
Time Return With My Boss

What would you do if one day you find yourself having gone back in time? What if you find one of your colleagues who you knew when you were younger, acting completely different from how they were before? Ivan sees his boss in a completely new light; turning a complete 180º from the original demon lord manager to a cutesy fox that won’t let him go. More impactful is her sudden interest in him, and her bold yet flirtatious actions completely destroying any semblance of their past—... now present. This is a romantic comedy with absolutely zero brains. A feel-good novel and a source for sugar. There’s a lot of fluff, some degree of plot, and trauma healing. Single dogs, lucky taken, come get your dose of diabetes. Cover is not owned by me. Message murdsguy if the author of the cover would like for the cover to be taken down.

CyanSuch · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

"Wait, what?" Alice realized her mistakes. Her wide eyes were interesting to look at.

"Yes… he needs to take a science course and a health class as well…"

Alice clicked her tongue. She opened her mouth to speak but the counselor beat her to it.

"Well, I can help you guys… To be honest, Ivan if you show that you're up to standard for these difficult courses we can let you in… As for your required science credit, if you take these classes, the only other science classes that suit your schedule would be another advanced program."

I nodded, "Well, I'll just take Physics or Biology then…"

The counselor looked at us excitedly. "As for you Alice, I do remember that you have a free period. Since you two also need a health class credit, I can put you two together in Physical Education."

I winced. I also took Physical Education in the past and though it was fun occasionally, the teacher would make us run an entire hour twice in the course.

I didn't get it that bad because, during this period, I'm a conditioned athlete. Still, running for so long in the sun is no fun either way.

Alice nodded. "That's okay."

The counselor clapped her hands, "...but of course. I need something in return to be able to let Ivan in his courses that should only be available next year."

Ah, probably that same old speech where she'll tell me that I have to work hard and not fall behind in my classes.

"Yes, I'll try my hardes—"

"You'll have to come hang out here in my office every once in a while."

"Huh?" "Huh?" Two question marks rose simultaneously.

"Oh come on. You two literally want to have the same schedule and are talking and holding each other so lovey-dovey… Just come to my room and flirt instead of doing it in the open where you'll affect every single lonely student."

Our question marks did not disappear.

She continued her rant, trying to make up excuses for herself. "I swear I saw in a news article that for lonely people, seeing people being lovely dovey raises the chance of suicide…"

I glanced at Alice with a horrified face.

The counselor saw our resentment at the idea, "I won't even be in the room.." She waved her hands desperately. "Look. I just think that you two should be able to have your own privacy from the judging stares, okay?" She hesitated, and then spoke again, "When I was a senior I was also dating a junior one year younger than me and I just sympathize with you guys because we ended up breaking up because he couldn't take the stares," she said with exasperation. "I don't want you two to go through the same thing…"

Well, that's… unexpected.

Isn't she being too much of a busy body though?

I might have been more accepting of it if she said we were her muses for an art portrait or her romance novel...

I looked at Alice's wide eyes.

"Uh… huh."

I raised my hand to pause the counselor from talking anymore. "Counselor, I'm sorry but I think you're misund—"

"We'll do it," Alice covered my mouth with her hand. She then hugged my arm and looked up at me, "Right?"

Her pale white features and her dark hair that contrasted beautifully were a treat for the eyes. Her wide almond-shaped eyes with dilated green pupils that were wet, seeming as if they were about to drip tears and her rosy blush in her cheeks were especially deadly.

Her features blended with the image I had of her in the future, except for wearing professional clothing and wearing a more professional face...

My boss had always been a beautiful lady. She was obviously treated favorably in anything she did.

I thought she was pleasant to look at, but never felt a sort of attraction.

I was also lucky in the genetic pool and didn't fall short.

Pretty privilege is real. During the time I worked in the company, my treatment was obviously different from the others. Her treatment was also better than other peoples', and they seem to accept it too.

Still, I am not discrediting her abilities as our team leader. Even if she was a sleazy person, she never meant anyone harm.

Though she always nagged at me and pestered me to no end, we always argued with a smile and ended up hanging out as friends very often.

She would coldly glance at the other co-workers and say a few curt words when speaking to them during work.

She was obviously a little more friendly outside of work. I guess her serious mode had no social considerations.

It seems that she treated me well not because I was good-looking, but because of something else. I liked that feeling where I was valued by my personality and not how I looked.

Sounds like such a piece of shit thing to say, hahaha… but you know… the rich think money doesn't buy happiness and the poor think the contrary.

My point is, it's a good thing and I'm not ungrateful for it, but it's nice to have something different.

When I asked her about her treatment of me, she always admitted that I was just a good friend and I seemed to have a good sense of responsibility. She also liked that we were from the same area and even went to the same highschool.

To be honest... That sense of responsibility in every minute action I do and care when interacting with other people was because I had made many mistakes in the past.

My period of playing around and flirting to no end with girls led me to a time where I was miserable in the inside but always partying and having fun in the outside.

It seemed to be my only purpose at all and I regretted it for a long time.

I broke up with many girls during college, usually due to my fault and I could never find a good reason why I should deserve the things I wished for. My relationship with my parents was not the best either.

In one of our arguments, they admitted that they didn't care that I was successful. They only cared about having a son.

I tried atoning for the many things I did, but there's a limit to how much you can alleviate the regret and shame.

To be honest, I felt lucky to be able to return to the past and correct my mistakes.

Looking at her face though, I might have another reason sprouted in my heart as to why I feel lucky to be able to return. The thought remained hidden as I quickly vanished it.

"You fall in love with me yet?" I was interrupted from my thoughts and shook my head.

She was grinning at me while purposefully tightening her hold on my arm. "I didn't know I was so pretty that you can stare at me like that for so long."

"In your dreams. I was just thinking of something." Fortunately, I was not blushing or she would never stop running her mouth about it.

"Hmm? Were you thinking of me? Come on, come on. Admit it."

I bopped her nose and unentangled her from my arm, "The counselor's here, act appropriately."

She huffed, and had the decency to at least have a little shame. With some uncharacteristic shyness, she refused to look at the counselor.

Meanwhile, the person in question looked at us with a wide smile and stars in her eyes.

"Alright, then I'll help you guys out," she suddenly spoke fondly to us, "I'll set everything up so you guys just wait and everything will be solved. And come to my office every lunch too, I'll leave cookies for you two."

I scratched my head, "Yes… thank you very much. Counselor."

"Call me Yvonne."

"Thank you… Ms. Yvonne."

"Thank you, Yvonne," Alice said cutely while tilting her head.

"I would also like to admit that I am writing a romance novel and you guys would be helpful…"

We shrugged. Yes, that'll make it easier to digest.

Yvonne glanced at her watch, "Anyway, run along now, your lunch break is about to end and we don't want to be late do we? By the way, don't skip class to go flirting, it's a bad idea. I learned it the hard way."

Thank you, but too much information.

Alice and I were pushed out of the room and walked back out into the halls.

For a moment we were silent and walked quietly through the halls.

She suddenly erupted in laughter and began slapping my shoulder. For each giggle, I found myself gaining more amusement.

Soon too, chuckles began erupting from me. "That was hilarious," she slapped my shoulder.

I laughed, affected by her laughter. "That was… interesting."

"Hahaha… interesting, pfft—"

"Did you just... snort?"

"Did I just what?"


She began clapping her hands as we laughed even harder.

"Ah, my stomach hurts," she wiped tears from her eyes.

It took a while before we settled. "Anyway, aren't you happy? You get to be with me…"

Her narcissism has to be through the roof...

"I think we both know the lucky one here is you."

"Nuh-uh. I sacrificed so much and I'm even using my free period to accompany you to P.E." [Physical Education]

Speaking of... that teacher is one of those coaches that will be really chill one day, and suddenly have an 180º.

"I think I might die in that class… The teacher really likes to make us run under the sun…"

"Really? I heard we just play games and dodgeball…"

"I mean, yeah. But every other week we'll have a day where we just spend the entire class doing intense exercise…"

She grimaced. I looked at her creamy pearly skin and her very non-athletic complexion.

"Well, lucky for you. You're a student-athlete. I'm going to be dying since I'm not that fit…" She smiled and clapped, "See? I'm even sacrificing my well-being and doing all that exercise just to allow you to be in those classes."

"Uh huh, yes of course, you did a good job," I patted her head which seemed to be yelling for praise. "Actually, you should be thanking me. If it weren't for me, you'd get unhealthy from not doing exercise and would die from being unhealthy."

"You're wrong."

"Can't come up with an argument?"

"Shut up."

"Look," I poked her soft bicep, "You need to be doing a lil' more."

She looked at me with resentment and rubbed her bicep. "I don't like working out."

"Work out or die."

"I would rather die and sleep forever."

"You sure I'm the lazy one now?"
