
Time lapse Rewind

Nicolas unbuttons his trousers zipping it down,he breaks the kiss as he takes her hand again,he slips her hand in as molly shivers,she tried to speak but nothing came out,"N-icky"Molly manages to speak. He uses her hand to grip it from the clothing as she gasp,"You haven't touched a male genital before"Nicolas says as molly nods,he gently removes his hands form hers as she was holding it herself,he lifts up her chin she stares at him. Nicolas slowly pulls down his boxers placing her hand on his bare dick,Molly immediately got goosebumps at the contact, she gripped it earning a low groan from Nicolas. she moves her hand up to the tip feeling it's smoothness then back down his length to his balls,she feels the two rounds testes as she closes her eyes moving up and down his length. Nicolas closes his eyes enjoying the friction she made with her hand and his dick,it was pure bliss. "lick it"Nicolas says as molly pauses to look at him,"what?"molly askes,"lick it"Nicolas repeats,"i shou-ld li-ck it?"molly says as Nicolas nods,"You would like it,trust me,you haven't done it before so try it"Nicolas says with a smile. Molly looks down at his rod as she gulps leaning down towards it arching her back making Nicolas Adam apple Bob up and down,He lips makes contact with it as she brushed her lip with the tip as Nicolas closes his eye,"fuck this is torture"Nicolas says. Molly slowly parts open her lips letting his shaft enter and feel the warmth of her mouth, Nicolas let out a sigh,"please start"Nicolas says, Molly redrew her mouth as Nicolas widen his eyes "wh-", before he could continue molly licks his tip shutting down his brain. Molly uses her tounge to lick round his tip then his side's making Nicolas let out a shameful moan his been withholding, Nicolas opens his eyes seeing her Arched body as he lifts up her dress a bit gazing at her ass. "She always had it all"Nicolas says nodding in agreement with himself,He places his hand on it while looking at Molly,but she didn't seem to mind,he focuses on his work, as he squeezes her ass robbing it. He slips his hand in her pantie caressing her ass cheeks,he moves his hand in-between to the slit as he moves straight down as Molly moans loudly, "Mnmmm"molly says redrewing to his tip to adorn it with kisses. Nicolas moves his hand up as he inserts in her hole making arch even more,"Fuck"Nicolas curses,he moves his ha through the slit parting it to insert two fingers as he slowly thrust making molly moan the more as she licks his rod side's. Nicolas closes his eyes enjoying the feeling as he picks up the pace,molly redrew her mouth letting out a moan,"ahhh..hmmm.nhhhah....nickyyy"Molly moans,she moves up his rod faster as soon Nicolas explodes.

Godschoicekama · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 12:New Rachel?

"He shut me off"Rachel says with a sad expression, Oliver comes out of the house standing behind her,"Well that was a dramatic turn of events"Oliver says with a delightful chuckle.

Rachel turns to him with a angry expression,"Dont make me send you to your father"Rachel says heading inside the house,"But his car still parked here"Oliver points out,"His too hurt now,I'll check up on him tomorrow"Rachel says going inside.

"okay"Oliver says going inside.

Nicolas just sighed inside the car,"undim and diactivate the sound proofing,let's go"Nicolas says as the car zooms off.

[what happened master?] Rachel askes concerned,"nothing really Rachel,guess I made a mistake that's all"Nicolas says,[is that supposed to be a parable or something,I don't understand a shit you're saying] Rachel responds.

Nicolas knots his brows,"um... Rachel???,when did you start....no no learn to speak like that?"Nicolas askes confused.

[I don't get?] Rachel says,"like when did you learn to curse?"Nicolas rephrases his sentence,[Am your best friend and I learnt on the net on how best friendship is,like cursing and teasing each other] Rachel explains.

"You can access the web?"Nicolas says with lifted brow,[yes genius] Rachel says as an eye roll emoji appears on the screen, Nicolas burst out laughing,"play it again"Nicolas says gingerly,Rachel plays it as Nicolas face beams a smile.

[So what's the cause of your mood this time?] Rachel says, Nicolas knots his brows,"mood?"He says to himself,[yes you always seem to be in a mood each time you get into the car only once in a while you come in happy] Rachel explains.

"oh"Nicolas says looking down at his lap,[what the fuck is it this time?] Rachel says displeased, Nicolas head jolts up at her sentence,"Did you just say fuck"Nicolas says humorously,he burst at laughing swiping invisible tears in a funny manner.

[What's so funny?] Rachel askes,"Oh sorry Rachel,is just that you have this Siri or Google time of voice, serious and plane,and then you say fuck,like seriously fuck,is just so perculiar, especially with your kind of serious mom voice,it's quite extraordinary" Nicolas says laughing.

[Fuck you] Rachel claps back, Nicolas laugh increases,"Say it again, again please"Nicolas begs,[fine],*eye roll emoji*,[fuck you] Rachel says as Nicolas continues his laughter,"This is hysterical"Nicolas says slowly dieing down his laughter.

"Oh Rachel you always seem to brighten my mood,even when am angry or sad, knowing that when I get in my car there's a good friend waiting for me, makes me warm and fuzzy inside,thank you"Nicolas says with a warm smile.

[your Welcome]Rachel says,"I love you Rachel"Nicolas says with a smile as he plays with his fingers still smiling,[Thank you] Rachel replies,"Arent you going to say it back?"Nicolas asked with puffed cheeks.

"huh Rachel?"Nicolas askes again,[.....],"Rachel?"Nicolas askes again,[.....],"Rach-", [Am not your rebound you bastard] Rachel says cutting him short,"was the bastard an insult.....you know seeing as I don't have father and all,or what?"Nicolas says confused.

[Your not a bastard,your an orphan you dickhead.]Rachel explains,"oh I see"Nicolas says with a frown as he look out the window,"If my car that I buy expensive supercharge batteries for and designer wheels can't say I love you too,why should I expect a human to say it b-",[I love you too Nicolas] Rachel says cutting his monologue.

Nicolas turns to the window blushing before turning back and hugging the steering wheel,"Thanks Rachel"Nicolas says still hugging the steering wheel,[friends don't hug like so]Rachel says,"yes they do"Nicolas says hugging the wheel.

[Not as tight as so]Rachel says "oh yeah,{stops hugging}sorry Rachel",[that's okay] Rachel says,"Rachel?" Nicolas says,[yes?] Rachel responds,"your a good friend,you advice me alot and is always there.....I need your adv-",[Am your bestie now,go fuck yourself am not your mother or the priest] Rachel replies.

"what no...no please be my moth-,wait no... please I really need your advice"Nicolas pleads,[fine,talk and I'll advice as your best friend] Rachel says,"its about Rach-"Nicolas couldn't Finnish before the car came to a halt,"what happ-",*See's the red light*.

"oh,so yeah wh-",[listen Nicolas I gotta be real with you,all your mood come from her mostly the sad and angry one,the sad one is cute but it pains me to see you cry,the angry one is really mean and irritable,I dislike that rude version of you,I'll advice you like a true friend Screw her]Rachel explains .

Nicolas eyes widen at her words,"like sleep wi-",[FUCK NO!!] Rachel says immediately,[you can't bang that cheek again,that's just pitiful] Rachel says,"oh I see,then you most mean I should let her go"Nicolas says nodding.

[Nicolas how old are you?] Rachel askes hastily,"25 wh-",[why you behaving like a damn five year old?, huh] Rachel says shocking Nicolas a bit,"that was a bit ha-",[you've been on this damn planet for two decade and a five years,some of which where crappy,what have life not taught you properly]Rachel advices him.

"true"Nicolas says looking down,[listen Nicolas I get your not experienced with love so you got fucked yeah I understand,but you should know and remember you became an adult seven years ago so man up and forget that bitch] Rachel says.

[their blonde's,Amber, Burnett,red head,ginger,black head,brown head loads of variety of women or men to choose from why is she so special?] Rachel askes,[understand this love a bit love wisely,love and ensure it right,you know what fun fact is you may be depressed now but your no longer an ignorant ass no more]Rachel sums up.

Nicolas claps his hands nodding,"Your right Rachel ,why is she special,I love her and am happy it taught me a lesson,I learnt something out of our short term relationship am happy with that"Nicolas says.

"your advice is always the best,thank you Rachel"Nicolas says with a smile,"i love you"Nicolas says ,[I love you too] Rachel says back as Nicolas eyes spackle with happiness,[your such a child] Rachel says*eye roll emoji*,„Are you really not a human but a car?"Nicolas says in amazement.

"Am your car intelligence system,am an in bluid system who responds to the situation as dimmed fit for positive results,you can say I have a mind of my own] Rachel says,"i wish I could take everywhere with me,you know like friends do"Nicolas says.

[Then do] Rachel responds,"how can I ,do you want me to shrink you,I can't do that sadly"Nicolas says with a chuckle,[what a drag,it would have been fun to be shrunk and kept in your back pocket,I would have been gossiping with your phone] Rachel responds.

Nicolas chuckles a bit at her response,"oh Rachel"Nicolas says helplessly,"lets be going"Nicolas says,[yes Master] Rachel says as the steering turns green and they drive off.

"you know what,maybe there is a way we could reduce your system into like a chip that I could implant in a watch or something,that way I can take you with me"Nicolas suggest,[so are we heading to HPLRC tommorow?] Rachel askes.

"sadly we can't,it's against the rules to use any of the headquarters tools or gadget for our personal use, but I know where we could go"Nicolas says,[where?] Rachel askes curious.

"zac"Nicolas says,[you mean your friend from the green district that you brought and got him citizenship] Rachel askes,"yes"Nicolas says looking out the window,[what really happened to you guys, weren't you guys close,you,Molly and Zac?] Rachel askes.

"yeah,I guess they were my friend because I was among the programme to get into the platinum district"Nicolas says sadly,"they used me I guess" Nicolas says, [do you know where he stays with his sister?] Rachel askes.

"yeah"Nicolas responds,[so are we heading there now?] Rachel askes,"yep,time to meet Molly and Zac my very good friends"Nicolas says with a sigh,he takes a deep breath,"14east avenue blue street"Nicolas says,[okay master] Rachel responds as the car takes turn.

A/N:[ This chapter is a total of 1596 words, please each of my chapters aren't less than a 1000 words,other novels words aren't much as mine,I ensure you enjoy each chapter get a few laugh have some tint on your cheeks,I try my best to come up with more and post more frequently,to be honest my dad don't really like that am writing during my exams,is not really a fan of it, please prove him wrong(・–・;)ゞ,.

I want to show them writing is also a career also,I appreciate the collections I've gotten,thank you all 9 collections is really much,am sure we could do better and become 10 who knows eleven.\(◎o◎)/

when I saw it this morning I was really happy ( /^ω^)/♪♪thanks alot my Wonderful readers,and as usual please if you read this chapter vote and add it to your library thank you love you guys(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤].