
Wants to leave

Eric's POV 

I stood there as I try to catch my breath, Jackson might not know how to control his abilities, but his vision were always right and accurate.

''Alpha.'' He called out to me When he noticed I wasn't saying a word

''It's okay, you should get some rest, I'll bring a friend of mine who will help give you some guidance, just go in and rest.'' I pat him on the shoulder with a weak smile, I'm an alpha, it's not proper to show weakness in front of my followers.

Jackson flashed me an assuring smile before leaving me alone at the garden.

The moment he left I quickly took out my phone in my pocket and dialed father's line, within a few minutes it was picked.

''You finally called.'' he spoke in a low, deep voice, Almost like a sleepy voice.

''Are you alright, dad.'' I asked as I felt my heart pound in fear 

I heard movement over the phone for a while before he finally spoke up 

''I've been sick for two days now.'' those words did not finish from his mouth before he started couching.

''Have you gone to the hospital, should I call your personal doctor.'' I asked in panic as I felt my hands becoming sweaty.

''I'm fine, this is just a little fever.'' he spoke weakly

''This is no little fever, I'm coming right away, just wait for me.'' I quickly ended the call and rushed inside the house, I was almost at the door of my room when I met Victoria also coming to my room.

''I've been looking for you.'' 

'"Was at the garden, is everything okay.'' I asked 

''Yeah, I Just want to have a few words with you.''hearing those words from her, I wanted to ask her to wait until I get back,but she was Victoria and I knew I won't be at rest if I don't know what's bothering her.

''Come in.'' I opened the door of my room and we both went in.

Victoria sat on the couch while I sat on the bed with my thought still on Dad.

''I want to leave.'' She muttered those words as a whisper, but I could clearly hear her

With confused eyebrows I stared at her and wondered what she was saying.

''I can't keep staying here, I need to find somewhere else to stay, or I can go back to Sonia's apartment and stay with her…'' I did not let her finish before I cut her off, 

''And what brought such ideas to you.'' I asked as I stood up from the bed and walked up to her,

I watched her bite her lips for a while before she slowly lifts her head and stared right at me

''I can't keep staying here, I can't live with someone who isn't married to me, aunt will be angry if she finds out about it.'' she murmured like an innocent kid

''And beside we were not living together why should we do it now.'' she added.