
Throne to darkness.

A boy name Minato died on earth and got a chance to be reincarnated in any world he wanted. Follow our protagonist how he becomes strong and what power will he get through the system? see how he made his name in history along with three legendary sannin. Note this is just a fanfic story, this is not an original story. If anybody has any problem with the story or claims to be copied pls comment to me I will remove or edit it and first chapters will be slow pase) thanks (I didn't own anything in this story except oc, if you didn't watch the anime, pls go check it out later) ( Also the cover pic is not mine , i just pick it up from gogle. if the creator of the picture have any problem pls comment i will remove it, thanks. ) Author request. pls don't give your reviews wait till 50 chapters. and also English isn't my first language

Rimuru459 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Meeting third hokage

Seeing the ground is a mess, Giyu looks towards his friends who are also looking at him with shocked expressions just like they saw a monster.

"hmmm, why are you all sweating so much?" Giyu asked with confusion.

"bastard!, it's because of youuuuuuu-", before Jiraiya could speak Giyu sat on the ground with fake tiredness.

"Giyu!×5, are you alright", all five of them asked.

"I am alright, just lend me a shoulder", Giyu said while trying to stand up.

"I WILL LEND YOU A SHOULDER, MY RIVAL! LET'S ENJOYS OUR YOUTH" Maito Dai said with stars glittering in his eyes.

"No×5" all four of them directly denied.

"I will do it ", Sakumo said as he help Giyu to stand up.

*thud* thud*

the two guards come from behind.

"you! how did you do that? how can you use that type of dangerous ninjutsu" guard 1 asked with fear as he saw Giyu's ninjutsu that burn the assassin into ashes?

"that's ninjutsu is my last gift from my deceased father and mother", Giyu said with a hint of sadness.

"but to master such an extent, you are indeed genius of genius, your mother and father will be proud of you", guard 2 said with respect.

"I am sorry, for bringing this up but you have to follow us to meet the third hokage to clarify some matter", guard 1 said.

"do I have to go now?", Giyu asked.

"Hokage-sama is busy these days but today, he is free so it would be better if you come now", guard 1 said.

"you can also bring your friends", guard 2 said from behind and guard 1 also nodded.

Giyu then looked toward his friends, they also nodded meaning oblivious they also wanted to go.

"ok then, let's go", Giyu said.

"YOSHAAA!, YOUTH LETS GO", Maito Dai shouted.



At Hokage Office

The young Sarutobi Hiruzen is sitting on his chair, sipping tea. he was thinking about the future of Konoha.

He think about Ninja School and said " I hope there will be geniuses among in the batch". what Hiruzen need now is power, All though a few years have passed after the 1st ninja world war but who knows there will be more wars in the future.

"I have to cultivate some geniuses", said hurizen with a hint of determination.


"Hokage-sama, there is important news, can I enter?", suddenly a voice interrupted Hurizen, hearing this Hiruzen said, "you may enter".


The guard enter the room and got on his knees, telling all the things that happen during this time, hearing what the guard say Hiruzen was shocked.

He didn't expect that a 5-year boy could use this type of ninjutsu but the main problem is that the boy is an orphan and it's impossible for him to learn this type of njnjutsu without being trained by someone.

"Bring him here, I want to talk to him", Hiruzen said as he put on his Hokage's hat.

(Giyu pov)

The guard brings us to the hokage office as he tells us to wait outside until Hokage permit us to enter.

'i should tell him that that was a ninjutsu which is left by my father and mother and if he asks about how many times you take it to master?, then I will say only 1 month to master' i thought in my mind.

'Hiruzen will think that I am a genius so he will also protect me because as you know now Konoha doesn't have much manpower to withstand a war and I will also ask him to keep this a secret, the Uchiha clan might get jealous and I don't want any trouble' I thought in my mind as I shook my head.

suddenly the guard who escort us here came and said "sorry for waiting, Hokage-Sama has invited you but your friend still has to wait here".

I look toward all five of them and said " sorry guys, for wasting your time, that's enough! now, you can leave me ", I said politely.


" Giyu-kun I will wait for you here", Orochimaru said.

"I will also wait", Tsunade said as she put her hands on her waist.

" hmmph, if it weren't for the fact that you are my rival! I will also have to stay here", Jiraiya said.

"I will also wait for her Giyu", Sakuma said.

"thank you, everyone, I will be back ", I said while leaving the place, it is so good to have good friends I thought.

(pov ends)


the door opens as Giyu enter the room.

"greetings Hokage-sama, I am 'Giyu Tomioka' an orphan who settled in Konoha not long ago", Giyu said as he bow his head.

"ahh! thank you little boy and you are also very well mannered so, how you have been?, do you have any problems while living in Konoha", Hiruzen- asked as he is somewhat more impressed with the boy in front of him.

"No, Hokage-sama my life has been very well here I also make friends with everyone and I am very thankful to you", Giyu said respectfully.

"sit here, Giyu, I will ask you some questions, it will take just a little bit of time", hiruzen said making a gesture towards yoriichi.

then Giyuu sits on the chair opposite to Hiruzen.

" so, Giyu, what is that ninjutsu you used against the assassin?", Hiruzen asked Giyu.

"its called <Majestic Destroyer Flame> ", Giyu said while looking at Hiruzen.

Hearing Giyu's words the first word that comes to Hiruzen's mind is 'Uchiha' because this ninjutsu is belong to the Uchiha clan but only a few people can do it, Hiruzen then look towards Giyu as he is looking at a monster, he shook his head and asked

"Giyu, where did you learn that ninjutsu?".

"it's a gift from my deceased, parents, my parents have left me with some ninjutsu", Giyu said with a hint of sadness.

"I am sorry", Hiruzen said politely.

"it's ok, Hokage-Sama I have friends now and they are just like my family, so you don't have to feel sorry for me", Giyu said.

"now for the last question, when and how much time it will take you to learn", Hiruzen asked.

"Hokage-Sama it takes me only 1 month to learn it", Giyu said firmly.

"hahaha!, nice Giyu! you are really a genius", Hiruzen said while smiling as he indeed finds a genius, he not only learns the powerful ninjutsu in a month but also has much more chakra than the other youngster of his age.

"Giyu, can you not tell anyone about that incident where you used the fire ninjutsu, it will be best to keep trump cards

hide", Hiruzen said as he took a sip of tea.

'great, that what's I want' Giyu thought in his mind.

"ok, hokage-sama I will take my leave then", Giyu said as he stand up from the chair and left the room.

Hiruzen then looked at the boy leaving couldn't help but feel happy that god had given him a genius, but then he shook his head.

' I have to find more geniuses like him, so our Konoha can withstand any sort of problem *sigh* and I just hope he doesn't rebel', Hiruzen thought in his mind as a picture of Uchiha Madara come to his mind.