


Commander –" Stroke"... this I never heard

Jayant– non of the defence system has heard of it but it nearly 40 years old

they use old communication systems like "pagers"

to contact with other commarades

It is a group of majorly "Naxal and Pochar"

Some ruckus community in our country who

Has done unnecessary protests and raiots also are in it

Some of the stone are also been sold to other countries. To control those 'Titans'

Commander –Where did you find these information

Jayant– we have our sources in our "Adivasi tribes and defence starfs too" we have lost countless mens and women for sole purpose .

Commander – what is their motto ?

Inspector – Yes , look bigger than Terrorism

Misti – Terroism itself but in a bigger way

Commader – sound answer

But you people have mentioned "Titans"

Is it that giant bear "Simbukangh"

Jayant– No , its bigger than that

Those are very gigantic and unstoppable monsters some of them are aliens

Jayant takes off a some picture from his bags and keeps it on the table

Jayant – here are those monsters which they are invoking

The photos shows the Tribal panting of those Gagantic Titans extraterrestrial and earthly titans


Many decades they where been conquering each other Some had stopped for a reason some have continued their power hunger quest.

Jayant showcasing a Tribal panting photo

Where all monsters fighting a huge dark blue eyed winged as well as horned monsters

The 1950's Titans war which all the Earth Titans fought against the extraterrestrial Titans " Ga-gion "

One of the biggest and deadlist

which our ansistors have predicted 200 years ago .

We all felt like it was the last war

This war was never ended and never it will be

These Titans are just fing the way to come come out

And "Stroke" is providing them

Commander – feels out of box but We both agree to it

What's the solution

Jayant – assembling the Titans again

Commander – okey , so whom to start with

Jayant in the same photo

Jayant – the Titan that leaves between

Arabian sea

A human like Titan with a tree like weapon and T Rex looking monster

Jayant – Vishala and Raja Minikara

Their near Lands of Sri lanka –

Where a Ravans statue a Comrade speaking to his mens.

Comander Subodhe Roy

Comarade – did we finish those monsters

Soldier– No sir ,

Comarade–( angrily) It's a shameful thing

from since two decades I am not able to clear the roots of Arabian sea

Even 26/11 attacks didn't effect the country too

Some how we have manage to collect resources but those

Lashkar terrorist spoilt everything we failed to plant the monsters all our the country

and plus its very costly to supply through a large routes .

We should send all our monsters to kill them

and we should include one of the foes too

.....to be continued