
Path of Evolution (Part 2)

According to the information that he just received, the initial Human Realm is divided into nine levels, from level one to level nine. As for what came after that, that part of the information seemed to have some kind of lock on it. The only thing he knew is that it is called the Earth Realm. No matter how he tried, he couldn't access more information about it, so he tried to read the part that he could access.

The nine stages of the human realm are also all divided into three sub levels except the first which has four. Only after going through all this stages and achieving a perfect Human Realm will one proceed to the Earth Realm.

When a person awakens for the first time, he/she is said to be at the initial stages of Level one Enhancer with a minimum of 500 kg of physical strength. The moment one awakens as an Evolver, the Dantian is opened. The Chinese word Dantian literally means "elixir field", but a better translation might be "energy center." It is located in the lower belly, and it is the natural center for the body's energy. The size of this Dantian usually depends on the talent of the individual and the method that was used to awaken.

When it is opened, this Dantian is very fragile, so in the initial stages, the enhancer has to constantly absorb bio-energy to strengthen and consolidate the Dantian. This is the reason why this stage is known as the [Consolidation Stage]!

After the Dantian has been consolidated, then comes the [Accumulation Stage] where bio energy is constantly absorbed through the meridians into the Dantian and stored. The bio-energy is gathered here until the Dantian is theoretically full.

After the Dantian is full, then the enhancer has to refine the mist like energy into liquid and then into a half moon solid core the size of a peanut. This stage is known as the [Half-Moon Stage]!

After the half- moon stage, the Enhancer then has to refine more bio- energy into this half-moon core until it achieves completion becoming a full moon. With this, cultivation will move on to Level two Enhancer. In this stage, the enhancer is also known as a Full Moon warrior because of the size of the core.

The is also the stage that separates normal people, Enhancers and Evolvers!

After the full energy core is condensed, it automatically releases a cover known as Aura skin which condenses on top of the skin of the Enhancer whenever a threat is perceived. This extra layer of skin serves as a layer of protection as well as boosts the enhancers attack power.

To break this aura skin, the same level or a greater level of aura skin is needed. Therefore, unless they are backed by special weapons that only enhancers are able to wield, lower leveled Enhancers are never able to defeat this cover. This is why it is basically impossible for anyone who hasn't awakened to defeat a full moon warrior.

Full moon Warriors (Level 2 Enhancers) then have to go through the stages of Consolidation, Accumulation and perfection to advance to Level 3! The last perfection stage requires the cultivator to condense an extra layer over the core. This is why when the cultivator advances to level 3, they are also known as Double Moon warriors.

From this stage onwards, the cultivator has to go through the stages of Consolidation, Accumulation and perfection where the cultivator condenses an extra layer of core to advance to the next stage.

So by the time one reaches Level 9, the cultivator will have seven extra layers of bio-energy cores on top of his original one. To advance to the next level i.e. the Earth Realm, the cultivator now has to fuse all layers of cores into one!


When he read to this point, Alvin breathed in deeply because he now understood why it is basically impossible for ordinary people who haven't awoken to defeat Enhancers.

Theoretically, as long as one is strong enough or as a very astonishing attack power, an ordinary person can defeat a Level 1 Enhancer. But from Level two when the Enhancer condenses his Aura Skin, they are basically inaccessible to non-evolvers!

But surprisingly, this information did not contain any details about evolvers who are rumoured to be stronger than Enhancers of the same stage.

After Alvin thought of this, he shook his head and decided to focus on the rest of the information in his mind because he now discovered the reason why the previous Alvin failed twice during his after taking the awakening potion.

According to the information I his head, the physique of his physique is quite special and is not suited to the cultivation of this world. His father called this physique Thunder Spirit Physique. That is why his awakening ceremony failed previously because the way of evolution does not suit this body!

Alvin signed in relief when he heard this. If he hadn't come here and tried the awakening potion again, he would have faced the same dilemma as the previous Alvin and could have even died.

But what made him happy is that the strengthening art that his father gave him will compensate for that, allowing him of fight Enhancers and even mask the fact that he is not an enhancer. At this time, Alvin realised the reason why his father was regarded as a high level Enhancer even though he also had not awakened. It was because of this strengthening skill.

The name of this art is [Heavenly Thunder Sacred Body Cultivation Art]! This art is divided into three parts but the information in his and only contains the details for the first part. After further reading, he found out that mastering the first stage is enough for him to dominate this world and by that time, he will have the chance to receive the other two parts.

According to his father, this body cultivation art is a top grade Platinum ranked body building art specially tailored made for his special physique. Practising Lightning attributed cultivation arts and battle skills comes with twice the result.

The first part of this [Heavenly Thunder Sacred Body Cultivation Art] is also divided into nine sub realms.

While through this information, Alvin realised how strong this cultivation art is. He got o know of the various divisions for cultivation arts and battle skills in this world which are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum with each grade further divide into low, medium, Advanced and top sub grades!

This body building art is top grade Platinum ranked meaning it stands at the top of this world.

After going through all the essential parts of the information contained in his brain, Alvin stood up from his position, once again looked at the katana which he still couldn't pick , shook his head and left the room. The moment Alvin left the room, the door also closed automatically by itself.

After he got to his room, he immediately turned to his PC and started to search for the major material that would be required for him to start his cultivation process. According to the information about [Heavenly Thunder Sacred Body Cultivation Art], he requires high concentrated lightning attributed energy to be initiated into the first stage.

Rom what he already knows, such energy can be found in lightning attributed demonic beast cores but since he has not awakened, he cannot absorb that. So he wanted to search online so see if he could find other sources.

After searching for a while, he found what he was looking for. It was a special high energy fuel crystal known as thunder crystal. This crystal is in high demand because it provides low cost, high efficiency fuel for many industries. This has made it very expectation.

When he saw the price of £1000 per pound, Alvin was once again dumbfounded! He remembered that he needed about 200 pounds of such energy crystals just to get started. If he even had that job at the local police station which would provide him with £1000 a week, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

He needed to find another source of income. As one of the top Special Forces agents in his country, he had a very good idea about what to do now!

Lots of information in this chapter. I will reorganise it and put add it as an auxiliary chapter at the beginning of this novel by Friday!

Thank you!

xeros01creators' thoughts