
Time Stops When I'm with Her. (MHA)

A peculiar teen dies after being hit by Truck-kun. As the beaming lights flash into her eyes and the immense force tore apart her body, she finds herself motionless drifting off in a seemingly endless void until one day a light shone down upon her and she woke up in the body of a child. ( I do not own My Hero Academia/MHA, or the cover photo used for the novel.)

Hyberions · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 9:

(6 months later)

A cold winter's breath blew through the open window of the bedroom, gently caressing the pale skin of the bed's occupant. The person stirred in their sleep, completely forgetting what today was, simply wishing to curl up with their quilt and sleep through it all. Sadly, life had other plans for this silver-haired girl.

A knock rapped on the closed door, earning a groan of displeasure from the room's owner. Their sleep was once again disturbed. The knocking occurred once more. Having had enough of the disturbances and accepted that rest wasn't in her schedule for today, the girl sat up and curled the blankets around her. The girl was no longer allowed to sleep, but she wouldn't give up her comfort so easily, she looked like a certain Homeless-san, wrapped up in her blankets like a caterpillar with her back to the headboard she called for the knocker to enter,

"Whomst have awakened the ancient one?" she roared. However, it was muffled by her blankets and didn't have the intimidating effect that the girl so desired.

The heavy wooden doors slowly creaked open, revealing a maid. The maid was carrying a silver tray. The tray had a mug filled with a steaming liquid and a plate with scones and some small pots of fruit preserves. The maid, not forgetting the girls previous 'roar,' answered the girl's query,

"I apologize for disturbing your rest, Lady Sakuya. However, your mother was worried that you would have missed breakfast, so I was sent here to deliver it to you."

'So it was the Ancient(er) one that disturbed my slumber, I suppose I'll allow it.'

"It's fine Increment, If you could set it down on my side table, I would appreciate it."

Sakuya watched as Increment set the food down before asking once more,

"Increment, what preserves are in the pots?"

"We have a morello cherry compote," she said, pointing to the dark red pot, "a blueberry and elderflower jam," pointing to the purple/blue pot, "finally, we have a traditional strawberry jam," pointing to the last light red pot.

Sakuya sat there happily sipping on the warm liquid, now known as a hot chocolate, humming in appreciation for the maid's explanation. Sakuya decided to let the hot chocolate soothe her soul for a bit longer before replying,

"Thank you Increment, a pleasure seeing you as always. You may continue with your prior duties now."

(POV Sakuya)

I watched as Increment left the room, leaving me to enjoy my breakfast in comfortable silence. Reaching over and bringing the tray over, setting it on my lap before picking up the knife. Happily slicing the scones into halves lengthways, sighing blissfully, watching the steam rise from the freshly baked treats. Taking a warm scone half into my hand and contently spreading the blueberry & elderflower jam with the knife provided. The blue mixture seemingly reflected the light from the chandelier above my bed, causing its appearance to resemble that of a deep ocean. Bringing it up to my mouth and taking a bite, a moan escapes my mouth,


The sweet blueberry jam was melding perfectly with the floral elderflower into a marvelous concoction that set my tastebuds alight with previously unknown combinations that I couldn't get enough of. The smooth, thick texture of the jam, when paired with the buttery texture of the baked scone, was divine. The scone was so soft that I didn't even need to chew; it melted in my mouth as it laid upon my tongue.

The scene of my happily humming and swaying side to side to myself after taking a bite of the scones repeated itself until there were none left. It was a bit disappointing. Luckily I still had my velvety hot choccy with me. Sipping on that while trying to remember what today was, scanning my room for any clues. Soon my eyes landed on a specific corner of my room,

"Ah, it's Christmas."

How did I come to that conclusion, you ask? It's elementary, my dear Watson. Chi-chan is wearing a Santa hat sitting on my present to Momo. There are plenty of things that happen on Christmas, but I'm not excited about the traditional stuff. No, it's time for me to hope for a Christmas miracle and that I get enough courage to do what I want to at the gala that's being held in the afternoon.

Soaking as much warmth as possible from my quilt cocoon before deciding that I need to get out of bed. Groggily making my way over to the window, I peer out of it, the winds blowing my long hair back as I do so. The sight that greets me is one that I would always appreciate no matter the lifetime. A winter wonderland, thick blankets of snow seemingly draping over the vast landscape, the moon barely visible in the morning sky, little imprints in the snow were showing that even life still exists in this white winter wonderland. It's breathtaking. More importantly, at this moment, though, it's freezing. Hurriedly shutting the window, I began rubbing my arms to get some semblance of warmth in me again.

"A hot shower would be nice right now," I pondered out loud.

Looking at the clock, I realized that I still have six or so hours until the ball starts. The Christmas ball is a huge charity event hosted by some of the wealthier households in Japanese society. The attendees of these balls typically involve the rich, the influential, top heroes, and family/friends of any of those listed. Thankfully, it wasn't being hosted at our estate this time but the Yaoyorozu's.

It was complete chaos last time; we had to hire more valets than we thought. Hawks stole all the chicken as soon as he entered. One of the maids 'forgot' that Endeavor had a fire quirk and that Endeavor's fire facial hair was him using his quirk. Hence, they used the fire extinguisher on him (the remaining Todoroki family members had a good laugh at that). Miruko asked me to make a clone of her so she could fight it to establish dominance and all this only happened within the first hour, so you can only imagine what happened after.

After reminiscing in the shower about all the chaos caused, I decided that it was time to dry and dress. I still had a few hours until the ball, so I decided to get dressed in some black skinny jeans, a white tee, a cream hoodie with a ducky on the front, some black slides, and thick wool socks so my toes can stay warm. Making my way downstairs, I am greeted with the sight of the maids chatting amongst themselves eating breakfast.

A sight I was happy to see because some of the maids sadly don't have any family to go to for Christmas. The Izayoi family, fellow house staff included, are their only family. My grandmother was a support hero specializing in relief missions, and most of the maids are the sole survivors of their families from said missions, so Chihiro took them in. They treat Chihiro as their grandmother and Pestonya as their mother. Speaking of Pestonya, she, fortunately, has a family to go back to, one of which is her younger brother, the police chief commissioner Kenji Tsuragamae.

"Merry Christmas girls," I greeted them before leaving towards the home cinema, getting a chorus of "Merry Christmas Lady Sakuya!" in return.

A few hours of sappy Christmas love movies later, Foire notified me that I should be getting ready for the ball, turning off the screen, and making my way upstairs. I changed into my dress. It's a strapless blue dress. I do my makeup; I try to keep it minimalistic but added some blue lipstick which was popping~ and did my nails in the same color. Granted, they may not see my nails because of the gloves, but I still needed to look pretty. Finally, I make my way downstairs with my gift in hand before putting my heels on and heading off to the car.

(A/N: Dress here ← )

A twenty-minute drive later, my mother and I finally arrived at the Yaoyorozu estate, still as grandiose as ever. My mother and I leaned on each other so we wouldn't slip on the icy pathway, with all the press around that would be asking for a media frenzy. I made my way over to our assigned table, where we were seated with Momo and her Family, setting my gift down beside my chair.

We made some small talk as the servers made their rounds delivering the food to the tables, catching up on each other's lives. Miha and my mother are discussing something secretive. Every time I asked, they just replied,

"Motherly things"

I could only accept their answer as I wasn't interested enough to spy with my quirk. Soon after the entrées were served, I noticed that Momo kept staring at me. Whenever I made eye contact with her, she would immediately look away with a blush.

'Damn Mo-chan, do I really look that damn good?!'

My ego and narcissism were being stroked tonight. I noticed Hawks doing the same to Endeavor whenever he wasn't using his quirk to pile up chicken at the buffet table to bring back to his table. You do, you Hawks. Endeavor seemed to have learned his lesson this time around and didn't walk into a party with literal fire on his face. I should thank Cixous for that fire extinguisher stunt again. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, the music has started, people were making their way to the dancefloor with their partners.

I saw Momo gathering her courage, red-faced and fiddling with her skirt nervously. She started approaching me slowly as I waited, a small smile on my face,

"Hi, Momo, what's up?"

She kept averting her eyes before finally setting them on me; she stopped fiddling with the hem of her skirt and tapped her fingers together, "I- Maybe- Actually-" She swallowed the lump that seemingly formed in her throat before meeting my gaze, quietly saying, "Do you want to dance with me?"

Taking her hands in mine, stroking the back of her hands with my thumbs, before smiling reassuringly at her, "I would love to dance with you, Mo-chan." Her face lit up, and her jaw dropped before thoughts rushed through her mind as I led her to the dance floor,

'Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I can't believe it worked, thank you, mother!'

(A/N: We're going for some Ed Sheeran- Perfect, because I'm not trying to write a romantic moment to some Rammstein. I'd lose my mind trying to do that. The "" in the songs means Sakuya is saying it)

[I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in

And "follow my lead"]

We made it to the middle of the floor soon enough. I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her waist as we began to slowly dance with each other as close as we could be.

[Well, I found a girl beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were just waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time]

I was swaying peacefully in the middle of the crowded dance floor with Momo resting her head on my chest, presumably listening to my racing heartbeat, as nothing else mattered in my eyes. Other couples are doing the same around us.

[But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, "darling, you look perfect tonight"]

Momo shook her head with the smallest of smiles gracing her ruby lips, her onyx eyes sparkling like the night sky,

["Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know"

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time]

Momo could only tear up at that line; she didn't want to believe it. But the way I sang it with all my conviction shattered her doubts. I pulled her closer, stroking the back of her head as we continued dancing.

[Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

"I see my future in your eyes"

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song

"When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight"]

Momo started taking my words seriously and started blushing into my chest, not a huge one, just a small one that was very noticeable from up close.

[Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to your favourite song

I have faith in what I see

"Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight"]

As the music slowly died down along with Momo's blush, I gradually led her away from the commotion, sending a clone to pick up my gift for her as I led her to somewhere more private. It was time.

Making our way to the balcony in her room, I held her hands and started talking,

"Momo, I have something very important to say to you. I-I've been meaning to say this for some time, but I didn't dare to do so before today. Plus, you're too gorgeous in that dress for me to put this off for any longer. Momo, will you be my-"

Because my stupid ass kept shuffling about nervously in heels, I fell to one knee on the icy balcony. Before I could get up and finish what I was about to say, I was interrupted by a joyous shout,

"Yes, yes! A million times, yes! Of course, I would be your wife-"


"I was so nervous because I was going to confess to you today, and I was worried you didn't like me like that. I mean, you're just amazing to me. I didn't know if you would like me more than a friend. Don't get me wrong. I was happy to be your friend. I just wanted a bit more, you know?"

Momo kissed me on the lips before her, and my parents burst through the door in congratulations, both mothers with camcorders in hand. At this point, my clone walked in the door with my present for Momo, a ring. There couldn't have been better or worse timing ever! Momo took the ring box and happily slotted it on her ring finger, beaming happily at me. Me, on the other hand? I was sweating like a motherfucker, screaming internally,

'I just wanted to be your girlfriend, Mo-chan. We skipped like twenty steps and became wives because I decided to be a classy girl and wear heels instead of flats. I want to say no, but I can't. I just can't! She's too damn happy now, and apparently, it's all been on camera. What do I do in a hard situation like this, you ask? I go with the flow and hope it all works out.'

"Thank you Mo-chan. I couldn't be any happier!"

Soon our engagement was announced along with the IzaYao merger. The reporters present went nuts, I swear I heard one of them screaming "BIG NEWS!" or something along those lines. Me and Momo posed for the reporters, the pic of us kissing each other was the one that went viral. The headlines the following day were full of titles like, 'Heiresses unite in marriage to form the biggest financial empire in japan!'

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Also, Please review the novel. It would really help me and the book out peeps! <3

We get to the confession scene, it didn't go as planned. As any planned confession does, something messes it up. The only question is, is this a mess or an improvement? Who knows, not me that's for sure.

I dreaded writing a confession scene for soo long, I hope that this one was a nice little one for you all.

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