

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 267 Why is it so?

These living fossils hiding in the dark are really not going to show up.

If it is born, it will consume qi and blood and reduce the few life expectancy.

Therefore, even if the fragments of the imperial soldiers enter the world, those people can live and watch in the dark, believing that the descendants can get the fragments.

The appearance of Changgeng Sword Fairy and Dugu Changkong dispelled the idea of a group of living fossils.

"This matter involves Qingzong. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with."

The ancestor of Linghemen turned out to be a person of Qingzong, which was too shocking.


The senior officials of the ancient sect were shocked for a long time and at a loss.

"Do you want to come forward and solve it?"

The old guys hiding in the coffin hesitated.

With the move of Dugu Changkong alone, it can be seen that he is not an ordinary monk at the peak of Mahayana. The strong people can't really get together, and I don't think they can deal with it.

In addition, the cause and effect of Qingzong and the creation of the fragments of the imperial soldiers, the old guy hiding in the dark could not sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"What is the relationship between Linghemen and Qingzong?"

Someone asked.

"It doesn't matter." Dugu Changkong shook his head and said, "The old man only temporarily lived in the Linghe Gate. In the past, what he did in the future had nothing to do with the Linghe Gate."

"What do you mean?"

Someone can ask questions.

"From today, the old man is no longer the elder of Linghemen, but lives in the world as a person of Qingzong."

Dugu Changkong glanced at the direction of Linghe Gate, a little nostalgic and reluctant, but this day will eventually come. He has already made psychological preparations and his expression is flat.


The elders of Linghemen were suddenly anxious and wanted to ask about the situation, but they were stopped by a soft force.

At this time, there is an atmosphere that cannot be ignored from a distance.

Looking sideways, an old man in black cloth staggered, with no blood on his face, pale, looking very weak and dying soon.

The old man in black came from the Linghe Gate, crushed the seal of a large transmission array, and came here in a very short time.

"Old Holy Lord!"

The senior management of Linghemen present recognized the old man in black at a glance, was shocked, and then saluted in awe.

The old man in black ignored the people of Linghemen and went straight to the lonely sky. His turbid eyes were full of strong feelings, and his lips trembled slightly. Obviously, his mood was not very stable.

He is the old saint of Linghemen, a horrible figure who has lived for more than 20,000 years.

"Brother, why is that so?"

The old saint ignored the heroes present and said to Dugu Changkong. His voice trembled and his eyes were extremely reluctant.

In those years, the old saint and Dugu Changkong were like old friends when they talked about Taoism.

Because he was old, the old saint called him his brother. The brothers were harmonious and there was no estrangement.

The old saint was not the master of the same clan in those years. With the help of Dugu Changkong, he took that position.

"I used to live for myself, but now I want to live for the will of Qingzong."

Looking at the old brother, Dugu Changkong's heart was naturally uncomfortable. It's just that there are some things he has to do.

In a trance, Dugu Changkong saw the back of his brother running to the Abyss, desolate, lonely and righteous.

He knew that he was not as good as his brother, and he was afraid to retreat before the war.

He blamed himself and deeply regretted it.

Later, he had the idea of going to the Magic Abyss more than once, which were extinguished by him one by one.

It's not to be afraid of death, but to do something meaningful.

After nearly 30,000 years of cultivation, I have understood the power of the inheritance of Qingzong. Although I didn't understand all of them, I also had seven or eight out of ten. Therefore, he wanted to hold up this day for the degers of Qingzong and slowly take back what he lost.

Since we are going to do something for Qingzong, how can we hang up the name of the elder of Linghemen?

There were tears in the eyes of the old saint, and he swallowed slightly. Thousands of words finally turned into two words: "Brother..."

In the future, if Dugu Changkong wants to settle the causes and effects of the past, he will be the enemy of Linghemen.

The old Lord knows this, there is no resentment, only heartache.

Except for the old Lord, no one can experience the helplessness and pain in the heart of Dugu Changkong.

The prosperity of Linghemen today is inseparable from the contribution of Dugu Changkong.

However, in the future, Dugu Changkong will live with another identity. He may destroy the prosperity of Linghemen with his own hands, which is like destroying his own children. How sad it is.

"There is no need to say more. I have made up my mind."

Dugu Changkong smiled at the old saint and looked very calm.

Only the old Lord understands that his brother's heart must not be as plain as he sees on the surface: "I see."

In the future, can you and my brother sit together and taste tea?

The old saint misses the past years very much. It is like yesterday, vivid in the eyes, and like the previous life, which is unreachable.

"What Linghemen once did to Qingzong was done by his predecessors, but his descendants were favored and could not get rid of the relationship. If he wants to get justice back, Linghemen is willing to take the corresponding responsibility.

The words of the old saint can represent the meaning of Linghemen.

That is to say, Linghemen is willing to give up the part of the resources that once occupied Qingzong, and use its best ability to make up for the faults of its ancestors.

For the sake of brotherhood, the old saint is already very good. At least, he doesn't want to be the enemy of Dugu Changkong, let alone make Dugu Changkong difficult.

Take a step back, for the sake of the elder brother, and also to make up for the mistakes made by the ancestors of Linghemen.

After saying this, the old Lord turned around and left, and never said a word to anyone else.

At the risk of a great reduction in life expectancy this time, the old saint should also meet Dugu at close range.

Because he is afraid that he will miss this time and will not have this opportunity in the future.

Looking at the back of the old saint's departure, Du Gu Changkong's heart was mixed.

It is precisely because the interior of Linghemen is relatively harmonious and attaches importance to feelings that Dugu has been in the empty space for so long and has a little lingus.

As for why Dugu Changkong didn't return to Xuanqingzong, he obviously didn't want to cause trouble for Xuanqingzong, and he also thought he didn't have that qualification.

"What's next?"

Everyone could see the strength of Dugu Changkong and was scared.

They are not much different from the ability of the old man on crutches. Since Dugu Changkong can suppress the old man on crutches, he can easily erase himself.

It is not a good choice to take the risk of falling.

However, the fragments of the imperial soldiers are close in front of you. Do you really want to give up?

Everyone is in a dilemma, neither advancing nor retreating.

Hundreds of great men dare not take any action. Dugu Changkong didn't have time to wait and planned to leave with Wu Junyan and others.

Just as Dugu Changkong turned around, a coffin suddenly floated from the depths of the dark starry sky, and the strong smell of decay permeated all walks of life, which made people palpitate and trembled.