

Eric's POV 

''I will be in the office by tomorrow, don't worry about that.'' I ended the call and kept my phone on the bed.

I left my room and walked downstairs to take some fresh air, I left the house and walked to the quarters.

I got there and met my men training with each other, they noticed me and stopped training.

I took a seat and stared at each of them without saying a word

''Sorry alpha, we never knew you did not want her coming close to us.''one of them spoke up 

I ignored him and took in a deep breath to relaxed when suddenly one of my men made a soft scream.

Quickly, I stood up and went to him.

He was a young lad, just twenty-one years old, and he doesn't know how to control his powers, that's why his father begged me to take him and help train him to control his abilities.

''Calm down Jackson, take a deep breath and calm your nerve.'' I whispered those words as I gently pat his back.

I noticed him take him a deep breath before closing his eyes, he closed his eyes for a while before he opened them and stared directly into my eyes.

Meeting eyes with me, I could see the color of his eyes were darker, indicating he was having a vision.

He stared at me for a while before he closed his eyes for a while and opened them, but this time the color of his eyes were normal.

''Get him water.'' One of my men stood up to get water.

''I had a vision that concerns you, but it wasn't clear.'' he said those words to me through telepath.

''Calm down, and drink some water.''

He nodded his head and relaxed on the chair, the water was given to me while I handed it over to him.

He drank all the water and relaxed for a while before I made him stood up and followed me out of the quarter.

We walked for a while until we got to the garden, he sat down, and I waited for him to speak.

''The vision wasn't clear.'' he murmured

''Just tell me what you saw.'"

He took in a deep breath before he started speaking.

''I saw you in a graveyard, seated on a grave crying bitterly, you were in so much pains that I could feel your pains in my heart despite it was just a vision.'' he murmured.

I took in a deep breath and calm myself.

''Did you see the write-up on the grave tomb or did you see me with anyone.'' I asked 

He thought for a while before he slowly shook his head

''You were alone, putting on black tight jeans, gray color T-shirt and a black jean jacket.'' he explained with his eyes closed.

Hearing those descriptions from him, I could tell he was right because I have that exactly type of cloths, but then I wondered whose grave was I crying on, that would make Jackson feel my pains even though it was just a vision.

''Father?'' I whispered in fear.