
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 106: Auction!

As Raymond approached the entrance, the murmur of voices from the main hall grew louder.

Stepping into the main hall, Raymond instantly became the center of attention.


Conversations ceased, and all eyes turned towards him, creating an eerie silence.

"That young man..."

"He's younger than I expected."

"Raymond Celestia!"

Whispers and murmurs rippled through the gathered guests, heads turning as they discreetly pointed fingers in Raymond's direction.


Raymond's eyes twinkled with amusement as he listened to the whispers around him. It was evident that they recognized him immediately.

"It looks like I've become famous overnight," he chuckled softly, observing the guests with intrigue.


Sin's demeanor tensed slightly as he glanced at Raymond, "Master..."

"I understand, it's okay," Raymond interrupted him, sensing what Sin was about to say.

His eyes sparkled with amusement as he observed the crowd. It was evident that many of them were skilled and well-trained individuals.

"So, it seems like these folks are part of their force. This is actually even better," Raymond mused quietly to himself.

Despite the seemingly casual chatter among the guests, Raymond noticed their vigilant postures and the way they kept eyeing him.

He knew that at the slightest hint of trouble, they would swiftly draw their concealed firearms hidden within their suits.


Sin nodded tensely, his eyes darting around the room with vigilance.

Despite Raymond's reassurance, Sin couldn't shake off his unease.

The sheer number of well-trained individuals in the hall was overwhelming.

"Damn it," Sin muttered under his breath, his teeth clenched tightly.

He knew that if a conflict were to erupt and those people turned hostile, he would be more of a liability than the bodyguard he was supposed to be.

"Ah, Mr. Celestia, you've finally arrived..."

A voice cut through the tension in the room, prompting Sin to turn his attention to a man and woman making their way towards them.

"I'm Max Ritz, representing the Giovanni Familia," the man introduced himself with a slight bow.

"I've heard of your remarkable achievements at such a young age. I must say, I'm quite the admirer. It's an honor to meet a legend..."

"I'm Catrina Bianchi, representing the Romano Familia. Pleasure to meet you," Catrina introduced herself, also offering a slight bow.

"Mr. Ritz, Ms. Bianchi, delightful to make your acquaintance," Raymond responded with a warm smile, nodding in acknowledgment of their introductions.

Glancing around the room, Raymond's smile widened even further.

"I've heard nothing but wonderful things about this event. I'm eagerly anticipating the treasures up for bidding."

"Ah, of course," Max replied while ignoring the clear hint of sarcasm in Raymond's tone.

He gestured for Raymond to follow him, offering, "Shall we show you to your seat, Mr. Celestia?"

"Sure, how convenient," Raymond responded with a smile.

They made their way towards the seating area, engaging in polite conversation as they navigated through the elegantly dressed crowd.

"Mr. Giovanni and Mr. Romano couldn't attend the auction?" Raymond inquired, scanning the room for the missing Ten Dons who were expected to be present.

Max appeared slightly flustered at the question, offering a wry smile.

"Yes, there seemed to be an urgent business matter that required their immediate attention for decision-making..."

"Oh? That's truly unfortunate. It would have been an honor to meet them all here," Raymond replied, his smile not quite matching his tone.

Max and Catrina exchanged uneasy glances, sensing a potential double meaning behind Raymond's words.

They couldn't help but feel tense in response.


Sin observed the exchange with a cold gaze, fully aware that Max and Catrina were their enemies.

"Ah, then I shall not take your precious time no more. Please enjoy the auction."

"I shall bring you the list of the item soon, please give me a moment."

After some brief small talk, both Max and Catrina excused themselves, informing Raymond that the auction was about to commence.

Raymond watched their departure, noticing a sense of urgency in their elegant strides.

"Poor souls," he muttered under his breath. "They came here thinking they could escape..."

"...Only to realize, there's no way out," he continued, his attention shifting towards the podium where a slightly shorter man with dark hair and a towering figure made their way to the center.

"It's about time, Sin," Raymond spoke.


Sin nodded as he channeled his Nen over to his hand ready to use his ability at any moment.

Meanwhile, at the podium...

Feitan's cold gaze swept over the crowd before he spoke in a chilling tone, "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Let us do without formal greeting..."

The atmosphere in the room was charged with excitement, but it quickly turned to a shock as Franklin abruptly pointed both hands towards them as the edges of his fingers popping open.

Feitan's words rang out ominously, "....You all die now!"


"Get down, everyone!"

The moment Feitan's voice echoed, a barrage of gunfire erupted, targeting the unsuspecting crowd.


Panic swept through the room like wildfire, screams piercing the air as people fell under the onslaught of bullets.

"Damn it!"

The curse was drowned out by the deafening noise as bodies crumpled to the floor, staining the polished tiles with crimson.

"Take cover, now!"

The urgent shout was barely audible over the pandemonium as the once-celebratory atmosphere dissolved into a nightmare of bloodshed and fear.

Gunfire rattled the room, mingling with the anguished cries of the wounded, painting a grim tableau of terror and carnage.

"...They seemed to be well-prepared for some reason."

Amid the chaos, Feitan noticed that most of these individuals were quick in action. 

Seeing Franklin's attack easily killed them made Feitan shook his head, "They're just a small fry, huh? Seems like there's nothing exciting..."


His attention, however, was quickly drawn to two figures who stood out amidst the turmoil.

Despite the danger, a man remained seated calmly, showing no sign of panic or alarm.

And someone who seemed to be his bodyguard stood in front of him as he put his hand up as the bullet seemingly bouncing off off an invisible barrier, shielding himself and the man he served from Franklin's deadly rain of bullets.

Seeing this made Feitan frowned even deeper as if he was annoyed...

However, in reality, he was feeling excited!

Still, his surprise didn't end here...


His attention shifted to Catrina, who clung to his feet in terror.

She looked around at the horrifying scene, filled with corpses and flowing blood, her face drained of color.

"That's cute,"

Raymond chuckled at her reaction.

Catrina shuddered as she met Raymond's gaze, feeling a chill run down her spine at the intensity of his stare and the danger lurking behind his smile.

"...Excuse me?"

"It's kinda cute that you seek refuge in your enemy's lap so shamelessly," he slowly spoke as he casually helped Catrina stand up with both hands, surprising her as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

She couldn't help but feel her chest racing as she looked into those crimson eyes and at the strikingly handsome face before her. "Mr. Celestia?"


"Still, you have to die though."


Catrina blinked in confusion at Raymond's words, but suddenly felt a push, widening her eyes in shock as she exclaimed, "Huh?"

Amidst the chaos, one of the bullets found its way toward her as she was now outside of Sin's protective shield.

Her head was hit, blood splattering onto Raymond's face and suit.

After a while, the rain of bullets ceased, leaving Sin breathing heavily.

Raymond rose from his seat and patted him on the shoulder, "Good job..."

"Thank you, Master..."

"Now, why don't we talk about why you guys are coming for me now?"

Raymond turned slowly toward the Phantom Troupe members who were approaching him with a chuckle.


Next Chapter: Feitan Portor!


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