
Throne: Path to Supreme Power

'Throne' is a MMORPG in which players play characters with races, professions and equipment just like any others. Players can also build organizations, control cities, and even ascend the throne to become a king. The king has many powers, such as issuing quests, collecting taxes, and even making laws. Therefore, the throne is crucial and becomes the key for each big organization to fight for. William was once an ordinary player who missed the best opportunity, but he now has a chance to start over. Can he compete with those oligarchs with his own power?

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Miners and Beliefs

A miner carries not only ore and picks, but also his family. If they cannot enter the mine for mining in the future, their income will be greatly affected.

And the mine as Phoenix City's important economic pillar, the same will affect Phoenix City, and even the entire Bilges Province.

The good-hearted William could not bear to see the NPCs suffer, has taken a bottle of 'melt rock' magic potion he purchased at great expense to the mine.

For the events that happened here, he was generally clear what was going on: a group of cultists who worshiped the underground evil god 'Statue in the River' held a terrible ritual in the dark river under the mine, contaminating the nearby groundwater, and these miners who were often in contact with the groundwater were thus infected with a supernatural disease, the 'petrification'.

Stones grew from various parts of their bodies, eventually killing them and growing them into stone statues similar to the ones they had in life.

Such stone statues, if they continue to come into contact with groundwater, will even gradually take on the appearance of a living person, while forgetting that they are stone statues and blending into the crowd to create an even larger scale 'petrification' contamination.

Former players first found this usually used to pour on the rocks to melt them, cannot drink directly, otherwise it will melt the bones of the edible 'melt the rock' magic potion, the demon statue mixed into the crowd can play a good role in identifying and damage effect.

Immediately afterwards there were apothecary players who succeeded in treating 'petrification' by diluting this magic potion as a potion that can be drunk.

The church carriage that William rode was pure white in color and extremely conspicuous in the red hills containing iron. The guards of the mine saw the carriage from a long distance, and they did not dare to be slow and hastily notified the supervisor of the mine.

The supervisor immediately thought that the Church had sent someone to the mine at this time, most likely to have broken the secret of this mysterious disease called 'great gout' and come to the rescue of the miners, and hastily sent those staff who could still move out to line up to meet the Church's carriage.

Waiting for the carriage to stop in their expectant eyes, the carriage down but only William, an ordinary-looking friar, and did not see their expectations of the priest or even the bishop's figure, they could not help but some disappointment.

And to meet their disappointed, even angry expressions, William raised the 'melt rock' magic potion in his hand and said loudly: "Thank the great Polenesius, his church has recognized the devil's plot and sent me to save you!"

Shock, silence, disbelief.

Then a tsunami of cheers and even weeping erupted.

William, who had been prepared for this, released several more zero-level spells 'Calm', allowing those managers with the highest status to first regain their senses and begin to control the emotions of the others.

When the chaotic scene calmed down, William ordered them to bring a huge bucket, brushed it clean and poured a bucket of water, then he opened the 'melt rock' potion in his hand and poured the whole bottle in.

"Carry a patient."

Immediately two strong, nimble-legged workers ran to the distant miners' quarters, looking like they were responsible for above-ground work and hadn't yet contracted 'petrification'.

Soon a man lying on a stretcher was carried over by them. William took a look at the man, also in his forties, with strong muscles, thick joints, and thick calluses visible on his hands, feet, and shoulders, and the chubby Dmitri he had seen not long before had become two extremes.

He filled a bottle of water with the bottle he had just emptied and fed it into his mouth himself, then sprinkled some on his wounds and finally unleashed a level 0 'heal' on him.

Such healing measures for these mortal miners without order, the effect is almost immediately apparent, the original still frowning strong pain of the man, suddenly found his body seems to be fine, able to support a family's strength once again emerged.

He sat up and then stood up amidst the expectant gazes of the crowd, his mouth and eyes wide open, touching his legs, which were swollen and painful a minute ago, in disbelief.

He was completely healed at this point.

Cheers broke out once again, and he embraced the crowd one by one, then fell on his knees in front of William and said sincerely, "I will believe in Polenesius until my last breath, nor will I change."

William opened the canon in his hand, recited a few verses with a serious face, and then stroked the top of his head and accepted his conversion.

After completing this uplifting ritual, William ordered again, "Potions are limited, treat those miners who are most ill first."

Soon, some miners with ulcerated legs, completely unable to walk, and even the upper half of their bodies were also sick were carried out on stretchers and treated by William one by one.

Because William at this time does not 'heal', can only pay double MP use, so after he treated a dozen people, he had to take a break, and then treat the subsequent patients.

Also while he was staying in the supervisor's office with ice and airbox cooling and talking to several supervisors with uplifting expressions, the miner who was first cured by him personally came in with both hands holding a heavy bag and fell on his knees in front of William, offering it to him with both hands.

William took the bag and opened it. It was full of golden gores, probably dozens of them.

"This is the dedication of the mine to the church, please accept it on your behalf."

William had no reason to refuse and put this big bag of gold coins away.

A manager at the side only then whispered an explanation: "Please pardon us for our bad office conditions, there is all the cash the mine can use, but we have already notified the owner of this place, and more pious thanks will be sent soon."

William showed a pious expression and said, "All thanks to Father Polenesius in heaven."

The circle of people around also showed pious expressions, either real or fake, and said, "Thank you to the great Polenesius."

When they had used up all the potions, William promised them again that he would soon come here with more magic potions, and that they would just wait patiently.

Returning to the city by carriage, William first went to Demetrius and bought all the magic potions that were currently available and gave him a deposit, urging him to start production as soon as possible.

Seeing the gold coins, Dmitri's eyes emerged with two green rays of hunger and thirst, immediately patting his belly to make a promise, he let his workshop workers and apprentices work overtime day and night to produce potions.

After all this, William almost spent all the gold just earned, but now he already has a lot of 'melt rock' magic potion in his hands, and there will be more in the future.

The market for this kind of magic potion is extremely huge in the coming year, and it is a business worth investing in.