
Won the case

Eric's POV 

Hearing those words from him, I knew it was all over. 

''The elders have made their decisions, and it seems alpha Eric won, we just hope he does better.''dad stood up from his chair and stood at the center of the room. 

''alpha Eric has been given the right to be with his mate, we don't care whether he loves her or not but will take her from him if we find out he hit her again. 

''We may all rise, the meeting has come to an end.'' I met eyes with Elliot and noticed the anger and hatred in his eyes. 

I stood up and couldn't help stop the smile that filled my face. 

''This meeting has come to an end.'' 

Hearing those words I released a sigh of relief and met eyes with Elliot who stared back at me with anger 

''It's not over yet.'' he whispered those words through telepath. 

I chuckled softly and walked out of the hall only to meet Liam waiting for me by kelvin's car. 

''That was a close one.'' Liam smiled at me and shook my hand. 

''I never knew I would get the highest vote, I thought all the other alphas hated me and will want to punish me through this.'' I murmured confused.

Liam chuckled loudly and shook his head before speaking up 

''Not every Alpha hates you Eric, they are just scared of you and besides every Alpha knows the pains of being separated from their mate, I don't think they want you to go through that.'' he smiled at me and tried to touch my shoulder, but he stopped halfway. 

''It's okay, Victoria healed me a long time ago.'' I assured him 

''Really.'' he asked shocked 

''Yes, that was during mating with her.'' I whispered almost to myself. 

''It's okay man, I believe everything will fall into place.''  

I nodded my head and thought for a while before speaking up 

''Are you busy, I want you to follow me to Michael's place.'' 

''Sure, let's go.''  

I followed Kelvin to his car, while Liam drove behind us from his car. 

''You are a lucky bastard.'' Kelvin murmured to himself 

I chuckled softly and leaned on the seat with my eyes closed. 

''The moon goddess has given you another chance, you have to cherish it.'' I nodded my head with my eyes still closed. 

We drove in total silence until we got to Mike's place. 

We drove in and saw some of his men in the building, they kept staring at us but couldn't say a word out of fear. 

''Where is mike.'' I asked, 

They stared at us with curious eyes but did not say a word.

''Let's go, I know where he is.'' Kelvin said those words and lead the way.

We followed him into the house, he took the backdoor, and we met Michael in his garden in deep thought.

''Micheal.'' I called out his name to get his attention.

He turned around and stared at us for a while before he walked up to us.

''I have told you all I know, I killed her and threw her at the bridge, what else do you want.'' Liam did not let those words finished from his mouth before he forcefully took hold of his hands to see his past.