
Don’t go

"Don't go just yet. I need you, Miraj."

I sounded so needy, I hated it. Regardless, I pushed into him and wrapped my arm around his neck. My other hand rubbed lightly on his cheek near his lips.

"Eli.." he sighed my name.

Warning bells were going off in my head.

Don't think, Eli. Don't think.

I kissed him.

[This chapter is 18+. Don't read if you're underage. They basically have sex nothing else. So move along if you're too young!]

If I had to think about what kind of lover Miraj was, the first word I would think of was: generous. He was a very generous lover. He never hesitated to give. He cared for his partner's pleasure and made sure they got it good.

I was the one who initiated this kiss but he took control of it soon. And this time, he only took.

His tongue was in my mouth, harsh and demanding. His hands were on my waist, fingers digging so hard that they might leave marks. He pulled me towards him so hard, there was a sound as my front collided against his.

It didn't take long until he started walking me backwards and we fell on the bed together, still lost in each other's lips. His hands groped my breasts roughly, rougher than he had ever been and his right leg parted my legs as he settled himself between my thighs. He was unusually impatient this time and it took me off guard. I didn't know why he was this way but I gave him all he needed, nonetheless.

After all, this was all I was allowed to give him.

Soon I was naked and he was still completely clothed as I palmed him through his pants while he pulled on my nipples. God, he really ruined me for any other man.

He grabbed my wrist harshly and put both my hands above my head as he sucked hickeys onto my neck.

"No more touching from you," he practically growled at me. I wanted to slap him for talking to me this way but I also wanted him to take this further.

Control is nice, sure. Control, in a way, parallels to power. But Control is also exhausting. And I was tired. Tired of carrying it all on my shoulders. Letting go of the control, just this once, was hard. But after five years of marriage, I trusted him to only take it away from me in bed. When I needed to give it up and he needed to have it all.

He kissed my lips again as he put his band between my legs and started rubbing over my clit.

I knew this was all a power play. He was establishing who was incharge right now by staying clothed while I was naked, by touching me as he pleased while my hands couldn't reach him. I let him do it because I needed to let go today. And he needed to have it all.

He was three fingers deep in me, making sure I could take him well even as he kissed me hard enough to bruise. He removed only the bare minimum of his pants, to free his cock and entered me as I was still whimpering from the unexpected harsh foreplay.


I spoke his name in a whisper but it was enough for him. He looked at me with a pained expression. I didn't know the reason but I wanted to soothe it away.

"I want to touch you, Miraj."

"Not tonight, you only get to watch tonight, Bee."

"Please," I begged.

He just shook his head as his thrusts became tougher and harder. His right hand came up to rub my lips lightly. It was a huge contrast to how his hips were practically trying to break me in two as my back was arched from the pleasure.

He just stared at me as he continued caressing my lips.

"You exasperate me, Bee."

No idea if that was good or bad, but I didn't care right then.

He got up on his knees and put my right leg on his shoulder. I was kinda startled from the change in position as I had gotten used to our previous rhythm.

His thrusts started again, harder and faster. He held my right breast and squeezed, hard. It had me moaning and screaming. He took a hold of the same breast with his left hand and squeezed it so the skin tightened and the nipple came up from between his thumb and fingers.

He slapped my breast. HARD.

My back arched so hard, I really thought I could break a bone but I could care less. That made me feel so good.

I looked at him and saw how he was waiting for my reaction but even then his thrusts kept going, rough and harsh. I just noticed that the bed was shaking with every thrust. It made me smile. Big and proud of my husband's dick prowess.

"Do it again," I said.

He smirked, "Always knew you were a bit of a masochist, baby."

He slapped my breast again and I smiled big as pleasure ran through me along with pain. He dropped my leg from his shoulder and leaned over me, wrapping his hands around my neck.

He choked me. This motherfucker, choked me as he fucked hard into me.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed letting my body be at his mercy. He did as he pleased with it and I loved it. Every.Single.Second.

As we both came, I had no doubt this was the best sex of my life. But it also made me think, why was I missing out on this for the past five years? Was this a new side of him or was it an old side of him? Is this how he was with Tatiana?

Damn, that bitch really needed to die.

Hi! Hope you are all safe. I am sorry for disappearing again but fuck, life is super hard right now.

I am not gonna promise anything but I hope I stick around for long this time.

I came back with smut tho! Hope this is enough for you to forgive me!!

SniperGirlcreators' thoughts