
Touched what is mine

Eric's POV 

''Let go of me.'' he tried to remove his hands from Liam's hand, but Kelvin and I held him and kept him on the floor while Liam read through his past.

I stared at Liam whose eyes were closed and could notice how his facial expression changed, and I wondered what he might have seen to make him this angry.

He opened his eyes, and before we knew what was going on, Liam grabbed mike by his collar and threw him on the floor.

''You bastard.'' he yelled in anger and went for mike, but we held him back.

''What is wrong, what did you see.'" I asked in panic.

Liam released an heavy sigh before staring at me with a pity look.

''Tell me what you saw.'' I spoke almost like a plead.

''He captured her, brought her here and almost raped her if Elliot didn't show up.'' he muttered angrily.

I took in a deep breath and calm my angry wolf.

''He was responsible for Victoria loosing her pregnancy.'' 

''You bastard.'' I yelled in anger but didn't move an inch.

''Then why did he keep saying he killed Victoria when obviously Elliot took her.'' Kelvin asked confused.

''Elliot brought someone to cast a spell on him, a spell that will make he thinks he killed her and threw her at the bridge. Elliot did that so that you don't come searching for Victoria.'' Hearing those words, I collapsed on the long bench in the garden and didn't know what to say or feel.

I would have had the chance to make up things with Victoria if Mike didn't kidnap her, I would have shown Victoria my face and tell her how much I love her if Mike didn't to all this.

The situation I am today is because of mike, and to think that he wanted to touch her angered me the more.

''I will kill you.'' I yelled in anger while walking towards Mike's direction.

''Calm down, Eric, we will give him over to the wolfie.'' Kelvin suggested, but I cut him off.

''I don't need to do that.'' I replied in anger and went for mike on the floor.

I grabbed him by his hair as he tried to fight back at me, but he was too weak for me.

''You have the guts to kill my baby.'' I yelled angrily and punched him on the face.

''You dare touch what is mine.'' I punched him in the stomach.

''Stop Eric, you will kill him, he is too weak because of the spell on him.'' Liam begged, but I totally ignored him.

''You have the guts to even think of touching what is mine, huh?'' I punched him in the face before letting go of him, when I realized he couldn't take it anymore.

''Calm down.'' Kelvin said those words and went to check if Mike was still alive.

''You almost killed him.'' Kelvin murmured

''He is lucky I just gave him threw punches.'' I muttered out angrily.

We all stood there in silence while we watch mike breathing slowly like he was trying to catch his breath.

''I'll take him to the hospital and I think I know someone who knows where I can find that kid who manipulated Mike's mind, so he can undo it.'' Liam spoke up while staring at me to see my reaction.

''I don't care, just make sure you tell him I'm not done with him yet.'' I expressed those words as a threat and walked away.