
Throne to darkness.

A boy name Minato died on earth and got a chance to be reincarnated in any world he wanted. Follow our protagonist how he becomes strong and what power will he get through the system? see how he made his name in history along with three legendary sannin. Note this is just a fanfic story, this is not an original story. If anybody has any problem with the story or claims to be copied pls comment to me I will remove or edit it and first chapters will be slow pase) thanks (I didn't own anything in this story except oc, if you didn't watch the anime, pls go check it out later) ( Also the cover pic is not mine , i just pick it up from gogle. if the creator of the picture have any problem pls comment i will remove it, thanks. ) Author request. pls don't give your reviews wait till 50 chapters. and also English isn't my first language

Rimuru459 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

First kill

After the trio eat their meal they leave the restaurant as the trio walks down the street for digesting the food A loud voice comes from behind.

"OHHH, THIS IS YOUTH! , HAHAHA", the trio looked toward the source of the voice and saw a Maito Dai running towards them while smiling.

"Ohh shit!, not again×2", Giyu and Jiraiya said with a blank face as they look towards Maito Dai who is running in the direction of the trio.

"MY RIVALS, HOW ARE YOU DOING, I SEE LOT OF YOUTH IN YOU, HAHAHA!", after that he grabs both Giyu's and Jiraiya's hands.

"I am not into a man Dai," Giyu said as he tried to back off, after that Jiraiya also said, " ya, Dai I am also not into man".

"HAHAHA, YOUTH!, I AM TAKING YOU FOR SPAR, NOT FOR ROMANCE", Dai said as he run while pulling both of them.

" TSU, PLEASE PRAY FOR USSSSS", Giyu yelled after that he disappeared along with Jiraiya and Dai.

looking at the scene Tsunade sighed and she then joins her hand and closed her eyes meaning that she is praying.


Another day passed, as always the same boring nothing spectacular.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Maito Dai, Sakumo and Giyu were walking on the street.

Tsunade is looking at all the stores, Jiraiya is watching girls to see if he could get some ideas for his novel, Orochimaru is muttering something silently while Maito dai is looking at the people with full of energy and Sakumo with a calm expression looking at children who were playing on the streets.

And Giyu, who is left to Tsunade was staring at the sky as if remembering something important.

"Hey! Giyu how about we go to the park for chilling our youth" Maito Dai while showing his signature move.

"denied," Giyu said expressionlessly.

"...." Maito Dai.

Giyu looks toward all of them and asked " do all of you want to visit the park?".

"There is nothing to do so I want to go as well", the first one to speak is Sakumo.

"if you are ok with it I will go too," Tsunade said while smiling.

" I want to go as well " Orochimaru also said.

"ok then, let's go!" Giyu said while moving toward the Park's direction.

"Giyu, MY RIVALS AND MY BEST FRIEND THANK YOU*sniff* for listening to me", Maito Dai said as he hug him from behind.

" haha, I see youth energy following through your body, but you don't have to release that energy at me", Giyu said while removing the hugging Dai from behind.

after that, they went to the park. they played various games for a while and then sit down under the shade of the one big tree.

all six are resting under the shade of the tree and then they suddenly hear a loud voice.

"run kids!! he is an assassin from kumogakure"

all 6 of them looked toward the voice and saw a man coming in their direction at full speed while 2 other Konoha ninjas are trying to catch him.

"hahaha, Konoha ninjas I will kill these kids before dying at the hands of you" the assassin laughed as he take out a sharp sword from his back.

seeing this scene Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Sakumo, and Maito Dai stood up from their place and clenched their fists with a hint of encouragement as the assassin was 30 meters away from them.

Giyu sighed in his mind and stood up from the place

Giyu then jumped in front of all 5 of them, then make <Horse seal> with both of his hands

< fire style: Magic destroyer Flame>

seeing this scene all of them was curious and panic what he was going to do, but that next second all of them were shocked.

they saw Giyu expelled a huge sea of flames from his mouth in a wide range that went towards the assassin and burned him down into ashes in a few seconds but he limit his action so the other people not get hurt and how? if you asked he simply lower his fire volume.

'How is this possible, is he a monster?" Jiraiya is shocked as Giyu burn the assassin within a few seconds. He couldn't understand how? can a boy around his age have already achieved such feat.

Orochimaru seeing this scene feels quite envious of Giyu because it's hard for boys at his age to master such technique and what's more it's a high rank jutsu.


"Giyu!, are you alright!×2", both Tsunade and Sakumo said with some worry but they couldn't hide their shocked expression.

( Giyu pov )

As we are resting I suddenly hear someone shouting "run"

I open my eyes immediately and saw a man running toward us behind him is Konoha's two guards chasing him.

"Run kids, he is an assassin from kumogakure", the Konoha guard shouted at us.

I look at the man who is running toward us and then all 5 of them, but to my surprise, all five of them stood up clenched their fists as if they are saying that they wouldn't go down without a fight.

I feel very good to have friends like them, I sighed in my mind that I had to use the ninjutsu that I got from the system, I also wanted to hide it for some time, but this situation is worse, I had no choice.

then I went in front of them made a hand seal, and then I said < Fire Style: Magic Destroyer Flame > as I expelled a sea of flame from my mouth toward the assassin that burn him into ashes in a few seconds.

(pov ends).
