
Won't resist me for long

Eric's POV 

I got into kelvin's car and shut the door angrily, 

I groaned in anger as I tried to keep my wolf in bay.

''Easy man.'' Kelvin opened the door and got in.

''Are you okay.'' he asked with his piercing gaze on me.

''Stop doing that.'' I murmured angrily and looked away.

He stared at me for a while before he starts the car and drove off.

We drove in silence until I spoke up, 

''Do you think Victoria will forgive me if she gets back her memory.'' I asked in panic.

The thought of she getting back her lost memory frightens me and for some strange reason I pray she doesn't get it any sooner

''You don't want her to gain back her memory.'' Kelvin said those words with his eyes fixed on the road.

''How did you read through me.''

''I didn't, it's just obvious.'' 

Hearing those words from him, I sighed heavily and ran my fingers through my hair.

''What should I do.'' I murmured those words to myself in frustration.

I want my Victoria back, but I know once she gets her lost memory it will be over between us because I could still see the anger and hatred she has for me in her eyes the day I met her again.

''She is your mate Eric, she can't resist you for long, so don't worry about that.'' he flashed me an assuring smile before moving his gaze to the road.

I sighed in relief when I heard those words from Kelvin, indeed he was right, Victoria was my mate and bears my mark, so she would be able to resist me for long.

The constant ringing of kelvin's phone caught my attention, and I wondered why he wouldn't pick up his call.

''Is someone bothering you.'' I asked, out of curiosity, maybe his subs were calling.

''No.'' he murmured almost to himself.

The call kept coming, but he wouldn't pick it.

I stared at him and noticed he was bothered by the call and was forcing himself not to pick the call.

''Who is calling.'' I asked while staring at him, he has been a good friend to me and I think I should do the same.

He ignored me and didn't say a word, the call kept coming, and I noticed Kelvin was forcing himself not to pick up.

I went for his phone in his pocket, but he didn't try to stop me from taking his phone.

I brought out his phone from his pocket and stared at the caller.

''Is this not…'' he did not let those words finished from my mouth before he cut me off

''He has been calling me for the past one month, saying he wants to meet with me.'' Kelvin murmured

I stared at him and could notice the pains in his eyes, Kelvin was in pains when his mate rejected him, he did everything possible to get the love of his mate, but all were fruitless.

Kelvin went through pains and heartbreak and now that he was trying to pick up his life his mate is showing up in his life again.

''Don't you want him anymore.'' I asked while the phone was still ringing.

Kelvin kept quiet for a while before speaking up 

''He is my mate and bears my mark, I can't stop loving him.'' he murmured in a hurtful voice.