
Future Plans (Part 2)

"Alvin!" a voice called out to him as he was about to leave the community park.

When he turned around, Alvin saw a middle aged policeman walking towards him with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Carney!" Alvin also smiled when he saw this policeman. This man was Carney Peterson, the father of one of Alvin's only friends I this neighbourhood, Bruno Peterson! Unlike Alvin, Bruno was very talented with a genotype of B-.

After he awoke as an enhancer three months ago, he was sent by his father to the Central Saint District of Freedom City to get a better chance of getting into a good College. Since then, Alvin had barely made contact with Bruno's parents. So he was very surprised when he saw Bruno's father here.

Carney Peterson was a senior officer in the local police station in the East Saint District where Alvin resided.

"Good Morning Uncle Carney. It's been some time since we met. "

"Yea, quite a while!" Mr. Carney smiled and replied. "You hardly come over anymore to visit after Bruno left. Have you thought about the opportunity I told you about the other time?"

"Opportunity?" Alvin frowned when he heard that. Since he was reborn in this body, he had tried as much as possible to integrate all of Alvin's memories but because of its sheer volume and the fact that he had been very busy lately, he had not gotten the time to complete this.

After just a couple of seconds of browsing through his memories, Alvin finally found the opportunity that Mr. Carney was speaking of. It was a chance to join a special task force to help the local police in solving cases.

Recently, a lot of local gangs has sprung up in the East Saint District because of its proximity to the Underworld market.

This has caused the local police a lot of headaches in trying to maintain order in this District because their staff has become insufficient to handle all these local gangs. Because of this, this program was proposed where talented young people with enough strength will be recruited into a special task force to help patrol the streets of East Saint District.

A week ago, Mr. Carney had informed the previous Alvin about this opportunity because he noticed Alvin's difficult financial situation. The members of this task force will receive £1000 as allowance every week and will also receive special bonuses as long as they helped the police solve some of their cases.

This was a very good opportunity for young people especially those with no hope of awakening as Enhancers. As long as they perform very well in this special task force, they will also receive a recommendation to be recruited into the police and other government agencies after they graduate.

Alvin immediately smiled when he remembered this. One of the problems that Alvin was facing now was how to solve his urgent financial problems. Because of his improving physique, the amount of food he needed had also increased and it will continue to increase as he gets stronger. Also, there are also a lot of nutritional supplements that he needed to take if he wanted to progress faster and maintain his current progress.

All these require money. This opportunity has come at a very good time. This will also give him the opportunity to come in contact with this world's power system ahead of time.

Even though the gangs that cause trouble around this neighbourhood are mostly ordinary people, they could be described as the peak of normal people. Ordinary people in this Era have physical strengths ranging from 250 kg to 300 kg. Peak adults who train regularly and keep their body in shape can reach as high as 350 kg to 360 kg with some even reaching 400 kg!

Thinking of this, Alvin immediately smiled and agreed. When Mr. Carney heard Alvin's reply, he became very happy.

"You sure?"

"Yes I am."

"Ok, I'll go ahead and prepare the necessary documentation documents. Tomorrow, go to the police agency to report yourself in. But remember, when you get there you must demonstrate your power, otherwise they won't let you join the task force." Mr. Carney advised.

"Ok, I understand." Alvin turned around and left. Whilst he was going, Alvin became confused about something. Why did Mr. Carney advise him to demonstrate his strength when he gets there?

After thinking about it for a while, Alvin shook his head and continued to run towards his apartment. Anyways, he knew Uncle Carney meant well when he said that. People will not take him seriously if they think he is just another weak high school student.

As Uncle Carney also watched Alvin's figure disappear, he smiled and whispered, "Very interesting… There was a person like this in this neighbourhood. I never noticed Alvin had such strength."

Carney Peterson was in charge of some policemen whose duty was to patrol this community park.

He had come around this morning on an inspection round when he noticed Alvin training. Initially, he had wanted to come forward and greet him since it had been a while since he saw this young man but when he saw Alvin busily practising his fist art, he stopped at a distance and decided to wait.

That is why Mr. Carney eagerly wanted to recruit Alvin into this task force because he had noticed his talent during this practice session. If Alvin performed very well, he would also receive a special bonus from the police force. After watching Alvin disappear, he also turned around and continued his inspection.

After returning to his apartment, Alvin immediately run towards his attic. The previous Alvin had never tried to enter that room since his father's death so he had expectations on what he was going to find there. Surprisingly, the door to this room was made of an unknown metal. It was very hard.


Alvin shouted as he immediately withdraw his hand from the knob when he touched it to open the door because felt something pierce his thumb. When he looked at it, Alvin saw blood slowly dripping from it.

[Ding! DNA confirmed! Welcome, Mr. Alvin Taylor!]

An electronic voice suddenly sounded from behind the door and it automatically opened revealing a passage. Alvin bright smile could be seen on Alvin's face when he saw this. The tighter the security of this room is, the more likely there would be treasure inside.

His figure spread out, and like a goose feather, he floated down the dark passage. The moment Alvin entered, the whole room lightened up.

Alvin finally saw what was behind that highly secured door!

It was a 2,000 square feet (40 ft. length x 50 ft. width attic floor space) square study with a huge book cabinet that was practically empty and a study table with some strange disk on it also on it. The room was virtually empty apart from these two.

Alvin became slightly disappointed when he saw these two. He had expected something extraordinary because of the kind of security on the door.

After descending the stairs that led to room, Alvin walked to the table and tried to pick up the disk. The moment his hand touched it, the crystal that was initially fused with him suddenly came out and released a bright blue light instantly covering the small disk flowing it.

As more and more light flowed into the disk, it also began to glow. At this moment, Alvin was frozen in place. He couldn't move.

He had tried to break away from the disk but his efforts turned fruitless. He couldn't even move a muscle. The more light that flowed from the crystal on his hand, the more Alvin felt that his stamina was decreasing.

The crystal continued to absorb the blue energy ad after 2 minutes started to reshape itself. After another three minutes of reshaping, the absorption finally stopped. Alvin hurriedly pulled himself away and stepped 3 steps backwards. He then realigned his gaze on the reshaped item on the table.

It was a sword!

A sword with a pure-golden hilt with a circular hand-guard. The sheath is painted white and had a 60 cm (23.5") blade length. The blade was single-edged, curved and very slender. The blade was glowing with a feint golden colour.

Alvin's gaze became fixed on the blade. As he continued to look, his vision continued to blur until he lost consciousness.