

"Nope, stop, just stop." Lori swatted Stacy's hand away from the radio station. Surprisingly Lori seemed to be a decent driver. Letting out a sigh of relief she sank back into the seat. "See?"

Lori asked, "aren't you glad I'm so persistent? I know we don't always get along but maybe if-"

She didn't get to finish, something had ran in the middle of the road. Lori slammed on the breaks. With a thud the car came to a screeching halt, but it didn't matter they still hit whatever had ran out. Both girls looked at each other with fear still clenching to their faces. Without completely thinking it through Stacy unbuckled her seatbelt and started opening the door. "No wait, don't go out yet. What if it's a dangerous animal?" Lori looked pleadingly at Stacy who replied slowly, "But what if it's a person?"

Not waiting any longer she stepped out. She was praying no one was hurt, and heard the driver door open and slam shut too. Stacy looked around but couldn't find any injured animals or people laying around. Then stumping the girls even further, they looked to see the damage done to the little white car, but there wasn't even a scratch. Making maters worse Stacy looked to the sky as thick clouds rolled in.

"Let's go home love, I have a bad feeling." Stacy nodded in agreement and got back into the untouched vehicle. As Lori was driving a little slower and more cautiously, Stacy started thinking about what had happened. They definitely hit something but what exactly? "Lori, what do you think we hit?" Lori now looking annoyed, thought the answer was obvious.

"Some dumb little rabbit probably ran into the road then scattered off when we got out." Stacy wasn't convinced, "Ok but we definitely hit something you felt it too." "Probably just a rock or tree branch." "No way the road was clear!" Lori turned into the driveway leading up to Stacy's house. "Just let it go ok?" Both girls fell silent until Lori parked the car. Stacy started getting out, "Fine, but you know there's more to it." Both girls were to headstrong to give into the others viewpoint. But honestly they just wanted to forget the phantom creature that could have cost them their lives that night.