
Your friend is here

Stacy walked up the sidewalk and opened the dark oak door leading to the inside of her grandma's house. It was a very old house built by her grandmas great grandfather. A three story considering the basement, with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. She made her way to the kitchen and sat at the table.

Her grandma lived alone, like most of the women in her family. It was somewhat of a dark curse wove into her heritage, every man throughout her family either died or left. That's why the women always kept their last name, to try and keep the families blood name alive.

She checked her phone, 10:35 pm she had only been out of the house for a few hours. "Grandma I'm home!" She finally yelled out after a few minutes. Grandma rushed in from upstairs, her black fuzzy slippers dragging across the hardwood flooring. "Your home! Oh my goodness dear I've been so exited, but I still can't believe you didn't tell me." Stacey looked up, "Tell you what?" Grandma gave her a sly smile then winked. "About the boy who came over to see you."

Stacy looked at her confused. Grandma seeing the concern in her eyes quickly added, "I let him in. He seemed very sincere and I thought he would freeze just waiting for you." Grandma started messing with the white fro on the top of her head, "I gave him some dinner and told him you'd be home soon. He's up in your room dear, you best just go say hi and make sure he's alright."