
Time-Leap with Certain Possibilities.

"What is fate? Are the choices we make considered fate? What determines someone or something's fate? These are the questions our protagonist/MC will ponder throughout his mystical journey. These peculiar events will shape the fate and destiny of both the protagonist and his world, challenging him to protect those he hold dear. His adventures begin with the discovery of the possibility of time travel." *** In the shroud of midnight's deepest darkness, atop the loftiest peak, a spark ignited with sudden brilliance. As the spark intensified, it drew the attention of onlookers. Some were gripped by despair at this unexpected anomaly, while others erupted in joyous celebration. With each crescendo of despair and cheer, the spark burned brighter. Flash, Rumble, and Boom—intense light illuminated the heavens, accompanied by the cacophonous symphony of thunder and lightning. It felt as though doomsday itself was on the doorstep. As the initial shock wore off, people snapped into action, desperately seeking refuge to safeguard their fragile lives. Meanwhile, those who reveled in the chaos reveled even more, finding perverse joy in the despair of others. *** Amidst this unfolding spectacle, the initial spark transformed into a radiant, swiftly rotating circular object, periodically emitting sparks of electricity. As the circular object's rotation gradually decelerated, three silhouettes came into view. The boy, around 17 years old, possessed a sharp visage, handsome features, vantablack hair, and gray eyes that fluctuated in color with his emotions. He tightly held a beautiful girl with soft skin, alluring blood-red eyes, silver-blonde hair, and an hourglass figure. Together, they gazed to their left, where a gorgeous young woman of their age captured the boy's attention. What fascinated him the most were her brown wolf-like ears and a constantly wagging tail, accompanied by a joyful smile on her face. As the radiance of the circular rotating object dimmed, they all found themselves in a heartfelt group hug, reunited in this mystical moment. *** After some time, the three of them resolved to investigate the peculiar situation they found themselves in. While the girls marveled at their surroundings in awe, the boy's attention was drawn to a letter displayed on the control panel of his "Time Machine."

DemoloRD · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

20 - "Powers Unleashed"

After ensuring Vale's safety, Swayam gently lowered her to the ground. Rising slowly, his gaze fixed upon Jacob with an unsettling calmness that thinly veiled the immense anger smoldering within. The girl he now cared deeply for, Vale, had been harmed by Jacob, and this revelation awakened the suppressed Vampiric Abilities within him, casting a foreboding shadow over everyone present.

Swayam stood at the epicenter of chaos, where the battle between light and darkness waged on. Jacob, the alpha werewolf, snarled, his towering figure shrouded in the moonlight. His eyes glowed with malevolence as he faced the half-vampire Swayam, who radiated an uncanny power, a testament to the unique strength of his kind.

The battle had been fierce, but as Jacob lunged forward with bared fangs, Swayam's innate abilities as a half-vampire began to shine. With preternatural speed, Swayam sidestepped Jacob's attack, causing the alpha werewolf to crash into the ground with a thunderous impact.

Jacob's fury knew no bounds. He rose swiftly, his feral instincts driving him forward. But Swayam was ready. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned shadows to wrap around Jacob's limbs, immobilizing him with supernatural ease.

"You see, Jacob," Swayam spoke calmly, his eyes gleaming with a mix of pity and power, "half-vampires like me possess a strength that surpasses both vampires and werewolves."

Jacob struggled against the shadowy restraints, his roars echoing through the night. But it was futile. Swayam approached with calculated steps, his aura exuding dominance.

With a mere touch, Swayam extended a hand, his fingertips brushing Jacob's fur-covered cheek. The werewolf winced as if burned by holy fire. Swayam's touch was imbued with a unique vampiric energy that seared through Jacob's supernatural resilience.

"You underestimated me, Jacob," Swayam said, his voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "It's not your fault; you couldn't have known. But now, you must face the consequences of your actions."

With a final surge of power, Swayam released Jacob from his shadowy prison, allowing the once-proud alpha werewolf to crumple to the ground, defeated and drained of strength.

As Swayam turned away from the fallen foe, he could hear the collective gasps of the onlookers who had witnessed the battle. They had seen the truth – that half-vampires, with their unique blend of vampiric and human abilities, were a force to be reckoned with.

In the end, it was a battle that Swayam had won without breaking a sweat, a testament to the inherent power of his kind.

As the dust settled from the epic battle, Swayam couldn't help but feel the weight of the stares upon him. The onlookers had witnessed a display of power they could scarcely comprehend, and it had sent shockwaves through the vampire community.

Now that he had openly used his vampiric powers in public, fear and uncertainty spread like wildfire among the vampires. They didn't know a thing about Swayam, and that lack of knowledge bred paranoia. What if he got angry with them? What if he used his abilities against them?

King Gabriel, who had witnessed the entire battle, approached Swayam with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. "Your power is unlike anything we've seen," he admitted, his voice low. "But with great power comes great responsibility. You must tread carefully from here on out."

Swayam nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He had inadvertently revealed a secret that should have been hidden from everyone, and now he had to find a way to navigate the consequences.

As he walked through the uneasy crowd, heading towards the unconscious Vale, Swayam couldn't help but wonder how he could earn their trust and prove that his intentions were not to harm. It was a challenging road ahead, one that would test both his abilities and his character.


Despite defeating Jacob in that epic battle and his attempts to live a normal life, the shadow of his victory continued to loom over Swayam. The fact that he had single-handedly triumphed over the alpha of all werewolves was an undeniable testament to his unparalleled power.

Yet, as he tried to blend in and live inconspicuously among the vampire community, it became increasingly clear that normalcy was a luxury he might never regain. Whispers and rumors about his strength and the mysterious circumstances of his origin circulated endlessly.

Vampires, creatures who had thrived in the shadows, now found themselves wary of this half-vampire who had inadvertently revealed their world to the light. Fear and uncertainty still gripped their hearts.

Swayam's longing for a quiet existence clashed with the reality that he was now a figure of intrigue and, to some, a potential threat. He struggled to reconcile his desire for normalcy with the undeniable fact that his actions had forever altered the vampire world.

Vale, who sensed the inner turmoil of her better half, confronted him and said "You have a rare gift," further continuing with, "but it comes with a burden. It is up to you to decide how you will use it."


After some days of tirelessly convincing the vampire community that he posed no threat to them, Swayam's efforts slowly began to bear fruit. The whispers of fear and uncertainty started to subside, replaced by a cautious willingness to accept him.

During this time of healing and reconciliation, Swayam decided to venture once more into the Vampire Sanctuary. He had a feeling that there was more to discover within its ancient walls, something that might shed light on the truth behind his journey.

As he explored the sanctuary, Swayam's keen senses led him to a hidden locker tucked away in a forgotten corner. Intrigued, he opened it and discovered a letter inside, carefully preserved within.

Inside the hidden letter, Swayam found a revelation that both intrigued and puzzled him. It confirmed the existence of a mysterious ailment referred to as 'bacteria' that was spreading in this world, but it clarified that the full information had not been disclosed to him.

The letter went on to explain that once Swayam completed and created the medicine, it would indeed cure the affected beings – vampires and werewolves. However, the revelation came with a twist: the cure wouldn't transform them back into humans, but instead, it would grant vampires the ability to walk in sunlight and allow werewolves to harness their powers even in human form.


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