
Throne: Path to Supreme Power

'Throne' is a MMORPG in which players play characters with races, professions and equipment just like any others. Players can also build organizations, control cities, and even ascend the throne to become a king. The king has many powers, such as issuing quests, collecting taxes, and even making laws. Therefore, the throne is crucial and becomes the key for each big organization to fight for. William was once an ordinary player who missed the best opportunity, but he now has a chance to start over. Can he compete with those oligarchs with his own power?

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26 Chs


William turned his head at the sound of the voice and was somewhat surprised to see that the one offering him help was not an NPC, but a player.

The mage lady was wearing a light navy-blue apprentice robe and low-heeled sandals, and her face was not very beautiful, but her unique purple eyes had star-shaped pupils, making her enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere.

Wait, mage, purple eyes and star-shaped pupils.

She's the ' Destiny Snooper' Regis Via!

William's body stiffened for a moment from surprise, he didn't expect to meet a former, or future, top player here.

But he quickly regained his composure, and after a polite greeting, raised his query: "Thank you, warm-heart, I would like to go to the Apothecary Union to purchase some magic potions, do you know which direction I should go?"

Regis thought for a moment and suggested, "There are many NPCs selling magic potions here, if you want to purchase in large quantities, you can go to the second floor to find 'Senior Apothecary' Dmitri, I've heard people say he is very short of money."

William nodded and proposed again, "Thank you for the advice, can you leave a contact? I'd like to buy you a glass of juice sometime and exchange game intelligence."

Regis readily agreed to William, and the two added an in-game address book, agreeing to meet sometime to exchange experiences, after all, there are still very few players who can come to the city, either with the help of the guild team or with their own unique encounters.

William and Regis said goodbye and ascended the stairs to the second floor, while Regis looked at him a few more times with some curiosity, secretly thinking: why was he so surprised just now? Does he know me?

William did not notice Regis's curiosity; he was busy at this time to find Dmitri as soon as possible.

With a clear name and title, William soon found Dmitri's office among the crowd of mages who were giving him strange looks at his priest's robes.

After knocking on the door, there was no response from inside, William knocked again.

Found inside still no response, William tentatively twisted the doorknob, smoothly opened the door, to see the busy Dmitri.

The NPC named Dmitri was about forty years old, fat and tall, sitting there looking more like a merchant than a mage.

In fact it was also clear from his title 'Senior Apothecary' that he was actually an apothecary who knew some magic and did not use magic as his main profession.

"Hello, Mr. Dmitri, I would like to know what potions you sell."

Dmitri, who was sitting behind a wide wooden table with his head down and busy writing and drawing on his sketch paper, immediately looked up in surprise when he heard someone call him.

He didn't hear what William said at all, but only saw his white silk friar's robe that belonged exclusively to the coronal church, and immediately let out a miserable cry and begged for mercy: "I'll pay back the money I owe soon, please be tolerant of me for the sake of being a believer too!"

Even William, who had been calm and collected, was startled by Dmitri's 'sudden attack' and hurriedly closed the door of the room behind himself to prevent disturbing the other mages and bringing trouble to himself.

William immediately paid twice MP and used a level 0 spell 'Calm' on Dmitri, while explaining, "Mr. Dmitri, calm down, I'm not here to ask for a debt!"

The spell barely worked on Dmitri, whose level was 43, but with William's explanation, it finally brought him back to some sanity.

He looked at William warily and fearfully and asked tentatively, "Can you please repeat that?"

William nodded unwillingly and said again, "Mr. Dmitri, I'm not here to ask for a debt, I'm planning to buy some of the potions you made."

Dmitri finally realized that he had once again created a huge joke and was likely to make the customer in front of him suspicious of himself, and immediately rubbed his soft cheeks, which had turned round because of too much fat, to reveal a slightly embarrassed smile and asked William cordially: "Dear friar, I wonder if you intend to buy some potions? "

William, of course, would not tell the overly clever NPC exactly what he wanted to do, just said that he was buying for Father Yves of Kahn village and needed a large amount of 'Melt rocks'.

Dmitri was slightly disappointed to hear that it was this simple, low-level potion, thinking that there would not be much profit.

But soon he thought, if the purchase is large, he can let his apprentices together to refine this potion, so he hurriedly asked: "How many bottles of this potion do you want?"

William estimated, held out one finger and said, "At least ten thousand bottles, and pay you fifty soms per bottle."

Dmitri was astonished at this figure and immediately said, " Oh, my god, I, Dmitri, am going to be rich."

Dmitri's big greasy face immediately showed a flattering smile and asked William, "My dear brother William, I wonder when the venerable priest Lord needs these potions?"

William said without thinking: "The sooner the better, urgent, I'll give you fifty soms first, you give me a bottle of potion, I'll go and let the priest confirm whether to purchase from you."

Hearing that William wanted a sample bottle, Dmitri immediately pulled out a bottle of 'Melting Rock' from the potions cabinet in his office and handed it to William, while saying, "This is a gift for His Eminence, no need of money!"

When he said, 'no money', Dmitri felt his heart ache.

However, William threw him fifty coins, while saying with contempt: "How will the priest accept your gift, not a coin less than the money due to you."

Instead of provoking Dmitri's anger, William's contemptuous look made him more convinced that this was an honored and great customer.

When William left, Dmitri even personally sent William to the door of the Mages' Union, waved and sent him off, and saw with his own eyes that William boarded the coronal church carriage, only to feel himself relaxed physically and mentally, and the pressure of debt was finally relieved.

The other half, after William left the mage union, took the carriage directly to the mines west of Phoenix City, Sithvid hills.

The Sithvid Hills is one of the most important mining areas in the entire human kingdom, producing a large part of the kingdom's iron ore and a variety of precious associated veins.

But recently many miners here are suffering from a strange disease, their lower limbs of various joints for no reason inflammation or even ulceration, pain, greatly affecting the output of the mine.

However, even after the treatment of priests and pharmacists, the miners' symptoms have not been eradicated, and some even face crippling.